Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

It is not money or lucre that is the root of all evil, but, rather, the love of it that the Savior Jesus made reference to in the Holy Bible ias the essence of evil. The Mormons have found money to be an expediter of evil and the pragmatic means of doing the devil's work. I don't know the identity of the "beast or anti-Christ" but he is alive and well on planet earth and the Mormons are somehow connected to him, as are the other wealthy and evil cults currently in existence. I pray that the millions of less-than-active rank-and-file Mormons will soon realize the sordid evil of Mormon theology and turn to the grace of Christ Jesus in faith and humility to seek salvation from sin. The true-blue Mormon heretics will probably follow the devil into that lake of fire that burns five time-times hotter than any fire known to man and will know nothing by anguish and torment in their resurrected bodies for all eternity. I pray that some of them might repent and have faith in Jesus' true gospel, but it will harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a person into heaven who loves money more than God.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

What if fertility rites in Mormonism had included human sacrifice? Fertility rites were practiced as described in the 1877 book "Women of Mormondom," which was blessed by Brigham Young before its publication and before his death. Would declaring human sacrifice illegal by the federal government be opposed to the freedom of Judeo-Christian religion in the First Amendment? The First Amendment does not all the practice of all "types" of religion, such as cannibalism and human sacrifice of such African tribal religions. As you will discover in the 1887 Edmonds-Tucker Act passed against the Mormon Church by the federal government, you will realize that bigamy, or polygamy, became a felony because of its injurious social and emotional ramifications. Reading the chronicled minutes of the 1887 Act is extremely clarifying. Religious practices that disregard the sanctity of human liberty and force upon young people, children, injurious inflictions, such as what was imposed upon the baby daughter of TBM Mormon Hugh Nibley by Nibley himself in his home basement (recalled by the adult daughter during regression hypnosis) should be declared felonious by federal and State law. The great jurist Learned Hand stated that reasonable common sense is the crux and soul of law and jurisprudence. Some Mormons, fundamental and mainstream, still practice these fertility rites on their wives and children in Utah.

There still over 100,000 fundamental polygamous families in Utah and they are being tolerated by Utah and federal law enforcement at the behest of the powerful 700-billion-dollar Mormon Church. Another separate, but closely associated issue is the Mark Hoffman/Gordon B. Hinckley affair during the federal Mormon murders SLC investigation of 1985. I believe that I will broach this issue in my next topical posting. The readers of this forum should purchase and read the celebrated book "The Mormon Murders" by authors Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith. It is a true and compelling read. ... 1250025893 The Amazon link is provided.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

Very few rank-and-file Mormons know about how Mormon apostle Gordon B. Hinckley, former president and prophet of the Mormon Corporation lied like a dirty rug and covered his heinous criminal tracks in the 1985 Mormon murders FBI investigation and federal trial of forger Mark Hoffman. Hinckley also had been accused of homosexuality and pedophilia when Mormon president Ezra Taft Benson finally died, and Hinckley was automatically presumed to be Benson's successor. Mark Hoffman, who had known Hinckley intimately, had persuaded Hinckley, in 1985 as a second counselor to Mormon president E.T. Benson, that he had obtained genuine manuscripts of esoteric anti-Mormon documents and wanted to sell them to the Mormon Church. Hinckley had known Hoffman so well that he had given Hoffman his personal phone number known only two other persons. Hinckley, during 1984, had paid Hoffman hundreds of thousands of dollars for forged documents from the LDS general tithing fund. Hinckley had been fooled by Hoffman numerous times when he had surreptitiously paid Hoffman for documents that he had purchased and placed in the infamous vault in the old church administration building. Later, Hoffman went unhinged and built bombs that he used to kill and maim several people in SLC. When the federal investigation ensued, Hinckley denied knowing Hinckley in any way, and refused to testify in open court against Hinckley in order to secure a first-degree murder conviction and the death penalty. Why did Hinckley do this? Such truthful testimony would have revealed that a supposedly "inspired apostle of the Mormon corporation" had been fooled into believing something criminally false. This is why the Mormon corporation controls the federal system and courts in SLC. The feds were told by Thomas Monson, 1st counselor to ailing E.T. Benson, and apostle B.K. Packer. president of the apostles, to negate Hinckley as a witness in Hoffman's trial. If Hinckley had testified truthfully, Hoffman would have been convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to be executed by firing squad. But Hoffman is serving a life sentence in a Utah federal prison. The Mormon murders show just how corrupt the Mormon Church remains to be.
Last edited by NRnowlinMA on Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

Isn't there someone in the reading audience, Mormon or not, who has perused the "Mormon Murders" investigation? Money and power go together hand-in-glove, especially in the case of the Mormon Church. A wise person, Lord Acton, one said that power corrupts, and total absolute power destroys. In the case of the Mormon empire in Utah, the illicit hold that the Mormon corporation has over business and government is tragic but very true. Federal and Utah state law enforcement and government bow to the power of the Utah Mormon establishment.

When Orrin Hatch was alive and senior Utah U.S. Senator, the man, Hatch, a Mormon high priest and temple-worthy Mormon made three visits to SLC from DC every month to meet with the Mormon prophet and the president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to get his political marching orders. Hatch hadn't known that he was being surveilled at the times he made these clandestine visits, but he was. From 1900 until 1941, the Mormon hierarchy had made a part of the Mormon temple liturgy for all Mormon men and women receiving their heretical endowments to swear an oath of vengeance against the United States government, who had killed their prophet and desecrated their Utah temples. Hatch was made to realize that his purpose as a senator was to further the Mormon empire and the LDS Church. This is why I can say that every federal judge and FBI agent federal politician in Utah is suspect of being under the influence and control of the Mormon corporation. The governor of Utah, a temple-worthy Mormon high priest, does the bidding of the Mormon hierarchy continuously. This is why the Mormon corporation and Church has never been audited by the federal government's IRS. Money can buy everything but godliness. In 2012, Mitt Romney paid Franklin Graham 11 million dollars to have the website remove the Mormon Church from its list of cults, even though the website kept its list of information online about the characteristics of demonic cults, which fit the Mormon Church like well-tailored suit. This quid pro quo was done to deceive Christians around the country into believing that Mormonism was Christian in theology and doctrine.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by yellowstone123 »

And to think of all places, Howard Hughes will was found at church headquarters giving the church and many others 1/16 of his estate which was a huge amount of dollars.
“One of the important things for anybody in power is to distinguish between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." Potter Stewart, associate justice of the Supreme Court - 1958 to 1981.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

Yellowstone 123 speaks with forked tongue, as the Mormon will dated March 19,1968 of Howard Hughes that turned-up at the Mormon Church headquarters a few days after Hughes' death was fraudulent and invalid and unsigned. From a website, "The “Mormon Will”, was ruled a forgery by a Nevada jury in June 1978. Dummar, a Mormon, received no portion of Hughes’ estate, but no criminal charges were filed against him or his wife." The entire article is found at, ... 8b0ff3d37c.

The Mormon Church corporation received nothing from the will of billionaire Howard Hughes. Now, I'm almost sure that the thousand or so corporate lawyers for the Mormon corporation were attempting to produce some fraudulent and pragmatic means of claiming beneficiary status at that time. The legalism of Mormonism extends far into graft and Satanic avarice. I suspect that over three-quarters of the wealth of the Mormon corporation has been obtained through fraudulent, if not illegal means. The Mormon Church corporation's goal is the perdition of souls and the acquisition of filthy lucre to expand its despicable infrastructure.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

In reference to Yellowstone 123's final comment, Dr. Michael Coe explicitly told me by email before his death that "the Mormon Church corporation is deathly afraid of excavating the Hill Cumorah, the alleged site of the great last battle between the Nephites and Lamanites. Since the Mormons have found nothing whatsoever in Mesoamerica to archeologically and historically document the Nephite and Lamanite civilizations in the Book of Mormon, excavating in upstate New York would only serve to add injury to insult since all the Mormon excavators would find beneath that ground would be soil probably only fit for growing crops. Of course, the lying apologists at BYU would probably find some lame excuse for there not being swords, armor, and millions of bones of ancient warriors and horses."

Dr. Clark, anthropologist at BYU, the former director of the NWAF, started by California lawyer Thomas S. Ferguson during the late 1950s, told me by email that "the lack of a discovery of horses in Mesoamerica is definitely a problem in Mormon archaeology and anthropology." Yet, he and others at BYU continue to teach Mormon students that "great herds of horses" were in Mesoamerica in 600 BC, as a fact. Mormon scholar B.H. Roberts, around 1925, also stated in his "Studies of the Book of Mormon" that the non-existence of horses in Mesoamerica before European exploration is something that cannot be overcome with merely wishful thinking and Book of Mormon plagiarism. Roberts was conducting an official study commissioned by the Mormon Church, but the Mormon Church was not satisfied with his findings and refused to publish his study. Roberts' study was first presented as "Studies of the Book of Mormon" to the world during the 1980s by the University of Utah. I have a copy of the book and have read and studied it.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by yellowstone123 »

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:31 pm
Yellowstone 123 speaks with forked tongue, as the Mormon will dated March 19,1968 of Howard Hughes that turned-up at the Mormon Church headquarters a few days after Hughes' death was fraudulent and invalid and unsigned. From a website, "The “Mormon Will”, was ruled a forgery by a Nevada jury in June 1978. Dummar, a Mormon, received no portion of Hughes’ estate, but no criminal charges were filed against him or his wife." The entire article is found at, ... 8b0ff3d37c.

The Mormon Church corporation received nothing from the will of billionaire Howard Hughes. Now, I'm almost sure that the thousand or so corporate lawyers for the Mormon corporation were attempting to produce some fraudulent and pragmatic means of claiming beneficiary status at that time. The legalism of Mormonism extends far into graft and Satanic avarice. I suspect that over three-quarters of the wealth of the Mormon corporation has been obtained through fraudulent, if not illegal means. The Mormon Church corporation's goal is the perdition of souls and the acquisition of filthy lucre to expand its despicable infrastructure.
I agree: the word giving should have been leaving. The LDS church received nothing as the will was found to be a forgery. I never read whether or not the church claimed that they were entitled to money. Did the church’s lawyers show up in court or file anything? What did the church’s public relations people do with it?
“One of the important things for anybody in power is to distinguish between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." Potter Stewart, associate justice of the Supreme Court - 1958 to 1981.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

The Moronic Mormon corporation will always try to litigate any matter involving the acquisition of money. Their lawyers filed a few briefs trying to claim beneficiary status and actually tried to suborn perjury with a witness that was going to commit perjury until he realized the criminal ramifications of lying in court. So, the Mormons bowed out of the controversy. The Mormons were never for indicted for conspiracy and the attempted suborning of perjury.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by Niblo »

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:42 pm
Kay Burningham's book, "An American Fraud. . ." is a fascinatingly good read and is based on the absolute truth about Mormonism. Many jurists have read and commented on her allegations about Mormonism, and the end-times are upon the world. Mormonism and Islam are, I believe, prophesied in the New Testament by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Galatians, Galatians 1:1-10. Mormonism has been changing its sordid story since 1830, but Islam has remained pretty consistent. Both heresies to Christianity claim that their capstone scriptures were brought by angles to the earth, Islam with its Gabriel and Mormonism with its Moroni. Paul stated that, "though an angel from heaven preach any other gospel than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." And those demonic angels, not from heaven, gave their wares to the false demonic prophets Mohammed and Joseph Smith, Jr. There are only two false religions in the world today that claim angels as the source of their scripture, Islam and Mormonism, and both have captured many souls and placed them in bondage to the devil. Paul's end-time prophesies in 1 and 2 Timothy, and in Thessalonians point to Christ Jesus overcoming the devil and rapturing and saving his church, the saved of Christ, from the tribulation. I pray that Res Ipsa and all other cultists will read Kay Burningham's book and the scriptures of the Holy Bible and realize that God almighty will fulfill what has been prophesied about the condemnation of the devil's works.
Islam teaches truths that have existed since the very beginning of humankind’s relationship with the Beloved.


The Beloved is our Creator and Lord; that He is absolutely perfect; that He is infinite in every perfection; that He is the True God, possessing an infinite power of cognition; that He is absolute Veracity; that He is is absolutely faithful; that He is absolute ontological Goodness in Himself, and in relation to others; that He is is absolute Moral Goodness or Holiness; that He is absolute Benignity; that He is absolutely immutable; that He is eternal and everywhere present in created space; that His knowledge is infinite; that His Attributes really are identical among themselves, and with His Essence; that He is omnipotent; that He is Lord of the heavens and of the earth; and that He is infinitely just, and infinitely merciful.


That human existence does not end at death, but that all will experience resurrection, judgement, reward and retribution; that Heaven and Hell are realities; that polytheism and idolatry are unacceptable, for there is only one Lord; and that the Beloved requires nothing less than a complete change in one’s way of life, through repentance and right action.

In what way does this place Muslims in 'bondage to the devil'?
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