From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

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_Doctor Scratch
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From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _Doctor Scratch »

A very interesting PM appeared recently in my InBox. There were two crucial bits of information, one of which I will save for a rainy day. The other, however, I found intriguing, and potentially explosive. As always, I want to caution readers to treat the information with skepticism. Part of the reason that I post material like this is in the hopes that someone can either confirm or deny it--I am always hoping that someone with ancillary or corroborative information will step forward. So, take this for what it's worth.

In any case, what I've been told is that the Maxwell Institute stands to benefit from a massive new influx of money--something in the "multi millions," according to my source, which was obtained from a very wealthy LDS Church member. The odd catch to this donation is that, apparently, the disbursement and handling of this huge amount of funding is entirely under the control of Dan Peterson. (I'll add that I find this peculiar; usually, donations of this size are lorded over by committee, though this being the world of Mormonism--nay, Mopologetics--anything is possible.) If this is true, it means that DCP and his interests will effectively control the direction of Maxwell Institute apologetics for the foreseeable future.

Interestingly, my informant is under the impression that Dan Peterson is at odds with current MI Executive Director M. Gerald Bradford: "he and Gerald Bradford have never seen eye to eye and that Peterson has tried for many years . . . to take his place as executive director of the MI." Does this mean that we will soon see Dr. P. ascend to the absolute highest echelon of MI power? That remains to be seen, of course, but this was all very interesting, in any case.

Again: bear in mind that I cannot personally verify any of this. I offer it in the hopes that someone else might be able to, and/or because it clearly seems of interest to people involved in this ongoing, endlessly fascinating Mopologetic Saga.
"[I]f, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _lulu »

Doctor Scratch wrote:The odd catch to this donation is that, apparently, the disbursement and handling of this huge amount of funding is entirely under the control of Dan Peterson.

Universities are usually loath to give that kind of control to a donor, but hey, ya never know.
"And the human knew the source of life, the woman of him, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, 'I have procreated a man with Yahweh.'" Gen. 4:1, interior quote translated by D. Bokovoy.
_Willy Law
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _Willy Law »

Can someone tell me why the Neil Maxwell Institute is important in any way shape or form? I would venture to guess the rank and file member has never heard of FARMS and probably has never heard of Daniel Peterson. Last week I had a long discussion with my parents. Dad is a two time bishop, stake presidency etc, Mom has had every leadership calling a women is allowed as well as attending education week each year for the past 10 or so years and neither of them had ever heard of FARMS or Dan Peterson.

Who is this institute intended to influence? Intellectuals? Critics?
Sorry for the jack Dr. Scratch, I just don't see what they do as having any effect on anyone but themselves and perhaps critics.
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Bruce R. McConkie
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _Infymus »

Willy Law wrote:Can someone tell me why the Neil Maxwell Institute is important in any way shape or form? I would venture to guess the rank and file member has never heard of FARMS and probably has never heard of Daniel Peterson.

Dan hasn't got anything the Cult wants. Dan craves attention and since he can't get positive, he goes for the negative. Dan wants to sink into the annals of Mormondum so this is his only shot at that. Plus Dan loves to call out his own name. Problem is, nobody is hearing it but him.
_Doctor Scratch
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _Doctor Scratch »

Willy Law wrote:Can someone tell me why the Neil Maxwell Institute is important in any way shape or form? I would venture to guess the rank and file member has never heard of FARMS and probably has never heard of Daniel Peterson. Last week I had a long discussion with my parents. Dad is a two time bishop, stake presidency etc, Mom has had every leadership calling a women is allowed as well as attending education week each year for the past 10 or so years and neither of them had ever heard of FARMS or Dan Peterson.

Who is this institute intended to influence? Intellectuals? Critics?
Sorry for the jack Dr. Scratch, I just don't see what they do as having any effect on anyone but themselves and perhaps critics.

Hi, Willy. I think you raise some valid points. The MI is kind of its own world, but in response to your questions, I would say that the apologists control the intellectual (maybe I should write that as "intellectual," with scare quotes) direction of the Church. I've seen Dallin Oaks suggest that he relies on the apologists to provide the answers to tough questions--i.e., he mentioned in some speech that he was drawing upon an apologetic that had been developed by Jack "The King" Welch. Remember, too, that it was Oaks who allegedly said that the FARMS exists to prevent the Church from being "outflanked" by critics. And this recent Randy Bott thing? With the Church saying that it "doesn't know" why the ban existed? That is straight out of the apologists' playbook. That's just not something you'd expect the Brethren to say; this is Mopologetics-speak.

I don't think the typical rank-and-file knows or cares about the MI apologists because I don't think that the typical Mormon's experience is "intellectual" in nature. I think the average LDS just goes to Church, feels good spiritually, enjoys the communal feelings, uses the teachings to connect with family, and so forth. Seeing Ed Decker, Shawn McCraney, and Rod Meldrum get smacked down and attacked in print just isn't very high on the list of priorities for the rank-and-file. But the Mopologists care very much about this sort of thing, and I believe that, on some level, the Brethren do, too.
"[I]f, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
_Willy Law
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _Willy Law »

Thanks Scratch
It is my province to teach to the Church what the doctrine is. It is your province to echo what I say or to remain silent.
Bruce R. McConkie
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _Gadianton »


While the MI doesn't matter to many people, least of all scholars, it has risen slightly in importance ever since the church leaders decided to farm out doctrine and focus on new business ventures. While Meldrum and others may be more important in the lives of orthodox LDS, the MI and FAIR take on the dirty jobs with a smile.

As Scratch pointed out, recent issues seem to call for "street justice." There aren't many names in the yellow pages here. Now, I've always believed the brethren have seen this farming out as competitive, it reduces liability and costs of official endorsement, and the MI hasn't done very well here.

But I suppose that could change, just have to watch it unfold.
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _harmony »

Doctor Scratch wrote:If this is true, it means that DCP and his interests will effectively control the direction of Maxwell Institute apologetics for the foreseeable future.

I thought he already did. How is this news?
(Nevo, Jan 23) And the Melchizedek Priesthood may not have been restored until the summer of 1830, several months after the organization of the Church.
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _Carton »

Doctor Scratch wrote:A very interesting PM appeared recently in my InBox. There were two crucial bits of information, one of which I will save for a rainy day. The other, however, I found intriguing, and potentially explosive. As always, I want to caution readers to treat the information with skepticism. Part of the reason that I post material like this is in the hopes that someone can either confirm or deny it--I am always hoping that someone with ancillary or corroborative information will step forward. So, take this for what it's worth.

In any case, what I've been told is that the Maxwell Institute stands to benefit from a massive new influx of money--something in the "multi millions," according to my source, which was obtained from a very wealthy LDS Church member. The odd catch to this donation is that, apparently, the disbursement and handling of this huge amount of funding is entirely under the control of Dan Peterson. (I'll add that I find this peculiar; usually, donations of this size are lorded over by committee, though this being the world of Mormonism--nay, Mopologetics--anything is possible.) If this is true, it means that DCP and his interests will effectively control the direction of Maxwell Institute apologetics for the foreseeable future.

Interestingly, my informant is under the impression that Dan Peterson is at odds with current MI Executive Director M. Gerald Bradford: "he and Gerald Bradford have never seen eye to eye and that Peterson has tried for many years . . . to take his place as executive director of the MI." Does this mean that we will soon see Dr. P. ascend to the absolute highest echelon of MI power? That remains to be seen, of course, but this was all very interesting, in any case.

Again: bear in mind that I cannot personally verify any of this. I offer it in the hopes that someone else might be able to, and/or because it clearly seems of interest to people involved in this ongoing, endlessly fascinating Mopologetic Saga.

Wow, Doctor Scratch! This is stunning information, if true. I'm surprised it has mostly gone without comment. Peterson wielding dictatorial control over FARMS into the future----that translates into the same ole same ole hard core mopologetics.

You would think BYU administators would have a problem with a rogue operation run by an independently funded virtual dictator.
"I do not want you to think that I am very righteous, for I am not."
Joseph Smith (History of the Church 5:401)
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Re: From My Informant: A Coup for the Old Guard?

Post by _harmony »

Carton wrote:Wow, Doctor Scratch! This is stunning information, if true. I'm surprised it has mostly gone without comment. Peterson wielding dictatorial control over FARMS into the future----that translates into the same ole same ole hard core mopologetics.

You would think BYU administators would have a problem with a rogue operation run by an independently funded virtual dictator.

I'm not sure there's a lot of oversight of BYU professors. They're pretty much beyond Honor Code violations at their age.
(Nevo, Jan 23) And the Melchizedek Priesthood may not have been restored until the summer of 1830, several months after the organization of the Church.
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