Libertarian Utopias

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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Marcus »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:24 pm

Cool story, bro. I doubt anyone here believes that you believe what you posted here. While I would agree that there is a dominant clique here, your description of a plan would be a paranoid delusion if you believed it. As it is, it's just belligerent trolling of the type you've been engaged in since you got here.

You chose to declare war on a group of people that hadn't done anything to you. And you did it by trying to drive wedge between Shades and the people that have posted on his board for decades. And, although you don't realize it, against the very people that stepped up and rescued this board when it was dead as a doornail. For all the attempted sucking up to Shades you've done, you've tried your hardest to sabotage what he's tried to create here. You have shown him complete disrespect through your actions. You've made your intent crystal clear here: you've labeled a large group of people here "cockroaches" and your goal is to "exterminate" them. Under the most generous of interpretations, that means you deliberately abuse the liberty that Shades offers everyone here in order to deprive the "cockroaches" of their ability to use Shades's site to communicate. You are the classic example of projection -- while you accuse everyone else of suppressing your point of view, it's you who wants to completely suppress the "disease" of progressivism. You are no supporter of free speech -- you're the enemy of free speech. And that's crystal clear from your own words.
Atlanticmike wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 7:15 pm
Good try Perry Mason, but just because you learned how to lie in law school doesn’t mean you’re good at it. Like I said, the Backwards Professor confirmed what I’ve been saying for 8 months now, this is an ECHO CHAMBER. ..
Mods, it's simply not possible that AM didn't realize how sarcastic philo was being.( If he truly believes philo seriously and intentionally defined this as an echo chamber in his posts to AM, then we have an obligation to protect the mentally challenged, and AM's guardians need to be contacted.)

The fact that AM continues to present this idea as factual when it is obvious it is not is just additional evidence of his intent to continue disrupting the forums.

He won't stop trolling-- he has made that absolutely clear.

Are the moderators in a position yet to make a decision on this?
. I want you to make a good faith effort to stay within the rules instead of your constant attempts to find and exploit loopholes and rules lawyer over technicalities.
Could board members make a request that there be a limit to the number of times you give this poster yet one more chance?
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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Atlanticmike »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:00 pm
Atlanticmike wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 7:15 pm

Good try Perry Mason, but just because you learned how to lie in law school doesn’t mean you’re good at it. Like I said, the Backwards Professor confirmed what I’ve been saying for 8 months now, this is an ECHO CHAMBER. I think you confirmed that too didn't you? You guys built a progressive ECHO CHAMBER despite Universal rule #1. And you can’t have an ECHO CHAMBER and universal rule #1 without conflict, ain’t gonna happen. What do you think is gonna happen when new posters read the rules, think wow, everyone is welcome, then come to find out there’s a big ECHO CHAMBER smack dab in the middle of the board? That’s correct, conflict like we’re having now. Shades has givin the members of your ECHO CHAMBER everything you guys have asked him for, and nothing has satisfied your Progressive appetite. Nothing at all, not even given up his power. You’re to blinded by your cognitive bias to realize you guys caused this problem way before I came along. And now you’ve grown accustomed to being the bullies on the block and you’re upset because the new kid isn’t running away when you send the goon squad out. You want me to turn around and run away but instead I’m in your face and and I’m laughing at you. It’s driving you crazy.
The Backyard Professor doesn't speak for me or the board. And I certainly do not agree that this site is an "ECHO CHAMBER." You've repeatedly, and hilariously, labeled people as part of your delusional "progressive cabal" that aren't even progressive. You've put me in the same "clique" with people I don't get along with at all. This is a BS narrative you keep parroting over and over as your excuse to try and drive people you disagree with out of this forum by trolling the crap out of it. You keep waiving UR 1 around, when it's you who has admitted that you see "progressives" as "cockroaches" to be "exterminated." You don't support UR 1 at all -- not when you label people you have a political disagreement with as "cockroaches" to be "exterminated."

As I keep saying and you keep ignoring, you came here during a lapse in moderation. Since moderation has resumed, everyone but you and Binger has modified their behavior. You keep using someone else's months ago behavior as an excuse to continue your own bad behavior. That's one of several tells that exposes your act here as 100% phoney. If you were really concerned about treatment of others, you'd have noticed that everyone else adjusted their behavior and adjusted yours to conform to the rules. But you didn't. In fact, you escalated from your own political trolling threads, to other threads in Paradise, to Terrestial.

I know that you can start substantive, non-trolling threads. I thought your hallway thread in Terrestial was excellent and presented a point of view not often expressed here. And you got a pretty positive reaction by people who posted in that thread. But, for some reason, that wasn't entertaining enough for you, so you went right back to straight trolling.

You've alienated enough people on the board (including some conservatives) that I'm pretty sure I don't speak for the board on this, but I don't want you to turn around and run away. Or walk away. Or even back away. All I want you to do is stop trying to pretend your the new Sheriff in town with some kind of mandate to impose your vision of what the board should be on everyone else. I want you to stop trying to exterminate the cockroaches. I want you to make a good faith effort to stay within the rules instead of your constant attempts to find and exploit loopholes and rules lawyer over technicalities. Just like everybody has been doing most of the time since the mod team was appointed. I want to see more posts from you like your hallways post. I'll bet you've got dozens of interesting stories like it. But you're too damn insecure to drop the act. I believe that you proudly announced in a post that we'd never see the "real" Atlanticmike. That's a loss for us. But it's a real loss for you. Because you act like a number of posters that I've bumped into over the years that haven't really come to terms with Mormonism. This is actually a pretty good place to work that kind of thing out, if you'll drop the B.S. and just be yourself.

That's what I want, and I think I've been pretty consistent with you about that since Shades appointed me as a mod. Nobody here speaks for me but me.
Bull Hockey. You can keep living in your delusional world all you want, but not everyone has changed there behavior. Heck. You just told Kevin he was trolling over on his new thread and he acted shocked you would say such a thing.😂 Why? Because of the ECHO CHAMBER I’ve been describing for months, and now I have proof of because one of the super celebrities of the board, The Backwards Professor, actually agrees with me.

Here’s some more proof of the ECHO CHAMBER. Here’s what Mr ECHO CHAMBER, Kevin, said on his new thread, “”Dunno, i’ve posted things like this for years and have never been accused of trolling. I explain why it’s not trolling, but you can take it or leave it I guess.”” 😂 Come on, you gotta admit that’s funnier then funny. He’s been in an ECHO CHAMBER so long you actually hurt his feelings by saying what you did to him. I appreciate what you actually asked him, but it was still really really funny.

Here’s what’s going to happen. Either you’ll get rid of me and the ECHO CHAMBER will be rebuilt. Or I’ll stay around and you’ll find out the ones who are opposed to change the most will be Jersey, Doc, Schmo, Kevin, Gadianton, Marcus/Lem. I actually think pancakes has the ability to change and I actually think you’re fairly reasonable. If you can figure out a way to crack that nut i’ll nominate you lawyer of the year.
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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Res Ipsa »

To clarify,

My purpose in describing what I "want" from Mike was to counter his statement that I wanted him to turn tail and run. That's a figment of his imagination. Mike has has known for months what I "want" him to do. He hasn't done it, and he's clearly communicated that he won't. That post does not reflect on my opinion as to what, if any, action the mod team should take. The people with opinions on that topic have expressed them quite clearly and I think we understand them.

On the topic of moderator action. The policy here, at least since I've been a moderator, has been not to publicly announce when restrictions are placed on a forum member's posting privileges, whether that restriction is prior approval in certain kingdoms or a complete suspension of privileges. There have been certain exceptions, which are understandable. Shades has been very clear that the purpose of privilege restrictions is to encourage compliance with the rules, not to punish. The temptation to use the fact that restrictions were imposed as something to club a forum member with over weeks or years is too great for some to resist. That runs counter to the stated purpose of restrictions. So, you should not expect us to announce that X's posting privileges have been limited as follows:.....

I anticipate that we'll be posting an announcement addressing the subject of trolling soon.
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Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Jersey Girl »

If AM genuinely thought this was an echo chamber dominated by progressives, he would have:

1. Come armed with facts to dismantle the positions of others and the facts that they bring to the table.

2. He would have argued his position on any given topic in good faith.

Instead he has:

1. Habitually made claims about the board.
2. Habitually fabricated fantasies about it's posters.
3. Habitually attacked the posters via ad hom instead of attacking their positions.

He is a troll. He intended to be a troll. He has been a troll. He will always be a troll. It's like Putin trying to overtake Ukraine where he is outgunned and reliant on propaganda.

I rest my case.
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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Res Ipsa »

Atlanticmike wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:21 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:00 pm

The Backyard Professor doesn't speak for me or the board. And I certainly do not agree that this site is an "ECHO CHAMBER." You've repeatedly, and hilariously, labeled people as part of your delusional "progressive cabal" that aren't even progressive. You've put me in the same "clique" with people I don't get along with at all. This is a BS narrative you keep parroting over and over as your excuse to try and drive people you disagree with out of this forum by trolling the crap out of it. You keep waiving UR 1 around, when it's you who has admitted that you see "progressives" as "cockroaches" to be "exterminated." You don't support UR 1 at all -- not when you label people you have a political disagreement with as "cockroaches" to be "exterminated."

As I keep saying and you keep ignoring, you came here during a lapse in moderation. Since moderation has resumed, everyone but you and Binger has modified their behavior. You keep using someone else's months ago behavior as an excuse to continue your own bad behavior. That's one of several tells that exposes your act here as 100% phoney. If you were really concerned about treatment of others, you'd have noticed that everyone else adjusted their behavior and adjusted yours to conform to the rules. But you didn't. In fact, you escalated from your own political trolling threads, to other threads in Paradise, to Terrestial.

I know that you can start substantive, non-trolling threads. I thought your hallway thread in Terrestial was excellent and presented a point of view not often expressed here. And you got a pretty positive reaction by people who posted in that thread. But, for some reason, that wasn't entertaining enough for you, so you went right back to straight trolling.

You've alienated enough people on the board (including some conservatives) that I'm pretty sure I don't speak for the board on this, but I don't want you to turn around and run away. Or walk away. Or even back away. All I want you to do is stop trying to pretend your the new Sheriff in town with some kind of mandate to impose your vision of what the board should be on everyone else. I want you to stop trying to exterminate the cockroaches. I want you to make a good faith effort to stay within the rules instead of your constant attempts to find and exploit loopholes and rules lawyer over technicalities. Just like everybody has been doing most of the time since the mod team was appointed. I want to see more posts from you like your hallways post. I'll bet you've got dozens of interesting stories like it. But you're too damn insecure to drop the act. I believe that you proudly announced in a post that we'd never see the "real" Atlanticmike. That's a loss for us. But it's a real loss for you. Because you act like a number of posters that I've bumped into over the years that haven't really come to terms with Mormonism. This is actually a pretty good place to work that kind of thing out, if you'll drop the B.S. and just be yourself.

That's what I want, and I think I've been pretty consistent with you about that since Shades appointed me as a mod. Nobody here speaks for me but me.
Bull Hockey. You can keep living in your delusional world all you want, but not everyone has changed there behavior. Heck. You just told Kevin he was trolling over on his new thread and he acted shocked you would say such a thing.😂 Why? Because of the ECHO CHAMBER I’ve been describing for months, and now I have proof of because one of the super celebrities of the board, The Backwards Professor, actually agrees with me.

Here’s some more proof of the ECHO CHAMBER. Here’s what Mr ECHO CHAMBER, Kevin, said on his new thread, “”Dunno, i’ve posted things like this for years and have never been accused of trolling. I explain why it’s not trolling, but you can take it or leave it I guess.”” 😂 Come on, you gotta admit that’s funnier then funny. He’s been in an ECHO CHAMBER so long you actually hurt his feelings by saying what you did to him. I appreciate what you actually asked him, but it was still really really funny.

Here’s what’s going to happen. Either you’ll get rid of me and the ECHO CHAMBER will be rebuilt. Or I’ll stay around and you’ll find out the ones who are opposed to change the most will be Jersey, Doc, Schmo, Kevin, Gadianton, Marcus/Lem. I actually think canpakes has the ability to change and I actually think you’re fairly reasonable. If you can figure out a way to crack that nut i’ll nominate you lawyer of the year.
I didn't claim that everyone was in perfect compliance with the rules at all times. I said they'd modified their behavior. The number one subject of your original complaints was Cam, who absolutely modified his behavior when the mod team was appointed. Kevin has modified his as well, although he's not in perfect compliance. You, on the other hand, have proudly escalated your trolling.

You don't have "proof" at all. You trolled Philo into a sarcastic reply, and then disingenuously pretended that he was serious. That's straight out of trolling 101. Do you really think your trolling techniques are new and original? They're not. They're utterly predictable.

You don't have any idea what's going to happen.
When I go to sea, don’t fear for me. Fear for the storm.

Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Atlanticmike »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:27 pm
To clarify,

My purpose in describing what I "want" from Mike was to counter his statement that I wanted him to turn tail and run. That's a figment of his imagination. Mike has has known for months what I "want" him to do. He hasn't done it, and he's clearly communicated that he won't. That post does not reflect on my opinion as to what, if any, action the mod team should take. The people with opinions on that topic have expressed them quite clearly and I think we understand them.

On the topic of moderator action. The policy here, at least since I've been a moderator, has been not to publicly announce when restrictions are placed on a forum member's posting privileges, whether that restriction is prior approval in certain kingdoms or a complete suspension of privileges. There have been certain exceptions, which are understandable. Shades has been very clear that the purpose of privilege restrictions is to encourage compliance with the rules, not to punish. The temptation to use the fact that restrictions were imposed as something to club a forum member with over weeks or years is too great for some to resist. That runs counter to the stated purpose of restrictions. So, you should not expect us to announce that X's posting privileges have been limited as follows:.....

I anticipate that we'll be posting an announcement addressing the subject of trolling soon.
You’re correct, i’ve understood exactly what you want me to do. You want me to just sit on my hands when Kevin starts threads titled Herschel Walker debunks evolution, then he opens with a post that says “” OMG does being ridiculously stupid something that naturally comes with being a conservative these days?“” yeah. You want me to ignore that. You want me to believe that’s not trolling . Basically he’s been trolling for years, I noticed within 15 minutes of finding this board and decided I was going to mirror his foolishness. Everyone I named in my last post are progressive trolls that grew comfortable with logging on in the morning to see which one of their ECHO CHAMBER butt buddies had insulted Ajax18 the best the day before. They grew way to comfortable in the ECHO CHAMBER. That’s what Shades meant when he said I was like a canary in the coal mine. And I agree. I’m like a canary flying around holding up a mirror and I’m making you look in the mirror and you guys are extremely uncomfortable.
Last edited by Atlanticmike on Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Jersey Girl »

Atlanticmike wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:21 pm
Or I’ll stay around and you’ll find out the ones who are opposed to change the most will be Jersey, Doc, Schmo, Kevin, Gadianton, Marcus/Lem. I actually think pancakes has the ability to change and I actually think you’re fairly reasonable. If you can figure out a way to crack that nut i’ll nominate you lawyer of the year.
On a board with 6 kingdoms (technically 8) and 365 registered posters, you name a total of 6 posters whom you think are trying to control the remainder.

The truth is, that the posters here and many others who haven't crossed over, were calling for the reestablishment of the mod team long before this new board was built. This was told to you and Binger both repeatedly. There is nothing new under the sun here. The board has always had a functional mod team since it's inception. The posters have always subjected themselves to mod correction when corrective action was taken. The only poster here right now that refuses to accept mod correction and/or you.

You're making it up as you go along because you are ill equipped to participate here. If you weren't ill equipped to participate here, you would have already integrated into the community having earned the respect of many.

What you don't understand and what you haven't attempted to understand, you've tried to destroy.

And you can't destroy it. It's indestructible.
We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Atlanticmike »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:39 pm
Atlanticmike wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:21 pm

Bull Hockey. You can keep living in your delusional world all you want, but not everyone has changed there behavior. Heck. You just told Kevin he was trolling over on his new thread and he acted shocked you would say such a thing.😂 Why? Because of the ECHO CHAMBER I’ve been describing for months, and now I have proof of because one of the super celebrities of the board, The Backwards Professor, actually agrees with me.

Here’s some more proof of the ECHO CHAMBER. Here’s what Mr ECHO CHAMBER, Kevin, said on his new thread, “”Dunno, i’ve posted things like this for years and have never been accused of trolling. I explain why it’s not trolling, but you can take it or leave it I guess.”” 😂 Come on, you gotta admit that’s funnier then funny. He’s been in an ECHO CHAMBER so long you actually hurt his feelings by saying what you did to him. I appreciate what you actually asked him, but it was still really really funny.

Here’s what’s going to happen. Either you’ll get rid of me and the ECHO CHAMBER will be rebuilt. Or I’ll stay around and you’ll find out the ones who are opposed to change the most will be Jersey, Doc, Schmo, Kevin, Gadianton, Marcus/Lem. I actually think canpakes has the ability to change and I actually think you’re fairly reasonable. If you can figure out a way to crack that nut i’ll nominate you lawyer of the year.
I didn't claim that everyone was in perfect compliance with the rules at all times. I said they'd modified their behavior. The number one subject of your original complaints was Cam, who absolutely modified his behavior when the mod team was appointed. Kevin has modified his as well, although he's not in perfect compliance. You, on the other hand, have proudly escalated your trolling.

You don't have "proof" at all. You trolled Philo into a sarcastic reply, and then disingenuously pretended that he was serious. That's straight out of trolling 101. Do you really think your trolling techniques are new and original? They're not. They're utterly predictable.

You don't have any idea what's going to happen.
😂🤣😂🤣 God I love lawyers. That wasn’t a sarcastic reply from the backwards professor he actually said it more than once.
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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Res Ipsa »

Atlanticmike wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:50 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:27 pm
To clarify,

My purpose in describing what I "want" from Mike was to counter his statement that I wanted him to turn tail and run. That's a figment of his imagination. Mike has has known for months what I "want" him to do. He hasn't done it, and he's clearly communicated that he won't. That post does not reflect on my opinion as to what, if any, action the mod team should take. The people with opinions on that topic have expressed them quite clearly and I think we understand them.

On the topic of moderator action. The policy here, at least since I've been a moderator, has been not to publicly announce when restrictions are placed on a forum member's posting privileges, whether that restriction is prior approval in certain kingdoms or a complete suspension of privileges. There have been certain exceptions, which are understandable. Shades has been very clear that the purpose of privilege restrictions is to encourage compliance with the rules, not to punish. The temptation to use the fact that restrictions were imposed as something to club a forum member with over weeks or years is too great for some to resist. That runs counter to the stated purpose of restrictions. So, you should not expect us to announce that X's posting privileges have been limited as follows:.....

I anticipate that we'll be posting an announcement addressing the subject of trolling soon.
You’re correct, i’ve understood exactly what you want me to do. You want me to just sit on my hands when Kevin starts threads titled Herschel Walker debunks evolution, then he opens with a post that says “” OMG does being ridiculously stupid something that naturally comes with being a conservative these days?“” yeah. You want me to ignore that. You want me to believe that’s not trolling . Basically he’s been trolling for years, I noticed within 15 minutes of finding this board and decided I was going to mirror his foolishness. Everyone I named in my last post are progressive trolls that grew comfortable with logging on in the morning to see which one of their ECHO CHAMBER butt buddies had insulted Ajax18 the best the day before. They grew way to comfortable in the ECHO CHAMBER. That’s what Shades meant when he said I was like a canary in the coal mine. And I agree. I’m like a canary flying around holding up a mirror and I’m making you look in the mirror and you guys are extremely uncomfortable.
More clowning. I've told you exactly what I want you to do. I've never asked you to sit on your hands. I've never asked you to ignore anything. What I've asked you to do is report it and let us do our jobs instead of breaking the rules in the guise of acting as self-appointed moderator.

Your "mirror" only reflects some pretty ugly stuff about yourself. You keep making up wild stories to excuse your own bad behavior and blame it on others. You, and only you, are responsible for your own behavior. You don't get to point at someone else's behavior as an excuse.

As a moderator, I don't care what Kevin or anyone else did years ago. My job isn't to punish board behavior that happened years or decades ago. That was some other moderator's job. And it's not your job either. No one appointed you board nanny or moderator or the new Sheriff or God. Neither Shades nor anyone else has asked you to avenge things that happened years ago. No one asked you to be a vigilante who ignores the actual rules and enforces his own brand of "justice."

And spare me your interpretations of what Shades meant. The last time you played that card you selectively quoted him and left out the very next paragraph that completely destroyed your argument.
When I go to sea, don’t fear for me. Fear for the storm.

Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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Res Ipsa
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Re: Libertarian Utopias

Post by Res Ipsa »

Atlanticmike wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:54 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:39 pm

I didn't claim that everyone was in perfect compliance with the rules at all times. I said they'd modified their behavior. The number one subject of your original complaints was Cam, who absolutely modified his behavior when the mod team was appointed. Kevin has modified his as well, although he's not in perfect compliance. You, on the other hand, have proudly escalated your trolling.

You don't have "proof" at all. You trolled Philo into a sarcastic reply, and then disingenuously pretended that he was serious. That's straight out of trolling 101. Do you really think your trolling techniques are new and original? They're not. They're utterly predictable.

You don't have any idea what's going to happen.
😂🤣😂🤣 God I love lawyers. That wasn’t a sarcastic reply from the backwards professor he actually said it more than once.
Oh, thanks. I didn't realize there was a one use limit on sarcasm.
When I go to sea, don’t fear for me. Fear for the storm.

Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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