Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _Quasimodo »

Uncle Ed wrote:
Blixa wrote:
No kidding. I mean check out this part of the phrase: "the balance of the audience will mostly be anti-Mormons..." Since the project has been picked up by so many different media I think it fair to say that a great deal of the audience will be non-Mormons but to conflate that with "anti-Mormons" is just stupid.

Then the statement goes on to assume "anti-Mormons" will view the women as "freaks" because they posed nude. Hmmm, I thought "anti-mormons" were all into hedonism, no? So surely they are more likely to applaud the women's their bravery than condemn them for it?

In fact, the people most likely to condemn these women as freaks are conservative Mormons and whatever UE is.

And finally "garments of her modesty." What kind of phrase is that? Is it about clothes? Temple garments? What?

Too bad Dr. Scratch doesn't have a special category in his top ten for most gymnophobic post.

I just luv the Internet, such a wonderfully clear medium free of judgmental types.

I point out the obvious and get labeled as "one of them", whatever "them" is supposed to mean.

Let's put it this way. If I went to said website, saw a neighboring ward member I know, a "card carrying member in good standing" posing nude, how would that not be a problem? Are you really asserting that every male who sees said-nude woman should just "grow a pair" and act like it doesn't mean anything? What does it mean? Next time in the temple, in the prayer circle forgodsakes, how can the woman not be seen undressed by every male who has seen her nude pics? Get real! What else is posing nude before the world's unchaste gaze supposed to mean? Hell if I know, but it isn't Mormonism or any part of what it is or has ever been....

The tragedy of knowing what a sister looks like under her clothes. It can ruin some lovely fantasies. No one looks as good naked as one's fantasies suggest. That's actually the point of clothes in the first place.

Nudity should be required at all Church functions. That would eliminate most lustful imaginings. If everyone was naked, no one would care.
This, or any other post that I have made or will make in the future, is strictly my own opinion and consequently of little or no value.

"Faith is believing something you know ain't true" Twain.
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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _Uncle Ed »

Quasimodo wrote:
The tragedy of knowing what a sister looks like under her clothes. It can ruin some lovely fantasies. No one looks as good naked as one's fantasies suggest. That's actually the point of clothes in the first place.

Nudity should be required at all Church functions. That would eliminate most lustful imaginings. If everyone was naked, no one would care.

LOL! Seriously, that is just nonsense. Nudity is cultural. In large swathes of the world it is as normal as waking and sleeping. And sex is just as much a reality as it is in prudish Mormondom. Your concept of clothing is ridiculous, it doesn't hide a damned thing when sex is offered. Making nudity some kind of liberating statement of giving the Morg the finger is just so obviously facile, and self-serving. Not one of those women who pose is trying to look unattractive, or really is unattractive, since there is something beautiful about every human body. A camera just has the power to focus on what is imperfect and make it look good, even perfect. Thus this website is offering/tempting to do just that: make yourself look good. Perfection has nothing to do with it and is not the object in view. Imperfection is seen as good enough, even "perfect" for its purposes. None of this website's agenda is needed for the woman who respects her own body and does not need strangers gawking at her....
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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _Quasimodo »

Uncle Ed wrote:LOL! Seriously, that is just nonsense. Nudity is cultural. In large swathes of the world it is as normal as waking and sleeping. And sex is just as much a reality as it is in prudish Mormondom. Your concept of clothing is ridiculous, it doesn't hide a damned thing when sex is offered. Making nudity some kind of liberating statement of giving the Morg the finger is just so obviously facile, and self-serving. Not one of those women who pose is trying to look unattractive, or really is unattractive, since there is something beautiful about every human body. A camera just has the power to focus on what is imperfect and make it look good, even perfect. Thus this website is offering/tempting to do just that: make yourself look good. Perfection has nothing to do with it and is not the object in view. Imperfection is seen as good enough, even "perfect" for its purposes. None of this website's agenda is needed for the woman who respects her own body and does not need strangers gawking at her....

Your post is a little confusing. On one hand you say nudity is cultural. I agree with that. On the other hand you are saying that clothing is required for a woman to respect her own body. I don't agree with that.

Pick one or the other and we can discuss it.
This, or any other post that I have made or will make in the future, is strictly my own opinion and consequently of little or no value.

"Faith is believing something you know ain't true" Twain.
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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _Blixa »

Quasimodo wrote:
Uncle Ed wrote:LOL! Seriously, that is just nonsense. Nudity is cultural. In large swathes of the world it is as normal as waking and sleeping. And sex is just as much a reality as it is in prudish Mormondom. Your concept of clothing is ridiculous, it doesn't hide a damned thing when sex is offered. Making nudity some kind of liberating statement of giving the Morg the finger is just so obviously facile, and self-serving. Not one of those women who pose is trying to look unattractive, or really is unattractive, since there is something beautiful about every human body. A camera just has the power to focus on what is imperfect and make it look good, even perfect. Thus this website is offering/tempting to do just that: make yourself look good. Perfection has nothing to do with it and is not the object in view. Imperfection is seen as good enough, even "perfect" for its purposes. None of this website's agenda is needed for the woman who respects her own body and does not need strangers gawking at her....

Your post is a little confusing. On one hand you say nudity is cultural. I agree with that. On the other hand you are saying that clothing is required for a woman to respect her own body. I don't agree with that.

Pick one or the other and we can discuss it.

Good luck with that, quasi.
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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _Quasimodo »

Blixa wrote:
Good luck with that, quasi.


We are only able to do what we can.
This, or any other post that I have made or will make in the future, is strictly my own opinion and consequently of little or no value.

"Faith is believing something you know ain't true" Twain.
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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _LDSToronto »

Uncle Ed wrote:I just luv the Internet, such a wonderfully clear medium free of judgmental types.

I point out the obvious and get labeled as "one of them", whatever "them" is supposed to mean.

Let's put it this way. If I went to said website, saw a neighboring ward member I know, a "card carrying member in good standing" posing nude, how would that not be a problem?

It would be a *big* problem...for you. Websites such as this one, as you so aptly pointed out, are nothing more than fap fodder , designed to illicit sexual feelings in men. You'd probably look at these women and, being brought under their hedonistic spell, you'd probably masturbate uncontrollably, vicariously having sexual congress with these women as you plead to your god above for forgiveness. Confessing to your bishop, he'd take away your temple recommend, probably force you tell your wife, leading to the dissolution of your marriage, financial ruin, and a life trolling message boards and reminiscing with Why Me about the good ol' days of light cotton lays.

Too bad you and all men have no ability to look upon the nude form in no other way....

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_Uncle Ed
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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _Uncle Ed »

Quasimodo wrote:
Your post is a little confusing. On one hand you say nudity is cultural. I agree with that. On the other hand you are saying that clothing is required for a woman to respect her own body. I don't agree with that.

Pick one or the other and we can discuss it.

Heck no, since I didn't say anything about clothing and self respect being the same thing. NOT parading your nude flesh as a statement of value and independence is obviously not going to happen if you keep your nudity expressions to yourself and your mate. Keeping perverts from seeing your nudity is just common sense, they are not worthy.

If there was some way to show only the truly, worthy, appreciative among us, then I'd allow that the choice to do so is surely the individual's and there is no moral component in sharing a body's beauty. But the public Internet is not that venue, so the website is disingenuous crap....
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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _Tator »

LDSToronto wrote:
Uncle Ed wrote:I just luv the Internet, such a wonderfully clear medium free of judgmental types.

I point out the obvious and get labeled as "one of them", whatever "them" is supposed to mean.

Let's put it this way. If I went to said website, saw a neighboring ward member I know, a "card carrying member in good standing" posing nude, how would that not be a problem?

It would be a *big* problem...for you. Websites such as this one, as you so aptly pointed out, are nothing more than fap fodder , designed to illicit sexual feelings in men. You'd probably look at these women and, being brought under their hedonistic spell, you'd probably masturbate uncontrollably, vicariously having sexual congress with these women as you plead to your god above for forgiveness. Confessing to your bishop, he'd take away your temple recommend, probably force you tell your wife, leading to the dissolution of your marriage, financial ruin, and a life trolling message boards and reminiscing with Why Me about the good ol' days of light cotton lays.

Too bad you and all men have no ability to look upon the nude form in no other way....


Well said +++++++++
a.k.a. Pokatator joined Oct 26, 2006 and permanently banned from MAD Nov 6, 2006
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2 different threads same day 2 hours apart Yohoo Bat 12/1/2015
_Uncle Ed
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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _Uncle Ed »

LDSToronto wrote:... Websites such as this one, as you so aptly pointed out, are nothing more than fap fodder , designed to illicit sexual feelings in men. You'd probably look at these women and, being brought under their hedonistic spell, you'd probably masturbate uncontrollably, vicariously having sexual congress with these women as you plead to your god above for forgiveness. Confessing to your bishop, he'd take away your temple recommend, probably force you tell your wife, leading to the dissolution of your marriage, financial ruin, and a life trolling message boards and reminiscing with Why Me about the good ol' days of light cotton lays.

Too bad you and all men have no ability to look upon the nude form in no other way....



And here I was misled into thinking you were a Rock Hudson kind of guy.

That's a mighty broad brush you are wielding there....
A man should never step a foot into the field,
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He knows not when he may need arms,
Or what menace meet on the road. - Hávamál 38

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Re: Has the instigator of 'Mormon Women Bare' been ex'd?

Post by _ludwigm »

Quasimodo wrote:If everyone was naked, no one would care.

Then, men would be more naked than women.

The men's intention would be shown too...
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