Facsimile No. 3 printing plate reveals jackal head Anubis

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Re: Facsimile No. 3 printing plate reveals jackal head Anubis

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Wed May 04, 2022 8:18 am

This is not the Anubis who dutifully escorts the dead to the afterlife. Someone is unrighteously making him snarl.
Perhaps he has sniffed out the snout chopping plot. Can you blame him? Without his snout, there is no way for Anubis to complete his appointed role in the Plan of Salvation. He wants someone like Shulem to dispel the false illustrations and to set history right.

You bring up an excellent point, Moksha. Anubis can't be Anubis without his snout which was brutally cut off by a religionist who disagrees with another religion in order to make it conform to something other than the original meaning. Smith hacked off the nose of an Egyptian god! How would the Christians have fared if the Jews had hacked off Jesus's hands? How then could he have been crucified and complete his mission? The crucifixion could not have taken place and salvation would be cancelled.

Jesus wrote:
O holy Father, the Jews have cut off my hands and now I can't be crucified. You have no choice but to cancel salvation for all mankind.


[X] Crucifixion CANCELLED
[X] Resurrection appearances CANCELLED
[X] Second coming CANCELLED
[X] All mankind is damned to HELL
Last edited by Shulem on Wed May 04, 2022 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hands for a Snout

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I propose a TRADE. If the Mormons will give Anubis his snout back, then Jesus can get his hands back and get crucified.

Does that sound fair? A nose for hands.

Fair is fair.

Jesus wrote:
Please, I beg thee, give me my hands back!


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Re: Facsimile No. 3 printing plate reveals jackal head Anubis

Post by Shulem »

Mormon Jesus wrote:
I never said Anubis was a slave. He is a god!

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Re: Facsimile No. 3 printing plate reveals jackal head Anubis

Post by Shulem »

John Gee wrote:
  • There isn't a missing snout.
  • That's not Anubis. It's a slave.
  • I'm an Egyptologist and declare that absolutely.
  • The antiMormons and Paul Osborne are wrong.

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Lying for the Lord

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Oaks wrote:
  • That's Abraham sitting upon Pharaoh’s throne.
  • King Pharaoh's name is given in those characters above his head.
  • The Prince's name is written above his hand.
  • Shulem's name is represented by the characters above his hand.
  • That is a black African slave.

I'm a holy prophet, seer, and revelator. You will obey me. The Backyard Professor is an apostate who knows nothing wherein he speaks.


Backyard Professor wrote:
RATED PG (foul language in this clip)

Dallin Oaks you do need to apologize!


Don't give me that...
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Re: Facsimile No. 3 printing plate reveals jackal head Anubis

Post by bill4long »

Verily verily, I am thine holy prophet, seer, and revelator. Thou shalt obey me. I shall take thee to Heaven through Heaven's Gate, hiding behind that thar comet up yonder. Thou shalt be obedient and drink the holy sacramental vodka laced with most holy sacramental phenobarbitol. In the Name of Grabthar's Hammer, Amen.
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Alert! Alert! Calling Backyard Professor:

Post by Shulem »

Critics have long pointed out that Egyptian characters have been wrongly and inappropriately borrowed from source material and placed within lacunas or the damaged sections of the Hypocephalus, Facsimile No. 2. Some characters were even placed upside down. The mishandling of text placed within certain registers of the Hypocephalus is obvious to a trained expert.

But the apologists have long since chalked it up as aesthetic adornment for the sole purpose of beatifying the missing sections. In other words, it was just window dressing to make it look nice. The apologists don't have the luxury of making this excuse when it comes to the mutilation of Anubis's snout which had been hacked out of the lead plate in which Reuben Hedlock first fashioned. This was not a matter of adding material to beautify or add motif to fill in the empty sections but was a deliberate alteration that differs with the original design. The god's snout was hacked off and replaced with a human nose! There is no question about it, a wanton and destructive alteration took place! All this to change the narrative and original presentation contained on the papyrus. Why?

How are the apologists going to defend that? The answer is very simple. They can't defend it other than admit that Smith altered the papyrus for purposes in which they can't rightfully explain. But I can explain it. Smith mutilated Anubis in a coverup because his original revelation that the black man was an Egyptian slave would have been proven absolutely bogus by those who were in the know at that time. In the 1840's Egyptology was in its infancy and images of Anubis were known and Masonic association therewith was also known.

Smith pulled a fast one to cover his lying ass! But Paul Osborne caught it and exposed the deception. Now, apologists are left reeling and don't know what to do about it. Mormon Egyptologists must be confused and bewildered. What more can they say other than admit that Smith pulled a fast one.
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Kerry Muhlestein lies for the Lord

Post by Shulem »

Paperback Book



"The Prophet Joseph testified, “I had seen a vision TRANSLATED THE PAPYRUS; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it”. This is the best documented vision TRANSLATION of God in the history of the world. Yet, because the details of the vision TRANSLATION are spread over several different accounts, many people do not know all they could about this remarkable and world-changing experience. At the same time, many people today have questions, sometimes even doubts, about Joseph Smith's First Vision TRANSLATION OF THE BOOK OF ABRAHAM, in part because the nine DIFFERING recorded accounts differ in emphasis and some details."
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FAIR Mormon justifies human head in Facsimile No. 1, but what about Facsimile No. 3?

Post by Shulem »

FAIR Mormon
FAIR Mormon wrote: Joseph correctly interpreted the figure as a priest. Whether the priest has a human head or is wearing the mask of Anubis makes no difference to the interpretation.

Ok, so how about the head of Anubis in Facsimile No. 3? Are we supposed to believe that Anubis was wearing a human headed mask with his ear poking through a hole in the top? Where in Egyptology is Anubis ever said to wear a human headed mask?

And the boys are dressed up like girls?

Give me a freaking break. Don't insult my intelligence! You people at FAIR Mormon are dodos.

And, John Gee, you're a dodo.

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Pick your poison

Post by Shulem »

Dear John Gee,

Now that you know the original snout in the printing plate was hacked out and the head of Anubis was reshaped into that of a man, it behooves you to come up with an opinion of why that took place. Recently you reconfirmed that the Missing Roll Theory is still your preferred choice and and the Catalyst Theory is a "decent second choice". This declaration also means that you do not have a testimony from the Holy Ghost that either theory is true. Up until now you still refuse to accept the third and final option which is Joseph Smith just made it all up and everyone was fooled including you.

So, we will be waiting to hear your expert explanation for the snout. Bear in mind we are fully aware that you do NOT have a witness of the Holy Ghost that the Missing Roll theory is true so if you are forced to embrace the "decent second choice" then you'll need to get that witness because the only other option is the one that Smith made it all up and that means you'll have to throw in the towel.

So what are you going to do, you poor tortured man?

It sucks to be you!

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