The Interpreter Radio Show

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_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

This is especially ironic given their reaction to John Dehlin's podcast.


- Doc
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
_Doctor Scratch
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Doctor Scratch »

You know what? I feel a little bit bad for the Mopologists. The show is just so, so bad. I wonder if we could all set aside our differences for a moment in order to help them out? And wouldn't you know it, but in this post on "Sic et Non," Dr. Peterson provides instructions on how you can phone in to the show. Now, *that* could be very interesting indeed! Perhaps Everybody Wang Chung could give them a ring in order to inquire about the agenda for this year's cruise to the Middle East? I'm sure that Philo Sofee has all kinds of worthwhile questions he could pose to them....

Even the reverse of this might be interesting. What if the Mopologists begain phoning up their critics--e.g., what if they called Ed Decker? Or James White? It could be like a Mopologetic version of The Jerky Boys, except real.
"[I]f, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
_Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Everybody Wang Chung »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:This is especially ironic given their reaction to John Dehlin's podcast.


- Doc

Thanks for the link.

I almost forgot about this incident where Midgley confronted Dehlin at a conference and accused him of being responsible for the deaths of two missionaries.

Another shining example of the professional and ethical behavior of the Mopologists.
"I'm on paid sabbatical from BYU in exchange for my promise to use this time to finish two books."

Daniel C. Peterson, 2014
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Gadianton »

Doctor Scratch wrote:You know what? I feel a little bit bad for the Mopologists. The show is just so, so bad. I wonder if we could all set aside our differences for a moment in order to help them out? And wouldn't you know it, but in this post on "Sic et Non," Dr. Peterson provides instructions on how you can phone in to the show. Now, *that* could be very interesting indeed! Perhaps Everybody Wang Chung could give them a ring in order to inquire about the agenda for this year's cruise to the Middle East? I'm sure that Philo Sofee has all kinds of worthwhile questions he could pose to them....

Even the reverse of this might be interesting. What if the Mopologists begain phoning up their critics--e.g., what if they called Ed Decker? Or James White? It could be like a Mopologetic version of The Jerky Boys, except real.

You know, I own a microphone. I also have a cellphone. Granted, my ASIO drivers aren't compatible with Windows 10 and so I may need a new soundcard, but if I get that worked out, then we too could have a radio show where people call in and ask questions. Boy, talk about adding credibility to the University! With a blog and a podcast, who would dispute it as anything but one of the largest, most successful institutions of learning in the entire world?
Lou Midgley 08/20/2020: "...meat wad," and "cockroach" are pithy descriptions of human beings used by gemli? They were not fashioned by Professor Peterson.

LM 11/23/2018: one can explain away the soul of human Meat Unit, to use Professor Peterson's clever derogatory description of gemli's ideology.
_Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Everybody Wang Chung »

Gadianton wrote:
Doctor Scratch wrote:You know what? I feel a little bit bad for the Mopologists. The show is just so, so bad. I wonder if we could all set aside our differences for a moment in order to help them out? And wouldn't you know it, but in this post on "Sic et Non," Dr. Peterson provides instructions on how you can phone in to the show. Now, *that* could be very interesting indeed! Perhaps Everybody Wang Chung could give them a ring in order to inquire about the agenda for this year's cruise to the Middle East? I'm sure that Philo Sofee has all kinds of worthwhile questions he could pose to them....

Even the reverse of this might be interesting. What if the Mopologists begain phoning up their critics--e.g., what if they called Ed Decker? Or James White? It could be like a Mopologetic version of The Jerky Boys, except real.

You know, I own a microphone. I also have a cellphone. Granted, my ASIO drivers aren't compatible with Windows 10 and so I may need a new soundcard, but if I get that worked out, then we too could have a radio show where people call in and ask questions. Boy, talk about adding credibility to the University! With a blog and a podcast, who would dispute it as anything but one of the largest, most successful institutions of learning in the entire world?

I think I speak for everyone here when I say we would love to have a "Cassius Radio Hour" with the Cassius 5.
"I'm on paid sabbatical from BYU in exchange for my promise to use this time to finish two books."

Daniel C. Peterson, 2014
Posts: 1023
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Tom »

Wow. I made the highly regrettable decision last night to binge on the full 1.5 hours in a single sitting, and I paid the price! Talk about Montezuma’s Revenge! But after having my brain pumped, I’ve returned to the land of living.

Regarding John Gee’s tone during the show, I haven’t heard that much excitement in a person’s voice since the times when Brother Crawfish, the ward elders quorum president, provided his weekly report at ward council on building cleanup the previous Saturday and when Sister Wolfmother bore her testimony in sacrament meeting that 500-pound crates of cracked wheat were on sale at the emergency supply depot in town.

With those things in mind, I hereby make a few recommendations to improve the radio program:

1. Add a health warning at the opening of every show: “Do not do ANYTHING during or within three hours of the end of the show until you know how it affects you, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, metaphysically, and religiously.”
2. Eighty-six those terrible commercial breaks. Would it bankrupt the station to hire a producer to advise show hosts when they need to go to commercial?
3. Stop rocking in those creaky chairs! Stop the heavy breathing into the microphone. Enough said.
4. Play new music. Ten seconds of Milli Vanilli at the end of each break would improve things immeasurably.
5. Bring in Louis Midgley as a sidekick to do some simple bits, barks, and random outbursts. He would be the ideal man to heckle hostile callers until they hung up (assuming the show has a caller).

A few show ideas to liven things up:

1. Daniel Peterson on What I Did During My Summer Sabbatical
2. The FARMS Ziggurat: Past, Present, and Future
3. Mormon Celebrity Deathmatch: targets of past Mopologetic hit jobs and various rivals enter the arena with their Mopologist and other foes to do battle to the death.

Guest referee: Mills Lane. Simulcast in HD audio and video. Claymation and non-claymation matches.

Draft fight card:

Loftes Tryk vs. Daniel Peterson

John Dehlin vs. Gregory Smith

D. Michael Quinn vs. The Latter-day Saint Bushwhackers (Bill Hamblin and John Gee)

Hugh Nibley vs. Fawn Brodie (Interpreter’s Ghost Priesthood Executive Committee will arrange and promote this fight)

Robert Ritner v. John Gee (Master vs. Apprentice; this assumes Gee survives his match with Quinn)

Stanford Carmack vs. Brant Gardner

Duane Boyce vs. Terryl Givens, Patrick Mason, and Grant Hardy

Louis Midgley vs. Sandra Tanner

Rodney Meldrum vs. Stephen “The Young Turk” Smoot

Neal Rappleye vs. Philip Jenkins (Note: this match will not take place unless Rappleye is medically cleared to fight)

Dennis Horne vs. Duane Boyce (this assumes that Boyce beats Givens, Mason, and Hardy; winner is awarded the Champion of Orthodoxy belt)

David Bokovoy vs. John Gee (this assumes that Gee wins his previous matches)

Gemli vs. LDS Thinker vs. Prop 8 (survivor is declared Secondary Bane of Daniel Peterson’s Existence)

Michael Ash vs. Shaken Faith Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance (tag team)

Michael Coe vs. John Sorenson

Blair Dee Hodges vs. Daniel Peterson (“Go to hell!” match; this assumes that Peterson survives his previous match)

Brent Metcalfe vs. Bill Hamblin (similar caveat to the last for Hamblin)

Battle Royale cage match: FARMS vs. Signature Books (ca. 1991)

Battle Royale cage match: SHIELDS vs. old school FAIR (ca. 1997)

Royal Skousen vs. The Brethren (Skousen will fight with the Yale edition of the Book of Mormon while The Brethren will be armed with the official LDS version)

Dr. Gerald Bradford vs. Daniel Peterson (standard caveat applies in Peterson’s case)

Cassius Faculty vs. BYU Religious Education

PPV: Daniel Peterson vs. His Malevolent Stalker (standard caveat applies in Peterson’s case)

Let’s get it on! Good fight, good night!
“A scholar said he could not read the Book of Mormon, so we shouldn’t be shocked that scholars say the papyri don’t translate and/or relate to the Book of Abraham. Doesn’t change anything. It’s ancient and historical.” ~ Hanna Seariac
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Kishkumen »

That Ziggurat post makes me long for more innocent days, when interaction with Professor P. was more human and immediate. Now we are caricatures of ourselves in most of our interactions with each other.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
_Doctor Scratch
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Doctor Scratch »

I think it's worth zeroing in on this:

Bizarrely, Peterson does what appears to be a mocking, high-pitched imitation of Wyatt's speaking voice: "I'm fine! I'm fine!"

It really occurs to me that this is *exceptionally* mean. Peterson is the credentialed, Ph.D.-holding "authority" figure in the room, and here he is belittling Wyatt to his face. Not only that, this was being broadcast all along the Wasatch Front. I think there is good reason to criticize Allen Wyatt and/or to take issue with things he's done, but this was just straight-up disrespect. People have observed in the past that DCP and the apologists are contemptuous of the "Sister in Parowan," or, really, anyone they see as being beneath them. Usually they make an effort to conceal that tendency, but here it sprang loose (and you can almost hear Peterson catching himself). This is yet more evidence of how true that observation really is.
"[I]f, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
_Philo Sofee
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Philo Sofee »

Gadianton wrote:
Doctor Scratch wrote:You know what? I feel a little bit bad for the Mopologists. The show is just so, so bad. I wonder if we could all set aside our differences for a moment in order to help them out? And wouldn't you know it, but in this post on "Sic et Non," Dr. Peterson provides instructions on how you can phone in to the show. Now, *that* could be very interesting indeed! Perhaps Everybody Wang Chung could give them a ring in order to inquire about the agenda for this year's cruise to the Middle East? I'm sure that Philo Sofee has all kinds of worthwhile questions he could pose to them....

Even the reverse of this might be interesting. What if the Mopologists begain phoning up their critics--e.g., what if they called Ed Decker? Or James White? It could be like a Mopologetic version of The Jerky Boys, except real.

You know, I own a microphone. I also have a cellphone. Granted, my ASIO drivers aren't compatible with Windows 10 and so I may need a new soundcard, but if I get that worked out, then we too could have a radio show where people call in and ask questions. Boy, talk about adding credibility to the University! With a blog and a podcast, who would dispute it as anything but one of the largest, most successful institutions of learning in the entire world?

That might be really kinda stinkin COOL!
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
_Philo Sofee
Posts: 6660
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Re: The Interpreter Radio Show

Post by _Philo Sofee »

You know, I own a microphone. I also have a cellphone. Granted, my ASIO drivers aren't compatible with Windows 10 and so I may need a new soundcard, but if I get that worked out, then we too could have a radio show where people call in and ask questions. Boy, talk about adding credibility to the University! With a blog and a podcast, who would dispute it as anything but one of the largest, most successful institutions of learning in the entire world?

I think I speak for everyone here when I say we would love to have a "Cassius Radio Hour" with the Cassius 5.

Absol-lovin-lutely!!! And the rest of us could call in and ask INTELLIGENT questions, not moronic sophomoric softballs, but really show the meat and tatoes of it all. THIS WOULD WORK. Interview Shulem on Facsimile #3...... etc. :cool:
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
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