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Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:31 pm
by _grindael
Imagine what the original trekkers went through. All that was a direct result of Brigham's enforcement of Joseph's command to "gather" for "safety in Zion".

And then, like so many other things that Jo enacted, it was cast aside. No reason to gather now, when all of Jo's prophecies about Zion failed miserably.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:04 pm
by _Sethbag
In the military there are defined (and measured) heat categories, with guidelines on water consumption per hour, levels of removal or loosening of restrictive garments to enable better cooling with higher heat categories, and guidelines on how much work should be performed before a certain amount of resting in the shade should take place, in order to try to avoid these kinds of things. And they're pretty vigilant about it. And still people go down every year, and there are deaths, due to heat injuries during field activities.

I very much doubt a bunch of volunteers just winging it can come close to this sort of preparation, and yet hope to have no heat injuries at all.

The thing is that discomfort and suffering are designed in to these treks, being seen as things that will strengthen Mormon testimonies. "Holy crap this is tough, and this really sucks, just imagine how strongly my forefathers must have believed to go through all of this!"

I wonder how often and to what extent Mormons ignore their symptoms and just chalk it up to the expected levels of suffering, and unwittingly put themselves at very real mortal risk? Well, here's part of the answer: at least once during 2016 so far.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:24 pm
by _Jesse Pinkman
Sethbag wrote:In the military there are defined (and measured) heat categories, with guidelines on water consumption per hour, levels of removal or loosening of restrictive garments to enable better cooling with higher heat categories, and guidelines on how much work should be performed before a certain amount of resting in the shade should take place, in order to try to avoid these kinds of things. And they're pretty vigilant about it. And still people go down every year, and there are deaths, due to heat injuries during field activities.

I very much doubt a bunch of volunteers just winging it can come close to this sort of preparation, and yet hope to have no heat injuries at all.

The thing is that discomfort and suffering are designed in to these treks, being seen as things that will strengthen Mormon testimonies. "Holy crap this is tough, and this really sucks, just imagine how strongly my forefathers must have believed to go through all of this!"

I wonder how often and to what extent Mormons ignore their symptoms and just chalk it up to the expected levels of suffering, and unwittingly put themselves at very real mortal risk? Well, here's part of the answer: at least once during 2016 so far.

Very well articulated, Seth. Thanks for the comments here. I have a very good friend who does this trek every year with her husband. They are really great at taking care of the kids they are in charge of. But I honestly worry about them every time they go. Now I see there really is a place for valid concern, not only for the health of the kids, but the adults, too.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:27 pm
by _Jesse Pinkman
Rather than doing a full on trek, isn't there something else that is a little safer that could be done? Maybe some sort of picnic at a campsite where everyone is dressed up, and could do little mini hikes or something? With an air conditioned area close by?

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:28 pm
by _Jesse Pinkman
I can think of a number of safer alternatives to this idiotic activity. I have been against it since they started doing it.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:43 am
by _Quasimodo
How come they don't re-enact the Mountain Meadows Massacre? They could have lots of period costumes and no one has to walk very far.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:01 am
by _SuperDell
Taking teenagers on a 7 mile trek in 95 degree heat is plain stupidity and child endangerment.

Pure BS. Desert survival and camping gets a lot hotter and folks don't die from it.
Sounds like they had the medical personnel there and she was just unlucky. Probably would have had the same problem mowing her lawn in the heat.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:06 am
by _Tator
Quasimodo wrote:How come they don't re-enact the Mountain Meadows Massacre? They could have lots of period costumes and no one has to walk very far.

I can imagine the souvenir t-shirts, great idea.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:27 am
by _Polygamy-Porter
Jesse Pinkman wrote:I can think of a number of safer alternatives to this idiotic activity. I have been against it since they started doing it.

Brainwashing is done best when the body is under stress.

You do know about the testimony meetings they hold every damn night and hopes that the kids will cry, right?

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:31 am
by _Polygamy-Porter
The truth about these stupid brainwashing death marches is that a very small percentage of Mormons actually did this asinine handcart march on their way to Briggies theocracy, and EVEN fewer died!

But they love to roll the kids around in the the misery as if ALL Mormons back then nearly died trying to "live their religion."

The dumbs Mormons back then that died, were following their cult leader, Brigham Young. And it was his idea to leave in the middle of the winter to get away from the authorities. All Mormons who died on that trek, their blood is on Brigham's dirty hands.

damned cult just killed the mother of two young kids. ... tml?pg=all