What proofs are there against Christianity?

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Re: What proofs are there against Christianity?

Post by IWMP »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:22 pm
Yesterday, I was struck by God Himself with a pulled back muscle after clearing the latest Winter storm’s wrath off my deck and driveway, when it occurred to me it had been quite some time since I read the Warrior Cats saga, specifically my “Dawn of the Clans” set. So I picked up the box set, blew off the dust, and settled in for a treat - no one writes like “Erin Hunter”, and boy, what a treat it was to read those books again! As such, I was reminded of dear Tigerheart, who is nothing less than Jesus Christ in role and in spirit! Rawr!

Anyway, as things go, I had to take a crap, and as I was dropping trou I noticed my well-worn copy of CS Lewis’s famous book Mere Christianity resting on the water tank, somewhat appropriately I might add (forgive my not using periods after the C and the S, but only a pompous gasbag douche would do something like that in this day and age). So, I decided to read the book, cover to cover in the few minutes I vacated my bowels. Nothing like a good meal of soft serve coffee in a donut cone, with a shot of crème brûlée espresso followed by Austrian goat milk double-half-caf-half-decaf-soy milk cappuccino - extra hot - with a dash of Madagascar cinnamon-and half tablespoon of caramel-latte-frappa-mocha to get things going! As one foodie-apologist blogger might say, “It was good!”

Anyway, a handful of minutes later I was done. I not only had to wipe my backside, but I had to wipe away my tears. by the way, anyone recommend a good topical medicine for pinkeye?

I digress. I couldn’t help but notice Lewis contends that the universality of moral intuitions across cultures and civilizations suggests the existence of a moral law written into the fabric of the universe, pointing to a divine legislator as the source of this transcendent morality. An appeal to the masses, I suppose. Perhaps Lewis didn’t know or understand anything about evolutionary psychology, cultural relativism, and secular moral realism as a counter to the existence of a transcendent source - ie, God.

I’ll attempt to invoke a ‘Hitchslap’ of my own:

“In this grand human experiment, diverse societies flaunt their distinct moral codes with an almost rebellious zeal. The very variability in these norms raises an eyebrow at the claim of a universal moral law. It seems the cosmic moral script might have a few more writers than Lewis envisioned – a cacophony of human history, if you will.”

- Doc hitchslapping an idiot who thinks too highly of himself
:lol: This mangled my brain lol.
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