A Different Jesus ?

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Post by _Yoda »

Jason Bourne wrote:
GIMR wrote:There is only one Jesus, however there are different perceptions of Him. Instead of focusing on "who is right", focus on following His example.

'Nuff said.

Now I like this too.

It seems that much religious consternation is made over getting theological intricacies correct.

Fundies think LDS are awful because LDS do not accept the same creeds, interpretation of scripture etc, that they do when it comes to Jesus. But LDS believe that however we understand Jesus, he can do what he says in the Bible, LDS do view Him as one with the Father in many ways, believe he has all the power of God, is God, and so on.

Whether he is one substance with the Father, voluntarily subordinate, created after the Father, or whatever, does this take away the fact the LDS believe Jesus is the only way they can be saved?

Of course many fundies will say Paul warned of another gospel and another Jesus. LDS though argue it is the fundie who gets the wrong Jesus and it goes on and on and on.

My take is there is a God, Jesus is His son and my savior. How and exactly what they are, how the interact, what they are made of, spirit or body or both, I really do not care. Unless God tells you face to face what he is you really do not know anyhow.

I'll add a big AMEN to this! :)
_Jason Bourne
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Post by _Jason Bourne »

1. Spirit brother of Satan

Technically yes. But the fact that He was chosen in the beginning and One with the Father from the beginning makes Him so much more then that.

Even so, how does this impact His ability to save us and be all that the Bible and LDS believe Him to be?

2. Created Being

Arius almost one the say at Nicea. Had he you might believe the same thing. But really, LDS believe all God's spirit children are co-eternal. Technically none of us were created.

But if He was created how does this stop Him from being able to save us?

3. Exalted Man

LDS speculate the Father is an exalted man. They believe Jesus was God before His birth and is God with a body, and exalted man now if you will, after this earth life.

Don't other Christians believe Jesus was a man and is God? Thus in a way an exalted man.

But regardless, how does this prohibit Him from saving us?
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Post by _Gazelam »

You ask: "Why do many LDS disagree with you on this?"

I would say because many LDS don't understand the question. To an LDS the Christ we teach is the same Christ, until you begin delveing into the commentary that goes along with Born Again Christian theology.

Take the trinity for example. To a Born Again Christian God is like water and can be represented as Liquid, Ice, Or Vapor. That is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in one being. Make sence to you? Of coarce its understandable since we cannot comprehend God. God is a mystery.

Unless you take Christ at his word. John 17:3
3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

If we are to know the Father through the Son, then what do we know of the Son? What are his own words? Mat. 12:50
50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Its by obedience to the principles that Christ taught, being baptised, takeing on his name, being obedient to the commandments, that we gain the culture of that kingdom. We become a part of that family. When we take on the name of Christ, we obtain the blesings associated with that name.

God made man in his own image (Gen. 1:26-27) and gave him commandments that he might choose of his own free will to seek after the culture of heaven. In this way we see who is worthy to share in eternal life with our Heavenly Father and mother, alongside our brother Jesus Christ and his wife.

What Father did not have a wife also? What child ever came from a single parent? If the Father is our Father, the same Father spoken of by Jesus Christ, then by obedience to the declaration made by the savior, we can receive the same reward.

This is all blasphemy and corrupt teachings to a Born Again Christian, but ask them to teach from the scriptures against it, they cannot.

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. - Plato
_Roger Morrison
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Post by _Roger Morrison »

GIMR wrote:There is only one Jesus, however there are different perceptions of Him. Instead of focusing on "who is right", focus on following His example.

'Nuff said.

GIMR: Great-In-My-Regard!! "Wisdom from the mouths of babes" doesn't come close to wisdom from the mouth of a wise Black Woman! There's that essence again--"...Two New Commandments..."

Spong is currently discussing the "miracles of Jesus" in his news letter. Interesting stuff IF one is able to reach out through the bars... Warm regards, Roger
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Re: richardMDborn

Post by _richardMdBorn »

Gazelam wrote:You ask: "Why do many LDS disagree with you on this?"

I would say because many LDS don't understand the question. To an LDS the Christ we teach is the same Christ, until you begin delveing into the commentary that goes along with Born Again Christian theology.

Take the trinity for example. To a Born Again Christian God is like water and can be represented as Liquid, Ice, Or Vapor. That is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in one being. Make sence to you? Of coarce its understandable since we cannot comprehend God. God is a mystery.

Unless you take Christ at his word. John 17:3
3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

If we are to know the Father through the Son, then what do we know of the Son? What are his own words? Mat. 12:50
50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Its by obedience to the principles that Christ taught, being baptised, takeing on his name, being obedient to the commandments, that we gain the culture of that kingdom. We become a part of that family. When we take on the name of Christ, we obtain the blesings associated with that name.

God made man in his own image (Gen. 1:26-27) and gave him commandments that he might choose of his own free will to seek after the culture of heaven. In this way we see who is worthy to share in eternal life with our Heavenly Father and mother, alongside our brother Jesus Christ and his wife.

What Father did not have a wife also? What child ever came from a single parent? If the Father is our Father, the same Father spoken of by Jesus Christ, then by obedience to the declaration made by the savior, we can receive the same reward.

This is all blasphemy and corrupt teachings to a Born Again Christian, but ask them to teach from the scriptures against it, they cannot.

How do you know that evangelicals cannot teach from the Bible against these LDS beliefs. How many evangelicals have you discussed this with?

"In this way we see who is worthy to share in eternal life with our Heavenly Father and mother, alongside our brother Jesus Christ and his wife."

Please explain this in light of "There is none righteous, no, not one" Rom 3:10

To be continued
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Jesus is God

Post by _msnobody »

Thought I'd mention this verse since it presented itself to me this week...
"Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen." Rom. 9:5
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Post by _Gazelam »

No one questions that Jesus is God. He is equal in all things with his Father. Its called "Divine investiture of authority". They are one.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. - Plato
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Re: msnobody

Post by _JAK »

Gazelam wrote:No one questions that Jesus is God. He is equal in all things with his Father. Its called "Divine investiture of authority". They are one.

The notion that “No one questions...” is flawed. Agnostics/atheists question that unsupported assertion.

An assertion for which there is no evidential support. It’s a product of religious myth and dogma. It’s also a false statement that: “No one questions that Jesus is God. He is equal in all things with his Father. Its called ‘Divine investiture of authority’.”

People of other world religions “question.” Buddhists would question. Hindus would question, Confucianists would question, etc.

The statement is nonsense as much as are the various God doctrines of Islam or any other religious mythology.

There is no evidence for God as claimed by various religions. How one has been indoctrinated from cradle to present is a cultural fact which can be documented. If one has been indoctrinated in Islam, for example, one believes that mythology. Within Christianity, there are more than 1,000 denominations, sects, and cults which have emerged through the history of Christianity. None is reliable. Each is implicitly contradictory to another which is different.

Only in an isolated world view would the statement be perceived as correct.

_Dr. Shades
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Re: msnobody

Post by _Dr. Shades »

JAK wrote:The notion that “No one questions...” is flawed. Agnostics/atheists question that unsupported assertion. . . People of other world religions “question.” Buddhists would question. Hindus would question, Confucianists would question, etc.

Not to read Gazelam's mind or anything, but I think he was referring to Mormons when challenged on their view of Christ by other Christians. In other words, "no one questions" = "no Mormon questions."
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

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Re: msnobody

Post by _JAK »

Dr. Shades wrote:
JAK wrote:The notion that “No one questions...” is flawed. Agnostics/atheists question that unsupported assertion. . . People of other world religions “question.” Buddhists would question. Hindus would question, Confucianists would question, etc.

Not to read Gazelam's mind or anything, but I think he was referring to Mormons when challenged on their view of Christ by other Christians. In other words, "no one questions" = "no Mormon questions."

In that case and assuming you’re correct, the statement more accurately could have been stated as you observe: No Mormon questions....

That’s quite a different statement than “No one questions...”

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