Vogel video on magic parchments and Jupiter talisman

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Andersen is a Liar for the Lord

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Elder Neil L. Andersen, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, October 2015 General conference wrote:
‘Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice’

For example, questions concerning the Prophet Joseph Smith are not new. They have been hurled by his critics since this work began. To those of faith who, looking through the colored glasses of the 21st century, honestly question events or statements of the Prophet Joseph from nearly 200 years ago, may I share some friendly advice: For now, give Brother Joseph a break!

  • Addressing honest questions is an important part of building faith, and we use both our intellect and our feelings
  • Not all answers will come immediately, but most questions can be resolved through sincere study and seeking answers from God
  • Faith never demands an answer to every question but seeks the assurance and courage to move forward
A TRUE RELATION OF DR. JOHN DEE SOME SPIRITS. wrote:Q. I pray you to declare unto us your name.

A. My name is Jubanladace.
So, Andersen, what do you think of that? You're a fake prophet just as much as Jubanladace was a fake angel in whom Joseph Smith trusted! You lead astray your listeners. You want to be a true disciple of Christ? Go and sell all that you have, and give to the the people of Puerto Rico. You owe them that much! I'm not giving you a break any more than Joseph, you skunk!
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Re: Vogel video on magic parchments and Jupiter talisman

Post by bill4long »

Why did anyone ever come up with the idea that "faith" is a good thing?

It isn't.

Okay, before the scientific age of enlightenment, I can understand.

If there is a creator/god, why the hell would he/she/it want humans to have "faith"?

Nobody ever explains that. Why is that a "virtue?"

"Faith" is BS, and the and a tool of con men.

This is easy to demonstrate.
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Re: Vogel video on magic parchments and Jupiter talisman

Post by Shulem »

bill4long wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:07 pm
Where did anyone ever come up with the idea that "faith" is a good thing?

It isn't.
The Smiths (treasure diggers) had faith in magic parchments and in what they represented including the symbols and names for angels that had nothing to do with the Bible. But, the Smiths trusted and placed their faith in those things in order to secure treasure and worldly wealth. And in that, they failed miserably. But, Smith retained the parchments as a demonstration of his faith and respect in those things when he should have destroyed and renounced it. The church today fails to recognize that or take that into consideration.
bill4long wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:07 pm
And if there is a creator/god, why the hell would he/she/it want humans to have "faith"?

Nobody ever explains that.

"Faith" is BS, and the and currency of con men.
Faith in the magic parchments and the angels represented thereon was the result of a con job and all of it was based on bad faith.

Sorry Joseph, you lose and nobody is giving you a break!
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Shulem confronts Joseph Smith

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Shulem wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:23 pm
Nauvoo, 1844

Dear Bro. Joseph,

Thank you for showing me your personal parchments in which you treasure to this day as sacred gifts from God given to you while yet a youth, namely: (1) Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, (2) St. Peter Bind Them, and (3) Holiness to the Lord parchments that you claim glorify Christ through inspiration of the Holy Spirit. After further review and research on my behalf, I find it necessary to bring my concerns to your immediate attention. Brother Vogel has also expressed some concern about your use of those items which are identified with magic arts associated with the occult practices of two sorcerers, Edward Kelley & John Dee of the 15th century. Their works in occult magic and astrology was controversial and highly questionable and some have concluded their failed works and inspiration came from the devil. Those men thought they could turn common metals into gold by using occult magic!

I feel compelled to inform you that content on your parchments are positively confirmed as having association with witchcraft and occult science which is outside Christianity and the restoration of Mormonism through your revelations. I refer to two books written by esteemed authors Ebenezer Sibly & Reginald Scot who identify characters on your parchments as having originated through the sorcerers previously mentioned. Characters and symbols on the Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah parchment represent a good demon conjured up by sorcery and his name is Jubanladace. But this angel has nothing to do with the Bible or the apocrypha. The name of that angel and the symbols that represent it came from sorcery and astrology. I also inform you that another false angel is contained on the St. Peter Bind Them parchment wherein his name is Pah-li-Pah and the occult symbol representing that name is drawn beside it consisting of a circle adorned with four crosses. Finally, another false angel by the name of Nal-gah is represented on the Holiness to the Lord parchment.

As you may see, my Bro. Joseph, there are at least three false angels represented on your parchments and the mingling of those with Jehovah, St. Peter, and the holy Bible is surely an affront to God. Let us meet in the temple as soon as you are able and we will discuss this with the brethren. Bro. Dan Vogel has promised to attend and we shall meet there and by the grace of God resolve this serious matter of great concern.

As ever,

HOW will Bro. Joseph respond when Bros. Shulem & Vogel meet the prophet in the Nauvoo temple and confront him for retaining the magic parchments in remembrance of failed treasure digging adventures while under the influence of false spirits? The prophet's own revelations warn that "there are many spirits which are false spirits, which have gone forth in the earth, deceiving the world." Shulem & Vogel will explain the hidden meanings of the parchments in a resolute manner with a sure conviction in demonstrating they know what they are talking about.

So, how will Joe react? Will he accept correction from his brethren?

[ ] Double down and come up with a defensive excuse for retaining the parchments
[ ] Confess that he was deceived and vow to destroy the parchments in order to rid himself of the evil
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Shulem confronts Joseph Smith

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If YOU had the opportunity to meet with Joseph Smith in the Nauvoo temple wherein you could enquire at his hand and physically examine the magical parchments retained in the Smith family records, what might you ask Joseph? Imagine you had the opportunity to carefully examine the parchments and read the writing thereon and study the various design of the symbols and artwork penned about. Imagine reading sacred writings copied from the Bible in connection with symbolism associated with the stars!

What would YOU ask Joseph? What about you, Vogel? Shades?

Think about it. The very fact the parchments were preserved and kept on hand in the family was because they were important to Joseph Smith and must therefore have held significant spiritual meaning in the mind and heart of the prophet.

And just what is that?!
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Mouse Boys

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Dan Vogel wrote: Hey RFM, ya wanna play JUBANLADACE with me?

Sure, just so long as Shulem can't play.

RFM wrote: Take that, Shulem. You don't tell us what JUBANLADACE means!

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Mouse Boys

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Shulem wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:18 pm
RFM wrote:Take that, Shulem. You don't tell us what JUBANLADACE means!
Step aside, boys. Let Shulem guide you in this matter. You would be wise to conform.

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Shulem confronts Joseph Smith

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Shulem wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:42 pm
Think about it. The very fact the parchments were preserved and kept on hand in the family was because they were important to Joseph Smith and must therefore have held significant spiritual meaning in the mind and heart of the prophet.

And just what is that?!
The Smiths abandoned treasure digging and pursued far grander expectations in establishing a new religion based on the premise of being newly restored through authority and additional scripture. But don't let that fool you into thinking the parchments were less important to Joseph or their meaning had less significance when utilized for the purpose of finding treasure. The parchments were retained and kept for a new purpose which is the one mentioned above! The angel Moroni would provide the treasure needed in founding a new religion with both temporal and spiritual wealth for the Smith family.

Key points in the Patriarchal Blessing given to Joseph Smith by his father in 1834 connect the dots in showing that worldly wealth was always something of great importance to the Smiths although it might not come from a chest containing lost gold coins but could be had by other means in establishing a new religion and collecting money from those who join it.
Joseph Smith Sr. wrote:
  • The Lord thy God has called thee by name out of the heavens: thou hast heard his voice from on high from time to time, even in thy youth. The hand of the angel of his presence has been extended toward thee by which thou hast been lifted up and sustained; yea, the Lord has delivered thee from the hands of thine enemies and thou hast been made to rejoice in his salvation: thou hast sought to know his ways, and from thy childhood thou hast meditated much upon the great things of his law.
  • Thou hast suffered much in thy youth, and the poverty and afflictions of thy father’s family have been a grief to thy soul. Thou hast desired to see them delivered from bondage, for thou hast lov’d them with a perfect love.
  • Thou hast been called, even in thy youth to the great work of the Lord: to do a work in this generation which no other man would do as thyself,
  • I bless thee with the blessings of thy fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and even the blessings of thy father Joseph, the son of Jacob.
  • Like shief fully ripe, gathered into the garner, so shall he stand before the Lord, having produced a hundred fold.
  • Thou shalt be gathered to Zion and in the goodly land thou shalt enjoy thine inheritance;
Worldly wealth obtained by heading a new religion was of particular importance to the Smiths and this is further reflected in the Blessing given to Joseph Smith by Oliver Cowdery in 1835 wherein the following points express that very desire. The magic parchments were more than just good luck charms but were divine artifacts that expressed the power of God and angels!
Oliver Cowdery wrote:
  • Like Jacob of old he shall wrestle with the angel, and as a prince shall he have power with God, and shall prevail.
  • For, like Joseph of old shall he be: he shall save the just from desolation, by the wise counsel of the Almighty; for by his direction shall they gather into store-houses and barns, till they overflow with the richness of the fruit of harvest:
  • He shall partake of the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: the chief things of the ancient mountains, the precious things that couch beneath, and of the treasures hid in the sand.
  • Multitudes, multitudes, shall come to a knowledge of the truth through his ministry, and he shall be welcomed into the presence of kings and the great ones of the earth; for he shall claim his place among the nobles of the earth and shall be reverenced by them. He shall also be filled withe abundance of the fat of the earth: his flocks shall bring forth thousands and tens of thousands: his fats shall overflow with wine and oil: his cattle shall increase to a multitude: he shall have horses and mules, asses, she asses and dromedaries, camels and elephants, and all swift beasts, and when he goes forth in haste his chariots shall roar like the approach of an army: he shall have gold and silver, precious stones, diamonds, pearls, and the pure platina, with the antiquities of every kind.
  • he shall remain to a good old age, even till his head is like the pure wool.
Needless to say, all of this was a false prophecy.
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Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

Post by Shulem »

The BYP recently produced a podcast on the subject matter of this thread:

The Mysterious Origins of the Angel Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments

Kerry Shirt's presentation is definitely worth a listen! Here are a couple points he makes early on:
BYP wrote:Mormonism is not based upon revelation as a pure influx of the Holy Ghost from God in righteousness, it is based on magical intelligences, scrying, seer stones, treasure digging, and communication with spirits who helped you find the treasure and this is the theme of the angel Moroni who tutored Joseph Smith for four years about the gold plates… :shock:
BYP wrote:A Celestial angel with a flaming sword, now where have we heard that expression before? Yeah, Joseph Smith during polygamy, he was given months and years of time to decide whether he was going to live polygamy after the revelation came and when it came time for the young girl that he was hesitating with, the angel showed up with the flaming sword, some say it's not a flaming sword, it's just a sword, irrelevant really, the story of a flaming sword is in the history, threatened Joseph Smith with his life and said practice polygamy or you die... :o
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Hosanna shout

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Please note how the phrase "Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah" consists of God's name being spoken three (3) times in a row and three (3) times in succession and then punctuated with the phrase "Amen Amen and Amen," consisting of three (3) Amens.

Parchment wrote:Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah
Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah
Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah

Amen Amen and Amen



Is the Parchment the basis in which the Hosanna Shout was influenced and incorporated into the Kirtland Temple prayer ceremony? It seems to me the magical Parchment was influential in this matter. It seems to me the occult parchments provided inspiration on how Smith developed his cult religion.

Thoughts? Vogel? Philo? Anyone?

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