Goodness in many revealed

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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _Amore »

subgenius wrote:
Bazooka wrote:Martin Luther King was also a notoriously rampant philanderer... ... f_adultery

In your opinion were you hoping to reveal "goodness" or "badness" about MLKj here?...perhaps your response will be equally revealing of yourself?

There's a book I was reading about "pain bodies" - just a fancy way of saying addiction to bad - to bad news, to bad drama - etc.
When I watch too much bad news, or interact with people who are really negative, it taints my image of people, which reminds me of a song... (Jack Johnson - Good People) ... EBD1D848E0

Still, people are not 100% good or 100% bad... there is good in all and imperfection as well, and as suggested, let's focus on the good - that which inspires us to believe in the goodness of ourselves and others.

Here's another example of goodness revealed... reminds me of my good Kenyan friend who's making a positive difference in her own way. whole village collected money to send Kakenya to school. She promsed to return and invest back... and she (Dr. Kakenya) did...
_Res Ipsa
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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _Res Ipsa »

Here's today's contribution to the goodness thread. ... ePage=true It reminds me that goodness can be found in small things as well as in big.
​“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.”

― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951
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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _Amore »

Thanks, Brad.

This clip as several pictures - some you have to pause unless you read fast.
There are many good people out there - and there's good in everyone!
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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _DrW »

A act of kindness that I carry out whenever possible to help make others happy is to strongly advise those who express an interest in Mormonism to do their research on the subject carefully, using neutral sources such as Mormon Think and other non-LDS sources and resources.

To my knowledge, I haven't lost one to the missionaries yet, and that makes ME happy.
David Hume: "---Mistakes in philosophy are merely ridiculous, those in religion are dangerous."

DrW: "Mistakes in science are learning opportunities and are eventually corrected."
_Zub Zool oan
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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _Zub Zool oan »

I find this a pretty good example of goodness.
18 And the man said: The woman thou gavest me, and commandest that she should remain with me, she gave me of the fruit of the tree and I did eat. Moses 4:18
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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _Amore »

I've done similarly, but it generally makes them and me sad because it seems to hurt relationships - especially when some put the church above relationships and even God.

Cute clip! And it reminds me of the admiration I have for those who have such struggles and those who care for them.

Another example of amazing goodness came to mind.
We were discussing the difference between virtue and righteousness - and how ultimately righteousness is a higher but more complex goal. Virtue is kind of like letter of the law - whereas doing what's right may be more the spirit of the law/circumstantial. IE: There are times to break the law - like Socrates, Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr. did. That is sometimes partly how positive/healthy progress happens.

This unknown man of courage - with his grocery bag in hand - makes me think of how doing the right thing at the right time in the right way is often inconvenient - which is why "many are called but few are chosen." Often, such lose their lives, but they help or even save the lives of others - in one way or another.


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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _Amore »

Mothers - we owe so much to them, and fathers.

When You Just Want to Quit Being a Mom ... mg00000037

“The phrase ‘working mother’ is redundant.” —Jane Sellman
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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _Amore »

Ok, the following are movie scenes about truth, but I believe similar events have happened, and they are part of common consciousness to be in such a medium, in my opinion.

Integrity/Defending Truth:
To Kill a Mockingbird -closing statement at trial

I am Jean Valjean. Les Mis court ... n-val-jean

Lie Detector -Meet the family fawkers
(What would be funny to do with/ those who prefer comfortable lies over inconvenient truths. :smile: )
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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _ludwigm »

Amore wrote:I am Jean Valjean. Les Mis court ... n-val-jean

Our godson singing Jean Valjean of Les Miserables:

He is an operette/musical singer.
( ... P%C3%A9ter)
- Whenever a poet or preacher, chief or wizard spouts gibberish, the human race spends centuries deciphering the message. - Umberto Eco
- To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin. - Cardinal Bellarmine at the trial of Galilei
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Re: Goodness in many revealed

Post by _LittleNipper »

Les Misérables is a story where people struggling with justice, and the need for mercy and grace ----- a tug of war between the needs of the many verses the needs of the few. It is an anguish cry to God for hope and redemption. In Les Misérables our hero acts nobly not out of feelings of guilt but out of a sense of gratitude to God for redeeming his soul. This is a very moving story if one accepts notions of God, spirit, and the soul.......
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