If Mormon's are Christians....

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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _sleepyhead »

Maksutov wrote:And how does the "automatic excommunication" take place and get recorded? :lol:

Hello Maksutov,

I personally don't want to take a side on this discussion.

http://forums.catholic.com/showthread.p ... munication

Re: Explain How Automatic Excommunication Works


Excommunication latae sententiae is often referred to as "automatic excommunication". This is reserved for certain events which would put the individual in particularly grave sin, and the excommunication is applied as a temporary penalty to encourage the person to make reparations with the Church.

It does not need to be pronounced by a bishop, but only a bishop (or a priest whose bishop delegates this authority to him) can lift it. A bishop, however, may clarify that the excommunication latae sententiae already took place, and inform the person who was excommunicated that they may not take the Sacraments, and encourage reparation.

Some examples of events which would result in excommunication latae sententiae:
Desecration of the Blessed Sacrament
Physical violence against the Pope
When a priest uses the Sacrament of Reconciliation to solicit sexual practices
Illicit ordination of a bishop
When a priest violates the Seal of the Confessional
When someone receives an abortion
When someone assists any of these actions.

As you can see, they're all very serious offenses, and the purpose of latae sententiae is to make these situations clearly abhorred, instead of needing to call someone in and question them in an ecclesiastical court (which is how regular excommunication comes about).
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _jordon3 »

Mormons Have Put Their Faith in a "Different God" from the Historical Biblical God
Contrary to the Mormon belief, the God of the Bible is clearly NOT an exalted man. The God of the Bible is omnipresent (Jer 23:24), omnipotent (Col 1:16), and omniscient (Rom 11:33-36). The Bible says He is the only God (Isa 44:6,8) and there are no other Gods (Isa 43:10-11). He had no beginning or end (Heb 7:3) and he is a spirit being (John 4:24) and never was a man (Num 23:19). The whole context and theme of the Bible states this.

It is important to realize that many Mormons may not be aware of these differences and their importance. They have grown up in their church system. Their lives are structured around Joseph Smith, LDS functions, LDS duties, LDS jobs and family ties. QUESTION. How can you base your belief on doctrine that Joseph Smith fabricated ....when YOU can chceck your own Church History and find out that he deceived his followers by lying about the Book of Abraham, He copied and plagerized the Book of Mormon to the point of EVEN copying the errors and mistakes. He lied and deceived his wife...he was an adulterous, a pedophile . I would like to know how you can base your belief on such a person. The Bible is VERY clear on what standards must be met to be a true prophet....Joseph Smith failed in all of them.....and is considered by Christians to be a false prophet. Question. Why are the Mormons claiming to be Christian now when in the 60's they would never do such a thing...why the change ?
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _jordon3 »

The most important thing people need to realize . Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through me." Mormons follow Joseph Smith fabrication of different jesus.......NOT the Biblical Jesus of the Bible. Same as the Jehovah Witnesses they follow a different jesus. The Bible is very precise in saying that these things would happen,,that false prophets would come and deceive people. I would suggest Mormons take the time to read the gospel in the Bible.....even just read Jesus's words in red for starters. I am so tired when Mormons say as far as the Bible if translated correctly...yet they never say were it isn't translated incorrectly. We are talking about CONTEXT . This is just an excuse to make followers not trust the Bible.
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _Maksutov »

sleepyhead wrote:
Maksutov wrote:And how does the "automatic excommunication" take place and get recorded? :lol:

Hello Maksutov,

I personally don't want to take a side on this discussion.

http://forums.catholic.com/showthread.p ... munication

Re: Explain How Automatic Excommunication Works


Excommunication latae sententiae is often referred to as "automatic excommunication". This is reserved for certain events which would put the individual in particularly grave sin, and the excommunication is applied as a temporary penalty to encourage the person to make reparations with the Church.

It does not need to be pronounced by a bishop, but only a bishop (or a priest whose bishop delegates this authority to him) can lift it. A bishop, however, may clarify that the excommunication latae sententiae already took place, and inform the person who was excommunicated that they may not take the Sacraments, and encourage reparation.

Some examples of events which would result in excommunication latae sententiae:
Desecration of the Blessed Sacrament
Physical violence against the Pope
When a priest uses the Sacrament of Reconciliation to solicit sexual practices
Illicit ordination of a bishop
When a priest violates the Seal of the Confessional
When someone receives an abortion
When someone assists any of these actions.

As you can see, they're all very serious offenses, and the purpose of latae sententiae is to make these situations clearly abhorred, instead of needing to call someone in and question them in an ecclesiastical court (which is how regular excommunication comes about).

That's fascinating. Thanks for posting! :smile:

How does the Catholic Church define apostasy? I see it listed.
"God" is the original deus ex machina. --Maksutov
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _jordon3 »

google "Are Mormons Christians"
It upsets me that Mormons are calling themselves Christians when they are actually anti Christian according to the Bible.
Historically, only until recently have Mormons wanted to be called Christians, preferring not to be included with Christian denominations which Joseph Smith said were, ". . .all wrong...all their creeds were an abomination in his sight, and that those professors (Christians) were all corrupt." (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith, 2:18-19)
In the past Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) have preferred to be called "saints." However, in the recent years the LDS church has spend millions in an intense public relations campaign aimed at moving their church into the mainstream of Christianity. The political and economic benefits of Mormons being included in the mainstream of Christianity are obvious. Further, for Mormons to be accepted as traditional Christians would greatly aid in their proselyting the members of Christian denominations into the LDS church. This is why the LDS church is trying so hard to present themselves as Christians and trying to overcome the stigma of being a cult.

Hopefully, this article will help the both Mormons and non-Mormons to see that Mormonism worships a different god and Jesus Christ and not the God and Jesus Christ of the Bible. The Constitution of the United States gives every citizen the right of freedom of religion and the LDS people have the right to believe as they desire. However, biblical Christians also have the right to defend their historic faith as revealed in the Bible and expose those who misuse their historic name.
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _Tobin »

Jason15 wrote:google "Are Mormons Christians"
It upsets me that Mormons are calling themselves Christians when they are actually anti Christian according to the Bible.
Historically, only until recently have Mormons wanted to be called Christians, preferring not to be included with Christian denominations which Joseph Smith said were, ". . .all wrong...all their creeds were an abomination in his sight, and that those professors (Christians) were all corrupt." (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith, 2:18-19)
In the past Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) have preferred to be called "saints." However, in the recent years the LDS church has spend millions in an intense public relations campaign aimed at moving their church into the mainstream of Christianity. The political and economic benefits of Mormons being included in the mainstream of Christianity are obvious. Further, for Mormons to be accepted as traditional Christians would greatly aid in their proselyting the members of Christian denominations into the LDS church. This is why the LDS church is trying so hard to present themselves as Christians and trying to overcome the stigma of being a cult.

Hopefully, this article will help the both Mormons and non-Mormons to see that Mormonism worships a different god and Jesus Christ and not the God and Jesus Christ of the Bible. The Constitution of the United States gives every citizen the right of freedom of religion and the LDS people have the right to believe as they desire. However, biblical Christians also have the right to defend their historic faith as revealed in the Bible and expose those who misuse their historic name.

I'm always fascinated by narrow-minded individuals like this. If there is such a being as God, the primitive attributions that Christians and Mormons make alike are likely just as wrong. In the modern world we live in, such rather silly notions need to be discarded and what and who this being likely is should be the subject of discourse. Instead we are subjected to watermelon hating lemmings telling people they are wrong (and excluding them) because of their distaste for watermelon. Next they'll be going to war over whether tapping the smaller end of an egg or larger end is better.
"You lack vision, but I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night.... Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful." -- Judge Doom
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _agnostic »

Bazooka states, "So Mormons are the only Christians?" This may be true, but following a little reason puts God in a bad light. To believe in the Mormon Church, one must believe in Joseph Smith. To believe in Joseph Smith one must believe in polygamy, polyandry, suicide, (old temple ceremony), discrimination and bank fraud. These are just a few items all provable from Mormons sources. So if Joseph Smith was involved in all these things and was instructed in them by God, it makes God look like an idiot. Ask yourself, do you believe in this kind of a God?
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _thews »

Tobin wrote:I'm always fascinated by narrow-minded individuals like this.

Narrow-minded people like you are not fascinating.

Tobin wrote: If there is such a being as God, the primitive attributions that Christians and Mormons make alike are likely just as wrong.

This doesn't negate the OP (remember Tobin, all topics have a central theme). Just because you attempt to make the bucket big enough to encompass your supposed point, it doesn't negate the fact that Christians and Mormons have a completely different set of doctrine and theology... they are not the same.

Tobin wrote: In the modern world we live in, such rather silly notions need to be discarded and what and who this being likely is should be the subject of discourse.

You're now the poster child for telling us what is and is not silly? You discount the translation of the Book of Abraham as false, yet still believe in the translation. You have concocted your own theory that the Urim and Thummim are different than the Nephite spectacles and Joseph Smith's seer stones, yet feel your opinion is justified in labeling what is or isn't silly.

Tobin wrote: Instead we are subjected to watermelon hating lemmings telling people they are wrong (and excluding them) because of their distaste for watermelon.

More absurd analogy used as a basis to define what is or is not Christian theology. Tell me Tobin... how does Mormonism differ from Christianity regarding the doctrine and theology of each separate religion?

Tobin wrote: Next they'll be going to war over whether tapping the smaller end of an egg or larger end is better.

One should use your though process in the above to place weight on its merit, which is nothing more than fodder from a drive-by simpleton who can't answer a simple question. One more time Tobin... how does Mormonism differ from Christianity regarding the doctrine and theology of each separate religion?
2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.
2 Tim 4:4 They will turn their ears away from the truth & turn aside to myths
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _Tobin »

Clearly thews doesn't like watermelons either. What is the only true fruit thews? I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to know.
"You lack vision, but I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night.... Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful." -- Judge Doom
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Re: If Mormon's are Christians....

Post by _agnostic »

how does Mormonism differ from Christianity regarding the doctrine and theology of each separate religion? How about the Mormon belief that God had a body of flesh and bones and that Mary had physical sex with God? I believe these two are different.
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