Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _Tchild »

palerobber wrote:We all know and could easily name many highly intelligent and well educated people who are active believers in the Mormon Church today.

But who is the most intelligent person living today who converted to Mormonism as an adult?

Who is the brightest light among us who embraced Mormonism without having "believed implicitly in the maxims that he had imbibed at his mother's knee", but rather after the sort of fully informed and unbiased consideration that only an adult outsider could really hope to give. And furthermore, as we're all aware of the way love and loyalty can complicate life decisions of this sort, I would also rule out for purposes of this thread any convert who was married to, or seriously dating, a member of the LDS faith at the time of their conversion.

I don't have anyone in mind myself and look forward to any suggestions. Feel free to define "intelligent" any way you see fit.

I met while on my mission a prominent and very successful Argentine architect who converted as an adult. He was a very savvy and intelligent man, under few illusions. I was sorely amazed to say the least.

Of course it was pre-internet, so who knows now?
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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _Quasimodo »

Tchild wrote:I met while on my mission a prominent and very successful Argentine architect who converted as an adult. He was a very savvy and intelligent man, under few illusions. I was sorely amazed to say the least.

Of course it was pre-internet, so who knows now?

It sounds like you were having doubts even on your mission, Tchild. :wink:

When I lived in Utah I did some work for a physician (cardiologist) who held high offices in the LDS church. You have read about him recently on this board. His wife just wrote a book.

At the time, I couldn't understand why a man with a science background would be such a devoted follower of the LDS religion.

I have since learned that wisdom in one area doesn't really equate to wisdom in another.
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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _NorthboundZax »

I don't know Jana Reiss for comparison, but Charles Nuckolls deserves mention.
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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _Quasimodo »

NorthboundZax wrote:I don't know Jana Reiss for comparison, but Charles Nuckolls deserves mention.

Nothing I can find on your link says if he converted or was raised as a Mormon. I think that may be the important factor here.
This, or any other post that I have made or will make in the future, is strictly my own opinion and consequently of little or no value.

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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _beanboots »

palerobber wrote:We all know and could easily name many highly intelligent and well educated people who are active believers in the Mormon Church today.

But who is the most intelligent person living today who converted to Mormonism as an adult?

Who is the brightest light among us who embraced Mormonism without having "believed implicitly in the maxims that he had imbibed at his mother's knee", but rather after the sort of fully informed and unbiased consideration that only an adult outsider could really hope to give. And furthermore, as we're all aware of the way love and loyalty can complicate life decisions of this sort, I would also rule out for purposes of this thread any convert who was married to, or seriously dating, a member of the LDS faith at the time of their conversion.

I don't have anyone in mind myself and look forward to any suggestions. Feel free to define "intelligent" any way you see fit.

I would say that Randy Marsh is the most intelligent.

I make an end of my writing upon these plates, which writing has been small; and to the reader I bid farewell, hoping that many of my brethren may read my words. Brethren, adieu.

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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _Gunnar »

Quasimodo wrote:I guess the point of the OP is to determine if anyone who is well educated and thoughtful would consider converting the the LDS church.

Some of the above posts have suggested that highly educated people might still convert if their childhood backgrounds had some heavy indoctrination in to one religion or another.

I think that may be true. I think a better question might be whether a scholar in history, archeology or anthropology has ever converted. This might be a better test.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that a chemistry professor had joined the Mormons later in life, but I would be blown away if I heard that an archaeology professor had.
Yes. Especially if that archaeology professor's specialty were pre-Columbian American archaeology, whether in North, South or Mezzo America. I have heard of a number of Mormon archaeologists who have lost their belief in Mormonism because of what they found in ancient American archaeological sites that flatly contradicted Book of Mormon claims, and more particularly because of what they failed to find that must have been there had the Book of Mormon been historically accurate. I have never heard of an archaeologist who converted to Mormonism after beginning work in that archaeological specialty, let alone because of anything found during that work.
No precept or claim is more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.

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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _NorthboundZax »

Quasimodo wrote:
NorthboundZax wrote:I don't know Jana Reiss for comparison, but Charles Nuckolls deserves mention.

Nothing I can find on your link says if he converted or was raised as a Mormon. I think that may be the important factor here.

I don't know if his story/testimony is posted anywhere, but he is an adult convert - around 1997, I think. My mother would know the details as she attended his baptism. She was working at the Church Museum and he was an anthropology professor somewhere in Alabama doing some research on Mormons in the South. It is honestly puzzling to me why he converted. I don't know his religious background other than 'non-Mormon'. His politics lean towards green/anarchist. But, he seems to have made himself a nice home at BYU that has proved a surprisingly good fit for both.
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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _palerobber »

Ceeboo wrote:Don Bradley!

Although I do not know him personally (only through these boards and/or videos, interviews, etc) I have been both fascinated and perplexed by his departure then full return to the LDS fold.

I should mention that I fully recognize that these boards are clearly not the best source to really "know" someone. I think that is largely true for all of us!


i understand that Bradley was rebaptised as an adult, but was he not also raised in the LDS Church? that would disqualify him for purposes of this thread.
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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _palerobber »

Bob Loblaw wrote:From the people I know, Equality is the most intelligent person I know who converted as an adult. And Kevin Graham converted as an adult, If I recall correctly. Oh, wait, do they have to still be members or believers?

In that case, maklelan comes to mind. And no I'm not kidding. He's a bright, intelligent guy who converted as an adult and is still a believer.

i was trying to think of someone who is currently still a believer.

(though i'd still be interested to hear Equality's conversion story)
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Re: Most Intelligent Living Convert to Mormonism?

Post by _palerobber »

Bazooka wrote:
palerobber wrote:We all know and could easily name many highly intelligent and well educated people who are active believers in the Mormon Church today.

But who is the most intelligent person living today who converted to Mormonism as an adult?

Who is the brightest light among us who embraced Mormonism without having "believed implicitly in the maxims that he had imbibed at his mother's knee", but rather after the sort of fully informed and unbiased consideration that only an adult outsider could really hope to give. And furthermore, as we're all aware of the way love and loyalty can complicate life decisions of this sort, I would also rule out for purposes of this thread any convert who was married to, or seriously dating, a member of the LDS faith at the time of their conversion.

I don't have anyone in mind myself and look forward to any suggestions. Feel free to define "intelligent" any way you see fit.

Take your pick.....

that was a good place to look.

after searching the site for such words as "convert", "baptised", "baptized", "joined" i've found several impressive adult converts that i'll post about when i get some time. in addition, there were several "teen converts".
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