MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

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_Craig Paxton
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _Craig Paxton »

Actually, they’re both correct. There is only 1 church, interpreted through 15 million different minds.
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _sunstoned »

Maksutov wrote:Lloyd is such a douche. :rolleyes: The exchange is itself the most perfect illustration of Cinepro's point.

Folks like Cinepro give me hope for Mormonism. A great people of amazing potential, distracted and trivialized by pinhead managers.

I don't think Lloyd has ever expressed, or even had an original thought. He has no need for one. He gets his directions from the people he worships, the Q15. And of course, when they speak, the thinking is done.
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _sunstoned »

cwald wrote:Yeah.

Exile, if the LDS church leaders don't like what Scott Lloyd is saying and doing, and the kind of abuse you are talking about, all they need to do is say so. And mean it.

It really is that simple. They could stop the Scott Lloyds tomorrow but they will not because they actually like and agree with what he is saying.

Scott Lloyd and mental gymnastics and these people who post on the boards with us do represent the church, at least from my experience. They are the LDS true church not the NOMish one we envisioned and fought to protect for so many years.

NOMs lost.


It is sad. The Q15 don't care what you think or believe, as long as you keep quiet about it and pay our tithing.
_Choyo Chagas
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _Choyo Chagas »

cwald wrote:
Nightlion wrote:... there has only been ONE member of Christ's true church. One prophet, one apostle and one saint, and that one the apostate church has rejected. Only two witnesses will be found on the streets of Jerusalem. You think this preposterous yet it remains the only truth I can discover. Apostate hypocrisy loves itself to death. This is earth ending corruption. Atheist love who they are. Satan loves who he is. God will not cave in as he has the over abundance of all NON HUMAN life and intelligence, worlds and galaxies without number all 100 % with in perfect subjection and felicity. As much as God attempt to sanctify humanity it is grossly ineffective. How upsidedown it appears that the sewage of all intelligence floats on top.

Why do North Korean generals have so many medals?
. Image .
North Korean Competence Award—this award in for appearing capable in performing your duties. Failure to appear competent can lead to death.
Failure to appear competent can lead to death. Got it?
That is.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Executes a Turtle Farmer For 'Incompetence'.

How many medals have the scott-lloyd-types?
Choyo Chagas is Chairman of the Big Four, the ruler of the planet from "The Bull's Hour" ( Russian: Час Быка), a social science fiction novel written by Soviet author and paleontologist Ivan Yefremov in 1968.
Six months after its publication Soviet authorities banned the book and attempted to remove it from libraries and bookshops.
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _moksha »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Scott Lloyd wrote:Ah, a variation on the "my truth" vs. "your truth" nonsense.

I didn't read further because I fundamentally reject this notion. As Ben Shapiro has said, there's no such thing as "my truth." There is only THE truth and opinion.

I seem to remember hearing apologists argue in favor of subjective and relative truth before.

I feel that we Mormons paint ourselves into a corner with the binary all true or not true position. We are in the same corner with Mr. Lloyd's absolute truth vs opinion argument. The vulnerability of that painted corner can be seen in the number of people abandoning their faith when they find out that not everything claimed has been truthful.

Apologists say the darnedest things. Anyway, I am a big fan of Cinepro's insights and honesty.

I think Jeanne at MD&D had the best response to Cinepro's post when she added, "Wow...just wow".
Cry Heaven and let loose the Penguins of Peace
_Kevin Graham
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _Kevin Graham »

sunstoned wrote:
Maksutov wrote:Lloyd is such a douche. :rolleyes: The exchange is itself the most perfect illustration of Cinepro's point.

Folks like Cinepro give me hope for Mormonism. A great people of amazing potential, distracted and trivialized by pinhead managers.

I don't think Lloyd has ever expressed, or even had an original thought. He has no need for one. He gets his directions from the people he worships, the Q15. And of course, when they speak, the thinking is done.

And Ben Shapiro from the propaganda mill Brietbart.
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _Stem »

Mr. Bukowski has pushed his relativism so hard over at MD&D sometimes it's surprising that Lloyd and others are quick to dismiss it when expressed by others in some form. For some reason Scott and Bukowski act as if they are in some agreement on the topic. They seem diametrically opposed to me. To be fair to Scott though, the relativism that Bukowski preaches is so at odds with what the general leaders teach, they aren't even in the same ballpark half the time (although at times there are snippets of ideas or statements found in the leaders' words that make it appear like they can agree).

I've heard nothing from Mormons at it pertains to relativism other than that it is evil. Bukowski on the other hand thinks it is the only way forward for the Church (which I'd say he has a point). Talking to Scott is akin to talking to the wall half the time. He simply dismisses you, as he did Cinepro, before he even reads you, or he seemingly adds to your intentions whatever he likes to make whatever you are saying into something else.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

I think Scotty Dog used to post here, but he couldn't handle people returning the favor to him with his dumb ass attitude. He's probably one of the more up his own ass prideful types I've seen on the interwebs. I don't know why? He's a pretty average dude.

- Doc
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
_deacon blues
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _deacon blues »

Cinepro gives a valuable insight. People may believe many different things. The LDS church however is more about loyalty than doctrine. They don't care what you believe, as long as you will do anything the leaders say. That's why they like the story about Abraham being willing to sacrifice Isaac so much. Abraham (or Heber C. Kimball, or Helen Mar Kimball, or Oliver Cowdery, or Orson Pratt) could believe different stuff as long as they would do anything God and/or Joseph Smith and/or Brigham Young said. The covenants in the temple are about loyalty rather than beliefs.

As I think a little more about it, I'll admit that some of the temple interview questions are about belief, so I could be a little bit wrong, but, essentially the leaders/the church are treated as God: they are to be obeyed and not criticized.
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Re: MAD's Most Insightful Comment Ever.

Post by _Maksutov »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:I think Scotty Dog used to post here, but he couldn't handle people returning the favor to him with his dumb ass attitude. He's probably one of the more up his own ass prideful types I've seen on the interwebs. I don't know why? He's a pretty average dude.

- Doc

The last time I remember him here he dissed somebody over their absurd beliefs and I brought up magic rocks. He left with a holy harrumph.
"God" is the original deus ex machina. --Maksutov
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