Hmm…Well, I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree on this point. I suppose one thing to consider is whether or not Islam was essentially a heretical outgrowth of the Judaeo Christian tradition or not.
I’ve repeatedly said on this board that a number of years ago I made a choice, Pascal’s wager, to believe in God. A creator God. A God who loves and supports His creations. And at that point I looked at which of the world's mythologies gave the best narrative of this God. Christianity and the teachings/doctrine of a Father in Heaven and His Son sent to earth as an Exemplar, Savior, and Redeemer made the most sense. To me.
I realize that your mileage may vary. Along with all those Muslims out there.
Not to say that many of those millions of God’s children praying to Allah aren’t doing so with full purpose of righteous hearts and that in some form or fashion the God and Father of us all blesses and recognizes them for their efforts and faith. Key factor…righteous hearts. Just as within any religious system hearts can be led astray after worldly lusts, power and glory, temptations of the flesh, etc.