Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Kishkumen »

Equality wrote:Are there any other circumstances beyond "imminent danger" where it might be justified? How about when the powerful unethical institution is defrauding people? Putting the health and safety of children at risk? Destroying families? Driving people to suicide? Some would argue--and I am one of them--that "imminent danger" is not the threshold for determining whether deviating from the highest possible ethical standard in confronting a powerful unethical institution is justified and that, even if it were, the "imminent danger" need not involve the individual confronting the institution but rather could include the victims of that institution's unethical practices. YMMV.

So, what do you think Bill’s recording did to save lives and families? I would say that his podcast was a lot more valuable in that regard. Recording the DC to publish is an emotionally satisfying stunt, in which Bill’s listeners can hear him “speaking truth to power,” so to speak.

I agree that the LDS Church is as an institution culpable for an unacceptable amount of human suffering, and I applaud those who shine a light on that in the hopes of bringing about change. I disagree that this stunt was very helpful, although lots of people seem to see it as justifiable and a good thing. I tend to think that signing an agreement not to record the meeting, all the while intending to record it so you can throw it on the intertubes, is low hanging fruit for those who want to discredit him.

So, you gotta weigh the costs against the benefits here. It is very easy inside the ex-Mo community to see only upsides here. I am trying to balance out that almost ritualized narrative of the heroic ex-Mo martyr by suggesting that the ex-Mo celebration of this may not reflect accurately the actual impact among others we may like to imagine.

In the end, I thought the whole thing was tainted, and I don’t see big benefits for having tainted it. My opinion. I can see many disagree, and that’s OK. I’m just one ancillary character on an out-of-the-way discussion board of little consequence. I still like you all, and I hope you don’t mind my orneriness too much.
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Jersey Girl »

toon wrote:
I believe Bill said that, while he didn't record it, he knew at the time that it was being recorded. He also has argued that the NDA wasn't worth the paper it was written on. And the recording showed up on his website and through the affiliated RFM shortly after the meeting. So concluding that he was at least complicit is not imagination and conjecture.

I'll agree that the conclusion is still largely based on circumstantial evidence. But circumstantial evidence, as opposed to mere imagination and conjecture, can be sufficient to prove a point.

Bill can simply clear this up if he wants. Instead, he's playing coy.

toon do you know where he said that? Tell me where to read or listen. I try to be careful about getting ahead of what I know/do not know. I'm very curious about filling in the blanks now since this thread has got me interested. I'm happy to learn more and if you have got a link it would be much appreciated.

Yes, I agree about the circumstantial evidence.
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Kishkumen wrote:
So, what do you think Bill’s recording did to save lives and families? I would say that his podcast was a lot more valuable in that regard. Recording the DC to publish is an emotionally satisfying stunt, in which Bill’s listeners can hear him “speaking truth to power,” so to speak.

And the public can hear with their own ears how the church represents itself and functions behind closed doors.
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Kishkumen »

Other than for the purpose of engaging in an academic exercise, I am not sure how valuable a multiplication of such recordings is.
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"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _lostindc »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Kishkumen wrote:
So, what do you think Bill’s recording did to save lives and families? I would say that his podcast was a lot more valuable in that regard. Recording the DC to publish is an emotionally satisfying stunt, in which Bill’s listeners can hear him “speaking truth to power,” so to speak.

And the public can hear with their own ears how the church represents itself and functions behind closed doors.

Approximately, three Mormons that probably post on exmo reddit left the Church due to Bill's actions. The bounce in numbers on quit Mormon seen during a public event like Bill's are fake, hence why the Church is questioning sites like these.

People are leaving the Church for other reasons, and Bill's Big Adventure is non-existent to most except for people like us, meaning those that stay on top of Mormon current events.

If anything, Bill proved the leaders correct in saying that individuals like Bill can't be trusted because they're a wolf in sheep's clothing. More harm than good. Members of the Church need access to good information, but they most certainly don't need a middle person like Bill to provide his commentary. Really.

It's crazy that people think that these personalities are driving members out of the Church, it's not the case, it's the access to information and the actions of Church leaders that are causing members to leave.
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Jersey Girl »

lostindc wrote:
Jersey Girl wrote:
And the public can hear with their own ears how the church represents itself and functions behind closed doors.

Approximately, three Mormons that probably post on exmo reddit left the Church due to Bill's actions. The bounce in numbers on quit Mormon seen during a public event like Bill's are fake, hence why the Church is questioning sites like these.

People are leaving the Church for other reasons, and Bill's Big Adventure is non-existent to most except for people like us, meaning those that stay on top of Mormon current events.

If anything, Bill proved the leaders correct in saying that individuals like Bill can't be trusted because they're a wolf in sheep's clothing. More harm than good. Members of the Church need access to good information, but they most certainly don't need a middle person like Bill to provide his commentary. Really.

It's crazy that people think that these personalities are driving members out of the Church, it's not the case, it's the access to information and the actions of Church leaders that are causing members to leave.

With all due respect Brother lost, unless you have a communications pipeline to every exiting LDS, including those that simply voted with their feet or turned in actual resignation letters, and manage to get a direct answer out of everyone of them, you have no better evidence for the potential connections that you are making via your observations and assumptions than I do.

That recording of the DC constitutes and provides access to information as well.
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Shulem »

Bill is going to have to either confess or deny. He owes that much to his fans. Remaining silent on the issue for too long is not going to help his cause at all. At a time he feels right he's going to have to step up and tell what he knows. Otherwise, his credibility and respect will rapidly decline and people will lose interest in what he has to say.

_Fence Sitter
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Fence Sitter »

Kishkumen wrote:.

On the other hand, it may be absurd to compare voluntary participation in the processes of a voluntary association in a constitutional republic with the genocidal campaign of a mad totalitarian government.

Just spit ballin' here.

I missed this response yesterday.

I do not know Bill's history as a Mormon but as for me, being BIC, I never looked at the reason I was a Mormon as being voluntary, I was just born into to it, similar to how most Germans became citizens. And in my case, comming from an extended faithful family and friends circle that I do, leaving Mormonism is not really a matter of simply deciding one day to walk away. My inactivity and disbelief has had a decided negative affect on all my close Mormon relationships. I still retain my membership because I know what my resignation would do to my parents.

As far as your description of what went on in Germany as being a "genocidal campaign of a mad totalitarian government." I think that does not acknowledge the willing participation of many the local citizenry who not only encouraged many of the atrocities but participated in carrying them out. Some of them continued to carry out their efforts even after Germany had surrendered and no longer even had a functioning national government. So I see some similarities in the comparison being between the voluntary participation of local leadership in excommunicating someone and between the voluntary participation of the local leadership in the holocaust.

If you're interested there is a really good book on this subject called Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust.

Obviously the end results are worlds apart, but where do we draw the line at exposing such type of behavior? Does someone's life have to be in danger before we justify lying? Or maybe it might extend to defending our relationships within our own family and supporters, and exposing a controlling autocratic religious institution, as I think Bill thinks he is doing. So I agree with recording and publishing the event and do not think less of Bill for doing so. (Norton is a different issue.) I would have done the same in those circumstances.

By the way, I agree that the Church has the right to kick him out, but by the same token (and sign) I think Bill has the right to defend himself.
"Any over-ritualized religion since the dawn of time can make its priests say yes, we know, it is rotten, and hard luck, but just do as we say, keep at the ritual, stick it out, give us your money and you'll end up with the angels in heaven for evermore."
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Symmachus »

Fence Sitter wrote:
I do not know Bill's history as a Mormon but as for me, being BIC, I never looked at the reason I was a Mormon as being voluntary, I was just born into to it, similar to how most Germans became citizens. And in my case, comming from an extended faithful family and friends circle that I do, leaving Mormonism is not really a matter of simply deciding one day to walk away. My inactivity and disbelief has had a decided negative affect on all my close Mormon relationships. I still retain my membership because I know what my resignation would do to my parents.

As far as your description of what went on in Germany as being a "genocidal campaign of a mad totalitarian government." I think that does not acknowledge the willing participation of many the local citizenry who not only encouraged many of the atrocities but participated in carrying them out. Some of them continued to carry out their efforts even after Germany had surrendered and no longer even had a functioning national government. So I see it some similarities in the comparison being between the voluntary participation of local leadership in excommunicating someone and between the voluntary participation of the local leadership in the holocaust.

If you're interested that is a really good book on this subject called Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

My dear Fence Sitter, I will leave aside the fact that that book is widely discredited among serious historians of the Holocaust in order to express my total disbelief at the irrationality of your analogy. I fear that sitting on that fence is obscuring your view of things, and perhaps you should come down into the weeds a bit. Excommunication by local leaders has no similarity, formal or substantive, to a local Gauleiter expropriating the property of local Jews before a bureaucrat assigned them to starvation in a holding center and, eventually, a supply-chain manager had them shipped off to a liquidation center.

I also grew up in the Church, and, like you and most people reading this, have experienced an unhealthy amount of negative repercussions that come from dissenting from the wider culture I grew up in. It is not easy thing to exit. It is unpleasant to disappoint the hopes of one's parents.

However, it is one thing to invoke the Nazis to support one's position, quite another their victims.

A little perspective might be in order. It's a damned Church based largely in the sparsely populated western United States, most of whose purported 15 million members there and elsewhere don't even take it seriously enough to attend or call themselves Mormons and suffer little to no real consequences for that. It's too bad, I suppose, that some people really believe a half-literate farmer on the 19th century frontier was led by an angel to buried treasure in his backyard. It is a pity that some people really can't tolerate dissent from that blindingly obvious fairy tale, and that they mistreat those who do so dissent. Worse still, some are intolerant of insensitive or indifferent illustrators of movie posters.

But no person in a rational moment would see even the slightest analogy between what leaving Mormonism entails and what being Jewish entailed in the Generalgouvernement in Eastern Europe in the 1940s.. The fact that local leaders who are ignorant of the factual parts of the CES letter do the excommunicating rather than someone else ignorant of the CES letter is not quite enough to link your experience up with Jews in Europe during World War 2 so that a sense of victimhood can justify some minor unethical behavior by people like Bill Reel and Mike Norton. We are not victims, despite the fact that many Mormons vigorously disapprove of our choices and voice their opinions of hurt feelings and anger. We're just grown-ups, and like all grown-ups who have never had anything to do with Mormonism, we don't need victim status to justify the relatively minor sins of surreptitiously recording an excommunication or a temple ceremony because we can just point out that these sins are relatively minor in the grand scheme of things, much the like the Church itself and much like our experience in it and after it.

A more therapeutic analogy is to a gym that has asked one to stop coming because excessively loud and unpleasing grunts while dead-lifting. It's not fair, because other people are also loud—you've even got video on your phone showing how loud other people can be, despite the fact that it is illegal to film other people in this state without their consent. Also, the gym's promotional materials were misleading and they refuse to admit that, and contrary to their guarantee, you have not lost 10 pounds after six sessions with their personal trainer. Also, they overcharged you for years, and added to that, you might lose a rebate on part of your health insurance now. You might even disappoint your spouse who extracted from you a promise to improve your physique—don't think you're not gonna get snarky comments for a long time to come. The worst part is that they continue to charge your credit card and cite "the contract" whenever you complain to the manager—you've even recorded one of these conversations and have threatened to post on Twitter so that potential gym-members in the future will have access to the information and won't be duped by glossy brochures and sleek salespeople. It is not legal to do that, of course, but they're stealing money and lying to people about the effectiveness of gym memberships! You've come around so often to demand this practice stop, in fact, that they've threatened to get a restraining order against you.

damned Nazis!
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Re: Audio of Bill Reel's Disciplinary Council

Post by _Fence Sitter »

Thanks Symmachus,

Given your background, I have no problem taking your word that the book has been discredited. And nor do I have a problem with backing away from the Nazi analogy, it was not mine to begin with. My point was to defend Bill's decision to record and publish his court in spite of signing a NDA. A belief I still stand by.

By the way, I don't think I have ever considered myself a "victim" of the Mormon church. I choose my screen name for a reason, that being there are many thing about my Mormon background I value and would not change, it is in large part responsible for who I am today. I had an idyllic upbringing within the church that provided me with many a fond childhood memory. It wasn't until much later in life that I discovered that the institution was heavily involved in perpetrating a largely made up and misleading narrative. That did not make me a victim, it just made me reconsider the truth claims on which the institution was founded. And it has only been in recent years as the church has re-entrenched its anti gay bigotry that I have even considered resigning.
"Any over-ritualized religion since the dawn of time can make its priests say yes, we know, it is rotten, and hard luck, but just do as we say, keep at the ritual, stick it out, give us your money and you'll end up with the angels in heaven for evermore."
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