Heavenly Father sees fit to cut off one of Interpreter’s sources of income

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Heavenly Father sees fit to cut off one of Interpreter’s sources of income

Post by drumdude »

“DCP every Christmas” wrote: If, for example, 10,ooo people each make $1000 worth of purchases through AmazonSmile in a particular year, which is surely not impossible, they will have caused Amazon to give fully $50,000 that year.

Now, I’m going to suggest — big surprise — that the Interpreter Foundation would be a remarkably good charity for you to designate as a recipient of Amazon’s generosity. We are, as a matter of fact, elibible and on their list. And here is a brief video that my friend Tom Pittman kindly created, showing you how to choose the Interpreter Foundation for this purpose:

Now, of course, you may be the kind of person who doesn’t want to give to the Interpreter Foundation. Maybe you’re the kind of person who would rather give to the Society for the Promulgation of Spray-Paint Graffiti or to the Friends of the Anopheles Mosquito or to the Serial Killer Defense Fund. (Just the sort of folks, of course, who wouldn’t want to support the Interpreter Foundation!) Frankly, I rather doubt that those august organizations are on Amazon’s list of eligible charities. But the fact is that there is absolutely no reason not to choose some charity as a recipient of Amazon’s corporate giving.

Choose somebody — whether the Interpreter Foundation or somebody else — as your designated AmazonSmile charity. You can still make further charitable contributions to that organization or to another one. But there is no reason whatever to refuse Amazon’s generous offer
“Amazon” wrote: We are writing to let you know that we plan to wind down AmazonSmile by February 20, 2023. We will continue to pursue and invest in other areas where we’ve seen we can make meaningful change—from building affordable housing to providing access to computer science education for students in underserved communities to using our logistics infrastructure and technology to assist broad communities impacted by natural disasters.
I’m glad Amazon is no longer donating money to “charities” like Interpreter. And is instead focusing their efforts into areas which will better serve humanity.

It’s a shame Rusty didn’t give Dan a heads up. I hope it doesn’t affect the release of the upcoming Brigham Young movie.
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