Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by _Shulem »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue Sep 15, 2020 4:51 pm
That's a pretty amazing attempt to make something out of absolutely nothing.
Which is what apologists do sometimes to make it look like they really do have something to show for. Let's look again at the closing statement Muhlestein made and it becomes obvious he's not overly familiar with what Smith actually said and did.
Muhlestein wrote:Further, we cannot tell the extent to which Reuben Hedlock, the artist, was acting on Joseph Smith’s instruction and how much was his own initiative.
What? The big day of finally getting to publish the first installment of the Book of Abraham including Facsimile No. 1 which features Hedlock's reproduction of the Sacrifice Scene and Muhlestein isn't sure to what extent Smith was involved? Come on, Muhlestein, this was the big day and you can be sure Smith (Editor in Chief) was breathing over the shoulders of everyone working at the press and would have supervised and approved Hedlock's design of the plate. Wilford Woodruff was very excited and recorded the events in his journal.
Woodruff wrote:Joseph has had these records in his possession for several years but has never presented them before the world in the English language until now, but he is now about to publish it to the world, or parts of it, by publishing it in the Times and Seasons for Joseph the Seer is now the Editor of that paper and Elder Taylor assists him in writing while it has fallen to my lot to take charge of the business part of the establishment. I have had the privilege this day of assisting in the setting the type for printing the first piece of the Book of Abraham that is to be presented to the inhabitants of the earth in the last days.
Woodruff wrote:We prepared a plate for making a cut at the commencement of the Book of Abraham which is to be published in the 9 No. of the 3 Vol. of the Times and Seasons.
Smith makes it perfectly clear, there can be no mistake about it, unbeknownst to Muhlestein, Smith was EXTENSIVELY involved in the production of the Facsimile plate of the Sacrifice Scene:
Joseph Smith wrote:During the afternoon I was at my office and the printing office, correcting the first plate or cut of the records of Father Abraham, prepared by Reuben Hedlock, for the Times and Seasons, and in council in my office, in the afternoon; and in the evening with the Twelve and their wives at Elder Woodruff's, at which time I explained many important principles in relation to progressive improvement in the scale of intelligent existence.
How much more clear can it be that Smith supervised and approved the plate which Hedlock crafted for publication?
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Johnny Cash in Facsimile No. 1?

Post by _Shulem »

1) Click the link below to view Facsimile No. 1 in Lucy Mack's portrait:
2) Hover over the Facsimile and click the magnifier (+) to increase the image size

Portrait of Smith in Nauvoo -- and a vignette from the Book of Abraham is on the wall

There can be no doubt about it! Look closely. How did the artist envision the so-called priest?

Is he a black man, a negro? No.

Black as in Anubis? No.

He's a white man dressed in black! Just look at the head and the hand -- the skin is white. The arm, body, legs, and feet are black because they are black CLOTHING! Notice the collar and the kilt are accessories to the clothing. I had never noticed that before!! The man is dressed in BLACK, not unlike Johnny Cash, the man in black. This is how the artist visualized Smith's priest in the publication of the Facsimile. This goes to show just how WRONG the Mormons (including Smith) were in interpreting Egyptian iconography. It's so far off the mark. Everything Smith said about Facsimile No. 1 was far off the mark!
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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by _Shulem »

GEE wrote:Abraham’s homeland was incorporated as part of the Egyptian empire under the Twelfth Dynasty pharaohs Sesostris III and his son, Amenemhet III, but it was then lost to the subsequent pharaohs. This provides a historical date for the events of the first chapter of the Book of Abraham.

At that time Egypt practiced human sacrifice, as historical and archaeological evidence both attest. It was a ritual (Abraham 1:7–11, 15) directed against religious offenders (Abraham 1:5–6) that could take place either in Egypt or in areas Egypt influenced (Abraham 1:1, 10, 20).
Show me an inscription where these so-called human sacrifices were performed using a lion bed and an Egyptian priest who is DRESSED IN BLACK. I want to see the priest wearing a black costume having a human head. Egyptian priests wore white linen and leopard skins about their person. Where are these black dressed priests? There are numerous executions scenes depicted on walls and stone monuments throughout dynastic Egypt and I've yet to see a BLACK clothed priest waving a knife at a lion bed performing a human sacrifice.

The Mormon Egyptologists have NOTHING to back this assertion other than the false restoration of Smith's pseudo-Egyptology of Facsimile No. 1.

John Gee is a liar. Liar, liar, pants on fire!
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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by _Shulem »


Standing proud underneath the lion bed are four stone vessels in the image of the Four Sons of Horus lined up in their duty as keepers of the mummy's viscera. The Book of the Dead provides the necessary spells to grant resurrection in the afterlife.

Joseph Smith's pseudo-Egyptology assigns fictitious names for the Four Sons of Horus. No Egyptian priest from any dynasty would know these names as divine representations of funerary magic associated with the lion bed.

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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by _Shulem »

Facsimile No. 1 wrote:Fig. 12. Raukeeyang, signifying expanse, or the firmament over our heads
What Egyptian priest from any dynasty calls the sky by Raukeeyang and not pet? This pseudo-Egyptology asserted by Smith is utter rubbish and has no place in modern Egyptology let alone ancient Egypt. The word Raukeeyang is not inscribed on any tomb wall or penned on any papyrus in ancient Egypt. Smith's inventions are a product of his own mind and do NOT speak for the Egyptians.
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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by _Shulem »

Facsimile No. 1 wrote:the Egyptians meant it to signify Shaumau, to be high, or the heavens, answering to the Hebrew word, Shaumahyeem.
No, the Egyptians did not signify anything by Shaumau or Shaumahyeem. This is more garbage made up by Smith in a vain attempt to connect the ancient Egyptian language to Smith's Hebrew brand of pseudo-Egyptology. The notion is entirely false. Hebrew is not written on tomb walls in Egypt. There is no such thing as Shaumau or Shaumahyeem written or spoken in ancient Egypt.

No nonMormon Egyptologist puts any stock into this garbage. Mormon Egyptologists are paid by BYU to lie and spit out crummy articles to support Smith's pseudo-Egyptology. These articles that contain Smith's pseudo-nonsense are not peer-reviewed or approved by their peers.
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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by _Shulem »

Another witness beside Robert Ritner

Egyptologist JUAN JOSÉ CASTILLOS wrote: The other item I would like to discuss here is the book, "The Pearl of Great Price" in what concerns egyptology, that is, the three figures that accompany the Book of Abraham and are called "Facsimiles" of such a book.

Number 1 consists of the very common scene of Anubis (which here appears with a human head) embalming the deceased, under the bed there are the four canopic jars containing the organs extracted from the mummy and there is also a bird, which in the normal Egyptian vignettes has a human head and represents the soul (ba) of the dead person.

The detailed interpretation and translation that Joseph Smith made of these common ancient Egyptian funerary scenes is quite absurd, to put it mildly, for instance, in Number 1, the figure is seen as a pagan priest about to sacrifice Abraham and the canopic jars are described as "idols", the ba or soul of the deceased is described as "the Angel of the Lord"

. . . . . . read on to see how Smith is slammed by a modern Egyptologist
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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by _Shulem »

consiglieri wrote:
Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:52 pm
So how does Joseph Smith come up with two absolutely correct Egyptian theophoric suffixes for his ladies?

Ze-PTAH and Katu-MIN?

Were both Ptah and Min known as Egyptian deities by the 1840s?

Asking for a friend.

I've picked up the pace and am working on Part III of Here comes the Book of Abraham which includes origins of the Book of Abraham and anachronistic terms used in chapter 1. The name Zeptah will be fully examined and I can assure you that I'm going to turn John Gee and apologists on their heads. I've got some real surprises coming out of my canon -- big time advances are being made as I assemble this piece.

It's going to be a game changer and set the apologists back with their head's spinning. There is so much yet to present but by the time I drop my chronological bombs it will spell the end of the Book of Abraham and the apologists aren't going to know what to do. Poor Gee. He's pathetic.

These are exciting times! I'm glad you're a part of it. It doesn't seem very many people here are interested in these things so “F” them. They can miss out on it.


The following links in WIKIPEDIA are excellent sources worth bookmarking to acquire quick information about the Joseph Smith papyrus and learn more about this controversial subject.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Book of Abraham
Joseph Smith Papyri
Criticism of the Book of Abraham
Joseph Smith Hypocephalus
Kirtland Egyptian papers
Book of Joseph (Latter Day Saints)
File:Facsimile 3 plate anubis.jpg
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