The dots don't connect

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sock puppet
1st Counselor
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Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:29 pm

The dots don't connect

Post by sock puppet »

In another thread, Dr Exile wrote
While on my mission, I would give the Book of Mormon to an investigator and on return, I would ask for any good experience that the investigator had while reading the Book of Mormon or at any time while I was away. This good feeling could be literally anything and I would call it an answer that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and then I would rush to set a baptism date. This fraudulent system worked. It was straight out of the missionary guide. Our AP mastered it to perfection and many joined. I was in his area after he left, doing the same thing, ... .
Of course, there's the rub. We as humans have good experiences, good feelings all the time. The LDS church and its missionaries try to convince us that when such run parallel in time to when receiving the discussions, reading the Book of Mormon, etc. that such is cause and effect (the Holy Ghost confirming) rather than mere coincidence. Nevermind that you ate hot salsa an hour before you experienced a 'burning in your bosom'. Nevermind that you push yourself emotionally so earnestly in prolonged, repeated prayer about LDS/Book of Mormon that when you feel the relief from letting up, you ascribe that relief to a 'witness from the Holy Ghost.' It's all actually an old parlor trick. The dots don't connect.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal." Groucho Marx
"The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie." Mark Twain
The best lack all conviction, while the worst//Are full of passionate intensity." Yeats
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