Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:39 pm
Yeah, after a while Mormonism bores the hell out of everyone.

Yeah, I get that you’re probably a little bored and fed up at this point. I am too but it remains to be seen how the Church will own up to Anubis being mutilated on the facsimile lead plate and how the Church can continue to publish 2300 BC on one hand and 3000 BC on the other. The Church continues to con its members. They are all duped!

How about you do a podcast sometime and ram it right down Mormonism’s throat and let them choke on it? It’s a slam dunk so you aught to just do it and have fun with it at their expense. What can they do? What can they say? You can run the score up and laugh in their faces while doing it. Just a suggestion, man. lol
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Look, it’s simply a matter of ACCOUNTABILITY that the Church address the issue and clean up their act. This business of being two-faced or lying out of both sides of the mouth is unacceptable behavior on the part of an organization that espouses honesty in all its dealings. The bottom line: The Church is lying and double-dealing different numbers with two hands! Its presentation is fraudulent.

ACCOUNTABILITY = account + ability

Hence, the Church must take into account the chronology, story, history, and record -- based on legitimate documentation from sources that meet the standards of scientific rigor. I’m afraid that the 2300 BC date does not meet those standards, period. However, on the other hand, the 3000 BC date does meet scientific standards and is universally embraced as true. The Church has the ability to do the right thing if it chooses which means the 2300 BC date must not be used or counted to represent the founding of Egypt from a scientific point of view.

Do I make myself clear? If this was the Terrestrial forum, I would be cussing by now.

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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

The two-faced Mormon church happily tells a confused member that the Unification of ancient Egypt occurred at about 3,000 BC. But the member still has questions because that was 600 years before Noah’s ark.

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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Backyard Professor makes a good point:

video clip:

Why Mormonism Continues to Flail & Fail

Thanks for references the main point of this thread!

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Egyptologists Dr's Klaus Baer and Robert Ritner

Post by NRnowlinMA »

After a lengthy conversation with Dr. Klaus Baer in 1978 before his untimely death, while he was still officiating at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago and while I was in Tyler, Texas, I learned a great deal about the 13 fragments of the Joseph Smith Papyri, which Dr. Baer had the opportunity to closely examine and translate from excellent color photographs of the fragments provided by the Mormon Church, and a great deal about Hugh Nibley, who was a graduate student of Dr. Baer at U.C. Berkeley years earlier. Dr. Baer was very happy to provide me with a complete history of the papyri, as he had come to know, and told me that the Joseph Smith, Jr. had produced another work of fiction by falsely claiming that he had translated the Egyptian papyri and the facsimiles contained in them into the Mormon scripture, the Book of Abraham. Dr. Baer assured me that the 13 papyri fragments had been properly dated to the 1st Century AD, and had not been written by the biblical prophet Abraham in 4000 B.C., but rather by Egyptian priests as ordinary funerary texts for the burial of an Egyptian priest by the name of Hor. Dr. Baer revealed to me that the Breathing Permit for Hor was identical to many other funerary papyri documents created and buried with the Egyptian dead. He said that Hugh Nibley was not capable of translating the Joseph Smith Papyri and was only acting as an apologist for the Mormon Church, grasping for an explanation as to why the correct authoritative translation of the papyri by professional Egyptologists from Brown University, University of Chicago, and U.C. Berkeley showed that the Book of Abraham was a fictional product of Joseph Smith's imagination. Dr. Baer admitted to me that Hugh Nibley had a tendency to "let his imagination run away with him." Dr. Baer, as I remember him from his telephone voice was a kind and patient individual who was only interested in the truth about the Joseph Smith Papyri.

Later, after Dr. Baer's death, I contacted Dr. Robert Ritner, who succeeded Dr. Baer as the primary Egyptologist at the Oriental Institute, by email and sustained an online relationship with him for several years. Dr. Ritner was very interested in preserving Dr. Baer's legacy for producing a meticulous correct translation of the Joseph Smith Papyri and did his own translation of the papyri and wrote a comprehensive about that translation completely endorsing Dr. Baer's careful work. In the first decade of the 21st Century, Dr. Ritner deposed the pseudo-Egyptologists, Kerry Muhlstein and the other Mormon apologists at BYU, in their pathetic attempts to call the Book of Abraham an authentic historical product of Egypt. Dr. Ritner told me that Dr. Kara Cooney, Chair of the UCLA Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, had told him that Kerry Muhlstein was not a real Egyptologist, but a pseudo-scientist and Mormon apologist at BYU, who was paid more that she was to tell lies for the Mormon Church. I contacted Dr. Cooney by phone and by email to verify what she had said about Muhlstein, and she was very happy to verify what she had told Dr. Ritner about Muhlstein and BYU Egyptology. As Fox Mulder, David Duchovny, said in the "X-Files," "the truth is out there." Research and investigation will show that every written text clamed as scripture by the Mormon Church are fictional products of the mind of the flimflam man Joseph Smith, Jr. I mourn Dr. Baer's passing as I do Dr. Ritner's passing in 2021. I especially mourn the passing of Dr. Michael Coe, who contributed so very much to Mesoamerican archaeology/anthropology and to a debunking of the Book of Mormon and fictitious Mormon claims.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Philo Sofee »

I just posted a new short on this topic of the papyri and Book of Abraham.
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Re: Egyptologists Dr's Klaus Baer and Robert Ritner

Post by Shulem »

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:50 pm
Dr. Baer assured me that the 13 papyri fragments had been properly dated to the 1st Century AD, and had not been written by the biblical prophet Abraham in 4000 B.C.

Oops, in that context you meant 2000 B.C. for Abraham which was 4000 years ago

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:50 pm
Book of Abraham was a fictional product of Joseph Smith's imagination.

Imagination is the bottom line.

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:50 pm
Research and investigation will show that every written text clamed as scripture by the Mormon Church are fictional products of the mind of the flimflam man Joseph Smith, Jr.

Indeed, the Book of Abraham is a work of fiction. I know that absolutely as well as I know anything about my life in this world. It is sure knowledge grounded in truth and light which speaks volumes against how apologists operate and all the apologetic garbage the Mormon church has paid them to produce.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by NRnowlinMA »

Doesn't it logically and reasonably follow that if the proclaimed keystone to the religion of Joe Smith, Jr., the Book of Mormon, is totally fictional and the product of Smith, Jr.'s warped imagination, that all subsequent productions of Smith, Jr., such as the proclaimed revelations and prophecies called the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Book of Abraham, are also fictional and duplicitous? The only source of truth about the Lord Jesus Christ is that glorious Book of books, the Holy Bible, in which there are numerous writers but only one author of eternal salvation. There is no doubt that the discovered 13 Egyptian fragments of the Joseph Smith Papyri, which was acquired by Smith, Jr. in Kirkland, Ohio from a salesman named Chandler, lost for many years but rediscovered in the New York Metropolitan Museum during the mid-1960s, were the fragments of the Smith Papyri that the arrogant Smith had claimed to translate and to produce an Egyptian alphabet and grammar before Champollion had released his interpretation of the Rosetta Stone to the world. The fact that the facsimiles contained in those fragments were the same woodcut drawings placed by Smith, Jr. in the Book of Abraham is proof that the fragments correctly translated by Dr. Klaus Baer, and a team of professional Egyptologists, during the late 1960s convey that the fragments contained nothing about the Prophet Abraham. The fact that Dr. Robert Ritner, successor to Dr. Klaus Baer as chief Egyptologist at the Oriental Institute, confirmed the correct translation Dr. Baer by his own translation of the Smith Papyri is a matter of record.

The Book of Abraham and all other Mormon scripture should be regard as religious fiction and all investigators to Mormonism should be told by Mormon fulltime missionaries should this perturbing fact, which would reduce convert membership into Mormonism to a mere trickle, or into nothing.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by hauslern »

On the identity of the black figure in facsimile 3 i asked Dan Petersen.
https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... 6309560941

"noel: " Is Tamas Mekis wrong when he questions Smith's interpretation of the black figure?"

Most likely yes.

It happens.

Off hand, I don't know whether Dr. Gee or Dr. Muhlestein (or Dr. Thompson or Brother Smoot) has responded to Tamas Mekis.

Have they not responded because they have no answer? Why on the the one hand is a Prince of Pharaoh holding onto the waiter and a "slave" holding the other. ? They are bringing the figure before Osiris. Note the position of the feet they seem to be moving towards Osiris.

I would love to if Dan visited Australia to have a one on one discussion amicably why Smith's interpretation might be wrong.
There are some LDS scholars (Royal Skousen) who seem to now argue the facsimiles should be dropped and the Book of Abraham be considered as a book given by revelation.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

hauslern wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:36 pm
Have they not responded because they have no answer?

The Mormons are spiritually bankrupt and do not operate in the realm of honesty when it comes to defending the Book of Abraham. The Church is an institution that lives and loves to lie. We will continue to sound the alarm and the general public will know full well that Mormons are simply lying and covering up their fraudulent claims.
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