Anonymous Source Confirms Hit Piece

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Re: Anonymous Source Confirms Hit Piece

Post by _wayfarer »

Kishkumen wrote:
wayfarer wrote:So, when we look at the enemy here: the John Dehlins of the world, the so-called "wolf in sheeps clothing", who does he parallel in Jesus' account? Is there one that doubted? Is there one who didn't see a reason to believe in a literal resurrection? Thomas. Thomas the doubter. Yet how did Jesus treat Thomas? with love, understanding, and with the idea that some just aren't going to believe without the logical part. Did he condemn? NO. He said there is a more excellent Way: Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believed.

And what does the leader of this merry band of "Interpreters of Mormon Scripture" have to say when someone simply points out the obvious?

Daniel Peterson:Good grief.

Dan, it's time to stand up and lead. If the quotes in Greg Smith's article as posted by your "Malevolent Stalker" are accurate, it's not a piece worthy of publication by the Church, by BYU, by MI, or even (cough) by It's a "hit piece", even if you still deny the obvious. It's time to stop the vilification of those who are simply struggling with their faith. It's time to stop this sad, pathetic drama. As leader of the group, you could make a huge difference by repudiating these articles and adopting Elder Maxwell's mission with integrity and honor, rather than as a platform to smear those you consider unworthy. And before you scream "stop bearing false witness", I hold you responsible as leader of this group for the harmful words and actions of its members.

You could make a difference. do the right thing on this. Now.

wayfarer, you are a treasure. Thank you.

And for this, I was just banned on mddb. go figure. i guess i struck too close to home.
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Re: Anonymous Source Confirms Hit Piece

Post by _Kishkumen »

wayfarer wrote:And for this, I was just banned on mddb. go figure. i guess i struck too close to home.

Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
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