Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

I’m afraid the Backyard Professor’s taped up binder of the Book of Abraham is going to get much bigger now! The very cornerstone of the Book of Abraham is that everything about ancient Egypt occurred after the flood. It certainly seems that Pearl of Great Price Central has its work cut out for it. Instead of just having to figure out how the “King’s name” can somehow be visualized in the Facsimile No. 3 label, they now have to come up with ways to fit all of Egyptian history into a time span after 2300 BC and maintain the integrity of Smith’s 4,000 years of earth history as recorded in the Bible -- backed by his own revelations.

I’m afraid it’s over for Pearl of Great Price Central. I’m afraid it’s over for professor John Gee who has now been exposed because he has maintained this coverup his entire career and knowingly has ignored the elephant in the room. It’s time for Gee to resign.

I sincerely hope that readers of this forum appreciate the gravity of what this thread entails and how it utterly destroys the Book of Abraham on the very foundation on which it is built. The cornerstone of the Book of Abraham is shown to be 2300 BC and everything about Smith’s ancient Egypt hangs on that point alone. It’s much worse than the missing King’s name in Facsimile No. 3. It’s worse than Anubis’s nose being hacked out in order to make a god a slave.

Yes, the Backyard Professor’s taped binder just got larger.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:50 am
The alarm must be sounded and the world needs to be told how the Mormons are lying and supporting a coverup of biblical proportion. This may be a job for the Backyard Professor!

Philo, where are you?
Perhaps this could serve as sufficient reason for Paul Osborne to put forward a second YouTube video revealing this coverup of biblical proportion. The Backyard Professor might be caught up in a backlog of interviews.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:36 am
Shulem wrote:
Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:50 am
The alarm must be sounded and the world needs to be told how the Mormons are lying and supporting a coverup of biblical proportion. This may be a job for the Backyard Professor!

Philo, where are you?
Perhaps this could serve as sufficient reason for Paul Osborne to put forward a second YouTube video revealing this coverup of biblical proportion. The Backyard Professor might be caught up in a backlog of interviews.

Well, at the risk of sounding like a real jerk, I may well be the most qualified person on the planet to perform such a work. I am a powerhouse in my own right and have great capability. But I just don’t want to do it. I don’t know why. Maybe I’m just too tired and want others to get the credit. Perhaps I’ve lost some passion or spark? Maybe I’ve just had enough of it all. My mother passed away earlier this month and that has been really hard on me. Right now I am at a loss and wonder if there are readers on this board that realize what has been graciously handed to them. I think this board is somewhat stuck-up.

But you know, Moksha, I’m glad you’re here and appreciate my work and know whereof what I speak. At least you get it. And if you are the only one that does then that is fine by me.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Moksha »

So sorry to hear about your mom. Bereavement can do a number on you.
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Re: Math is math

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Shulem wrote:
Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:38 pm
Smith relied on his chronology for ancient Egyptian history by using the Bible and in doing so he believed it solved the problem. But we know his answer is wrong and the Church to this day continues to believe in something that is wrong.
Mormons are able to store evidence from the past, such as fossils, in the science compartment, and the Church-approved timeline of the world in the Mormonism compartment.
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Re: Math is math

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Moksha wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 9:31 am
Shulem wrote:
Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:38 pm
Smith relied on his chronology for ancient Egyptian history by using the Bible and in doing so he believed it solved the problem. But we know his answer is wrong and the Church to this day continues to believe in something that is wrong.
Mormons are able to store evidence from the past, such as fossils, in the science compartment, and the Church-approved timeline of the world in the Mormonism compartment.

An eccentric Book of Abraham apologist and participant on this board has made it pointedly clear that he absolutely embraces the canonized scriptures and is bound by them, i.e., (1) God created the world, (2) Christ is the Son of God, (3) Joseph Smith was a prophet, (4) Earth’s temporal existence will continue for a set 7,000-year span of time and then expire.

Shulem wrote:
Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:55 pm
Ed1 wrote:
Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:45 pm
I'm ultimately bound by (1) What is canonized scripture

Now, on this point, apologist Ed Goble is tasked with the impossible solution of mathematically justifying Smith’s (D&C 77) false 7,000-year revelation with how science has proven man’s existence to be much older than Smith’s dating. Smith’s fatal error was in taking the Bible literally and accepting the chronology of the Jews which has been scientifically shown to be wrong.

Joseph Smith had no idea how old this earth really was! Humankind and animals have been evolving on this planet far longer than the Jewish records. I’m afraid the scriptures are wrong and are not true. It’s as simple as that.

Dated to be more than 40,000 years old

35,000 - 40,000 years ago

30,000 to 32,000 years ago

Prehistoric Egypt 4400 to 3100 BC, BEFORE Noah’s Flood
Last edited by Shulem on Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dr. Kerry Muhlestein contemplates how to answer BIG questions:

Post by Shulem »


…How is it that the Backyard Professor can slam the Book of Abraham when Joseph Smith got a bullseye with the Four Sons of Horus?

…how is it that critics who lack academic credentials think they can disprove Joseph Smith’s translations of what really happened in ancient Egypt?
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Doctrine and Covenants 77, False Doctrine

Post by Shulem »

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrote:Book of Revelation Overview

Thankfully, the Lord through the Prophet Joseph Smith gave us some vital keys in D&C 77, an entire section of the Doctrine and Covenants devoted to the Revelation of John.
D&C 77:6 tells us it contains, in essence, God’s record “concerning this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence.”
Again the Prophet Joseph Smith tells us: “The first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the second also of the second thousand years, and so on until the seventh.” (D&C 77:7.)
When the first seal is opened in the beginning verses of Revelation 6, there is shown to John an important occurrence from the first thousand years after the Fall. The Bible dictionary of the LDS edition of the King James Bible places the Fall near 4000 B.C. (See Bible Dictionary, p. 635.) When the second seal is opened in the subsequent verses, John is shown something about the second thousand years. And so on through the first four seals. The fifth seal information presented to John represents both a time period and some events of which John knew a great deal. The Apostle is shown a representation of those who “were slain for the word of God” after the opening of the fifth seal. (Rev. 6:9.)
For us, however, it is not until the sixth seal is opened (beginning at Rev. 6:12) that we begin to deal with events yet to occur. The sixth seal covers the sixth thousand year period, which generally would be about 1000 A.D. to 2000 A.D.
1. (Rev. 6:1–2—about 4000 B.C. to 3000 B.C.)
John sees a warrior, conquering.

2. (Rev. 6:3–4—about 3000 B.C. to 2000 B.C.)
John sees a representation of human contention and death.

3. (Rev. 6:5–6—about 2000 B.C. to 1000 B.C.)
John sees images of famine.

4. (Rev. 6:7–8—about 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1)
John sees death by war, famine, beasts.

5. (Rev. 6:9–11—about A.D. 1 to A.D. 1000)
John sees the martyrs for Christ of the early Christian era.

6. (About A.D. 1000 to A.D. 2000)

7. (About A.D. 2000 to A.D. 3000)
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Shulem challenges Gee & Muhlestein while blindfolded and with one hand tied behind his back. May the force be with him!

Post by Shulem »

Dear Dr. John Gee and Dr. Kerry Muhlestein,

Q. Explain how prehistoric Egypt fits within Smith’s seven thousand-year time frame and how early dynastic Egypt postdates Noah’s flood.

Q. When did Menes and Narmer’s unification of Upper and Lower Egypt take place?

Q. When were the Great Pyramids built in relation to the time of Noah’s flood?

Q. Which Pharaoh granted Abraham (vile Asiatic) the right to sit upon his throne?

Q. Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus and how does that dynastic date correspond with biblical chronology?

Thank you for your consideration. We should submit your responses to your colleagues for professional analysis and peer review.


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Re: Joseph Smith’s Origins of Ancient Egypt

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sun Dec 25, 2022 9:31 am
Mormons are able to store evidence from the past, such as fossils, in the science compartment, and the Church-approved timeline of the world in the Mormonism compartment.

The explanations for how Egypt came into existence in Mormon canon is an impossible tale written in modern ink by a man who pretended to see the past by the mind (Spirit) of God. But we know Smith was not a seer, one who sees the past, and in this case, the historical rise of ancient Egypt. It can be positively shown and proven that Smith’s illusions of the rise of Egypt was his personal fantasy bubbling up from the delusions of his own mind and that he used misinformation available to him in his time to develop theories to craft into Mormon scripture.

Smith’s doctrine established that Adam, the first man, lived for 930 years having spent his life in the ancient land of Adam-ondi-Ahman which is now the state of Missouri in America proper. The biblical chronology and time span for the patriarchal reign from Adam’s beginning to Noah’s flood is verified in Mormon canon to have lasted precisely 1,656 years. The timing and duration for the first period of this patriarchal reign is set in stone as shown earlier in this thread. During the lifetime of Adam, the earth was of one language and patriarchal reign was known among all peoples. We are informed in Smith’s Book of Moses (chapter 7) that there were warring peoples who were tent dwellers during Enoch’s ministry who inhabited the lands. The people of Shum dwelled in a valley and the people of Canaan to the north, the latter of which were cursed with black skin being despised by all (white) people. The Canaanites were cursed and forced to live in an arid land subject to heat and barrenness.

We are informed in the Book of Abraham that the first king of Egypt was a descendant of Ham and a partaker of the original curse placed upon the darkened Canaanites. From this descent the curse was maintained through Ham’s wife (Egyptus) and the Egyptians were banned from the priesthood that was passed down from the Patriarchs through Noah. Thus, the priesthood in Mormon scripture followed the typical biblical pattern of being highly selective and racial. One must be of a certain race to hold the priesthood or they could not obtain it, period!

The Book of Abraham states that “the first government of Egypt was established by Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus, the daughter of Ham.” Earlier in this thread, I showed how the name or title of “pharaoh” is an anachronism in the text and should not have been used. Smith should have just made up any other name to represent the fictitious first king as he was accustomed to do. But despite Smith’s original story, Egyptian records that are ever set in stone say nothing of these events. There is no record of a first king being a descendant of postflood Noah. In fact, the earliest Egyptian records tell quite another story about their origin and beginnings and it has nothing to do with the Jewish Bible or the Hebrew God. There is no mention of a king “Pharaoh” anywhere in the early annals of predynastic Egypt. That name and title is nonexistent in official king’s list. We cannot find an original “Pharaoh” ruling Egypt, nor can we can find a king’s name in the hieroglyphic text in the label of Facsimile No. 3! Joseph Smith was wrong on both accounts in making up fictitious names and titles.

PLATE I (Pre-Dynastic Horus God Kings) wrote: 1. Geb, lifetime
2. Ausar [Osiris]
3. Setekh [Seth]
4. Hor [Horus], Hor gods, 300 years
5. Djehuty [Thoth], life, prosperity, health, 7,726
6. Maa’t, 100 years
7. Hor [Horus]
8. Hor [Horus]
PLATE II (Early Dynastic Horus Kings) wrote: 1. Meni ‘established’, life, prosperity, health
2. Meny, life, prosperity, health, doing...
3. It i ‘sovereign’
4. ?
5. [It] A.I. ‘sovereign vulture’ of the south
6. Djaty ‘two estates’ of Upper & Lower Egypt
7. Mer-grg-p ‘desire to setup a statue base’
8. Semsem ‘priest of priests’ & ‘Ptah priest’
9. [Q] bh ‘hawk headed god’
10. [Netjer] bau ‘divine spirits of power’
11. [Ka] ka ‘soul as a bull’
12. [Khnum] netjer-n ‘sacred ram-god’
13. [Uadj-nes]
14. [Sendji] ‘feared one’
15. A’a.k.a. or Ka’a ‘great soul’
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