Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _Maxrep »

Our testimony is the basic way we pledge allegiance to the community. It demonstrates to other members that we belong.

Remove the expectations of family members and the church community, and the individual testimony will fade on it's own. This is precisely why those go through divorce are more likely to leave. They experience a pronounced change in their family ties and can also shift their own social experience. It is also extremely easy for a convert who has no family members that are LDS to cut bait and leave.

It never was the testimony.
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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _Maxrep »

In church, teens learn early on that developing a testimony is a way that creates a narrative that says to the members of the group, "I belong". Young teens seek out this type of approval. Developing a testimony is no different than baptism at age 8, or scouting, or girls camp. A testimony is simply on the youth schedule as are many other items. The testimony is a direct result of what the community anticipates from youth, and the youth comply.
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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _DarkHelmet »

They never have doubts, because when they feel doubt creeping in, they simply sing a hymn and look at this poster:

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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _Fence Sitter »

Craig Paxton wrote:
Perhaps you are correct with BC...and as for MG...each of us has faced those same cost of leaving the clan, Each of us who has concluded that Mormonism was man-made have risked our families, social status, careers and friends...yet we paid it. Does it really come down to a fear of paying that final fee?

You know honestly if I didn't hate the meetings so much I would probably still be active at least minimally. There is much to be found in the social interactions one can find in church. I know that my TBM wife realizes many of the problems with the church and simply does not care. The church is her social life outside a few non member camping friends we have. My not being active has greatly limited my circle of friends, so my loss. I think there is a fee to pay either way.
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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _Bazooka »

To be fair to MG and BC, they are usually pretty upfront about the doubts and misgivings and areas of disbelief in the mainstream Mormon doctrines etc. they are also usually pretty candid about how they manage or put to one side those things. Particularly MG who is probably the most candid about this type of thing.
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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _Maxrep »

Bazooka wrote:To be fair to MG and BC, they are usually pretty upfront about the doubts and misgivings and areas of disbelief in the mainstream Mormon doctrines etc. they are also usually pretty candid about how they manage or put to one side those things. Particularly MG who is probably the most candid about this type of thing.

Yes, but do they ever express doubt about the staple core beliefs such as the Book of Mormon or the first vision? Having a different interpretation of the Noah's Ark story is fairly benign in LDS circles. Not believing in literal Nephites though, is an entirely different thing.
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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _bcspace »

Everyone has, some just won't admit it.

I freely admit, I have doubts from time to time. Nothing serious though and my long experience with an inept opposition allows me not to worry about things I might not have an immediate answer to.

Yes, but do they ever express doubt about the staple core beliefs such as the Book of Mormon or the first vision? Having a different interpretation of the Noah's Ark story is fairly benign in LDS circles. Not believing in literal Nephites though, is an entirely different thing.

I have no doubts about any of the things you mentioned here.
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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _CameronMO »

bcspace wrote:
Everyone has, some just won't admit it.

I freely admit, I have doubts from time to time. Nothing serious though and my long experience with an inept opposition allows me not to worry about things I might not have an immediate answer to.

If it's YOU V. YOUR DOUBTS, who, or what, is the inept competition? :biggrin:
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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _Craig Paxton »

bcspace wrote:Nothing serious though and my long experience with an inept opposition allows me not to worry about things I might not have an immediate answer to.

Uggggg...Really? That's where you want to go? I am so disappointed...
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Re: Do Maklelan, BC, MG & Co Ever Have Doubts?

Post by _tld »

Fence Sitter wrote:
Craig Paxton wrote:
You know honestly if I didn't hate the meetings so much I would probably still be active at least minimally. There is much to be found in the social interactions one can find in church. I know that my TBM wife realizes many of the problems with the church and simply does not care. The church is her social life outside a few non member camping friends we have. My not being active has greatly limited my circle of friends, so my loss. I think there is a fee to pay either way.

I can identify with this, as I did with something that Brent Metcalfe said in a recent Mormon Stories interview, to the effect that it got to the point that he felt speaking his mind in Church was becoming disruptive and so he chose not to attend (this was before he was excommunicated). I had a similar experience and stopped attending priesthood and Sunday school. But I still enjoy being around Church members most of the time, even though my view of reality is quite different from the views held by most Mormons. I don't think it has to be an either/or situation. I still believe in a creator and an afterlife and feel that love should be what motivates and guides us in our lives. While I was angry at one time, I am no longer angry at what I perceived as leaders of the Church misleading me, and have more or less made my peace.
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