COVID-19 reactions and LDS ?????prophetic????? evolution

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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _Dr LOD »

Gadianton wrote:I call BS. Granted, there is a hit-and-miss strain of "preparedness" in Mormonism, but I call BS that either he or Lou Midgley has much to do with that. (I would bet, however, that Kiwi57 is prepared) I'd like to see a blog post with specifics about his food storage and Midgley's, their 2-week plans, and their 72-hour emergency kits. I'd also like to know what kind of training they've had for dealing with emergencies, and how much thought they've put into it. In the hundreds of thousands of words he's produced over the years, I've never read a thing that indicates any practical skills. Sometimes academics wear that as a badge of honor. In fact, Midgley, as guy in a high risk class, took a cruise at the outbreak of the virus to confront an "anti-Mormon" on the other side of the planet. Wow, yeah -- these guys are really prepared!

You are right I don't see either of them having any practical skills beyond their academic and apologetic endeavors. Nor doing much to prepare for anything. At best they have some dusty food storage under the stairs, but lack the skills to do anything with it.

The best the church could say about their preparedness was there is with the past stresses on preparedness in the culture many members kept up some of those habits. The home based movement came from an entirely different direction, being "prepared" for the coronavirus was a fortunate coincidence.
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _lemuel »

moksha wrote:Not sure all Church Authorities would appreciate Dr. Peterson's suggestion that the Ensign Peak funds be used to help members during this period of contagion. Although he could get a pass by pointing out how this was just a theoretical ramble.

Please everyone pray for Ensign Peak in this difficult time for the stock market.
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _Mormonicious »

Well, here is the great and all powerful Rusty the "tin man" Nelson's guideance.

"This too shall pass. That’s what President Russell M. Nelson wants members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to remember amid the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a video posted on the church’s social media channels Saturday, the 95-year-old leader of the faith assured members "these unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future."" ... oronavirus

Yep, that's it, this too shall pass. Kind of like the dicey street vendor's Burrito, it too shall pass.

All Hail Google God, her son eBay and the Holy Toaster youtube.
Revelation 2:17 . . give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. Thank Google GOD for her son eBay, you can now have life eternal with laser engraving. . oh, and a seer stone and save 10% of your life's earning as a bonus. See you in Mormon man god Heaven Bitches!!. Bring on the Virgins
_Holy Ghost
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _Holy Ghost »

Mormonicious wrote:Well, here is the great and all powerful Rusty the "tin man" Nelson's guideance.

"This too shall pass. That’s what President Russell M. Nelson wants members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to remember amid the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a video posted on the church’s social media channels Saturday, the 95-year-old leader of the faith assured members "these unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future."" ... oronavirus

Yep, that's it, this too shall pass. Kind of like the dicey street vendor's Burrito, it too shall pass.

All Hail Google God, her son eBay and the Holy Toaster youtube.

It sounds like the god that Nelson is channeling is named Trump.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." Isaac Asimov
_Finn the human
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _Finn the human »

I really try not to be a choosing beggar when it comes to revelations and miracles. But I am struggling to see God working through Mormon leaders with regard to how things have unfolded with coronavirus. The scriptures are replete with clear of examples of God working miracles though his BFF’s. Remember in the Bible when an angel protected Daniel and he turned the lions den into a petting zoo? What if an angel helped President Nelson turn coronavirus into, oh say, a probiotic or something. It could be the first viral probiotic. Plus President Nelson is a doctor so that would probably give him and the angel a head start with the whole process.
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _Dr LOD »

Quick Coronavirus update that does not involve the LDS church. Increased ability to test is starting to come online slowly, hopefully it will be in full swing by mid week. Continue to avoid public places and gatherings.
_Simon Southerton
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _Simon Southerton »

Last edited by Guest on Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
_Fence Sitter
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _Fence Sitter »

My Home teacher, who came over to give my wife the sacrament, pointed out how prophetic it was for Nelson to have started the home centered gospel learning 18 months ago to prepare for this emergency. I replied by asking why didn't the prophet just warn the world about the corona virus straight out because we needed to prepare in a lot more ways than just Sunday services at home?

" It doesn't work like that." was the reply.

I let it go because the guy is a friend I would like to keep that way.

Honestly, it's like "The Life of Brian" in real life.

Brian: "I am not the Messiah".

Person in the mob following Brian shouts: "The True Messiah will always deny he is the Messiah!".

Brian: "Okay, then I am the Messiah!".

Mob in unison shouts: "See! He is the Messiah!".
"Any over-ritualized religion since the dawn of time can make its priests say yes, we know, it is rotten, and hard luck, but just do as we say, keep at the ritual, stick it out, give us your money and you'll end up with the angels in heaven for evermore."
_Simon Southerton
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _Simon Southerton »

Fence Sitter wrote:Honestly, it's like "The Life of Brian" in real life.

Brian: "I am not the Messiah".

Person in the mob following Brian shouts: "The True Messiah will always deny he is the Messiah!".

Brian: "Okay, then I am the Messiah!".

Mob in unison shouts: "See! He is the Messiah!".

Just goes to show the Pythons were not just comic geniuses. They knew exactly how all religions operate. The leaders pretend to lead but with one eye on the followers for which direction to take.
LDS apologetics --> "It's not the crime, it's the cover-up, which creates the scandal."
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_I have a question
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Re: COVID-19 reactions and LDS “prophetic” evolution

Post by _I have a question »

Sheri gets in on the action...
Nothing happening in the world today is catching the Lord off-guard. Satan hasn’t pulled a fast one on Him. Circumstances that led to the inception and spreading of the coronavirus were all foreseen by Him who sees all. That is clear, because our leaders have been getting us ready for this very hour. ... ngs-177286

Of course, what Sheri fails to realise is that her position means that her Lord is complicit in allowing people to suffer and die, to lose jobs and livelihoods, homes and businesses. Sheri Dew's Lord wants you to suffer these things. What kind of a parent does that?

One of my nephews said this week, “Well, if this virus mess doesn’t convince you that there is a living prophet who has been trying to prepare us for days like these, I don’t know what would.”

Indeed. The fruits of revelation are often more easily seen in hindsight. It is no surprise to those who believe in prophets that more than a year ago President Russell M. Nelson, with 14 others ordained as prophets, seers and revelators, introduced a home-centered, Church-supported curriculum and admonished us to be more intentional about studying and teaching the gospel in our homes.

It is no surprise that two years ago they introduced ministering and asked us to learn to care for each other in a higher, holier way.
I wonder when they'll get around to explaining what the $124 billion was needed for and how that confirms Nelson is a Prophet. I mean, if Coronavirus isn't a rainy day...what is? Are all those CEO's who instigated years ago strategies of having people work from home, equally Prophetic?

Drawing targets around where the arrows fell and declaring "Bullseye!" seems a very prevalent pastime in religion in general, but in Mormonism in particular.
“When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” (Mathew Syed 'Black Box Thinking')
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