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Re: there's this thing called "The Way"

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:52 pm
by _why me
wayfarer wrote:The witnesses saw plates, as it were, with 'spiritual eyes', and heard a voice, in some cases. Great stuff. Personal witness. I accept that the Book of Mormon is of divine origin.

What is your definition of spiritual eyes? I believe that I pointed out that in the peal of great price it does mention it on the MDDb.

Re: there's this thing called "The Way"

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:55 pm
by _wayfarer
why me wrote:
wayfarer wrote:The witnesses saw plates, as it were, with 'spiritual eyes', and heard a voice, in some cases. Great stuff. Personal witness. I accept that the Book of Mormon is of divine origin.

What is your definition of spiritual eyes? I believe that I pointed out that in the peal of great price it does mention it on the MDDb.

Yes you did, and if you had read the thread before you posted that reference, you would have seen that volgadon had already raised Moses 1:11, and I had answered as follows:

wayfarer wrote:Let's examine this: Moses 1:11 says, "But now mine own eyes have beheld God; but not my natural, but my Spiritual eyes, for my natural eyes could not have beheld; for I should have withered and died in his presence; but his glory was upon me; and I beheld his face, for I was transfigured before him."

Moses, like Joseph, had a transforming Spiritual experience, after which both of them had to "come to themselves" again. While my faith accepts the reality of these events, there is no concrete evidence, even in the personal witness expressed above, that such an event happened anywhere else than the "mind and heart" of the testifier. Joseph even said such in D&C 8.

I have had such personal witnesses to the reality of the Christ and restoration. Such an experience is more real than any thing else in my life. By these means I have come to sing the song of redeeming love, but being honest with myself, the events were in no way "physical".

Re: there's this thing called "The Way"

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:03 am
by _Nightlion
wayfarer wrote:
Nightlion wrote:You can come off like you know what the heck you are talking about with the uninitiates all day. Saying that God is subject to law is absurd. God gives the laws which are his commandments and he is obeyed. Otherwise where is his glory?

well, my fine uninitiated friend, I'll give you your homework assignment from Section 88:

Is God a celestial being?
In the Celestial kingdom, are we not gods?
is the Celestial kingdom subject to laws?
Are beings that fail to comply with law justified?
What law does the earth comply with?

Nightlion wrote:You cannot rightly understand Joseph Smith or as single revelation he received until you get the same power that he had.

LMAO. That is a remarkably funny and naïve statement. Betrays your lack of understanding of the scriptures, and of Joseph Smith.

You're a funny fellow.

I wonder if you caught wind of that collective gasp on this board as you posted this. We shall yet see who will have the last laugh and who goes a pissing themselves to where they came from.

This refutes your last arrogance:

D&C 68: 4
4 And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation.
D&C 11
21 Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men.

You no doubt cannot comprehend what the Lord is saying by this last scripture. By obtain the word of the Lord he is telling Hyrum to be Born Again. Which is the power of God and how your tongue is loosed.
No scripture is receieved or RIGHTLY understood without the manifestations of the power of God. Which enlightens our understanding.
And do try to Tao your way through this:
D&C 76
114 But great and marvelous are the works of the Lord, and the mysteries of his kingdom which he showed unto us, which surpass all understanding in glory, and in might, and in dominion;
115 Which he commanded us we should not write while we were yet in the Spirit, and are not lawful for man to utter;
116 Neither is man capable to make them known, for they are only to be seen and understood by the power of the Holy Spirit, which God bestows on those who love him, and purify themselves before him;
117 To whom he grants this privilege of seeing and knowing for themselves;
118 That through the power and manifestation of the Spirit, while in the flesh, they may be able to bear his presence in the world of glory.

The Tao has no concept of the presence of God. It makes a fuzzy invention that God is in us and we are and always were la la la la la.

Let's take a look at your first arrogance:

Is God a celestial being?
In the Celestial kingdom, are we not gods?
is the Celestial kingdom subject to laws?
Are beings that fail to comply with law justified?
What law does the earth comply with?

1. God is not the same sort of being as we are or will ever be. So if you imagine that when we enter the Celestial Kingdom we will do so as the same being as God is then definitely, NO, God is not that sort of celestial being. He is from all eternity to all eternity who came without father and without mother having neither beginning of days nor end of years. We did not come this WAY.
2. Are we god's. Not as the spiritually adolescent LDS mind has assumed for these ten generation of Gentile arrogance. As shown above God is eternal. We become seed bearing married couples who continue seeds of two kinds both in the world and out of the world. Meaning spirit children and physical children after we finish all the hosts in multiplying and replenishing the heavens we are put into a Garden tethered by clay and having forgotten all we fall and a change causes us to now bring forth physical children. THEN we return and repeat the same process again in eternal lives. The fact that we continue is why we are CALLED gods. Very God also continues on his course which is one eternal round and on that round is a physical incarnation where he lays down his life and takes it again. This is how the Father is glorified in the Son. And how he was glorified before and will be glorified again as testimony of John tells us.
3. The celestial kingdom is the kingdom of God and is subject to God's law. There is no independent law above God ruling some natural way that your WAY supposes.
God gives the laws to all the kingdoms. If your WAY was the way how could their be separate kingdoms. There could only be ONE GREAT BIG KINGDOM AS BIG AS EVERYTHING to mimic a Joseph Smith kind of statement.
4. The earth obeys the law that God gave it.
D&C 88
41 He comprehendeth all things, and all things are before him, and all things are round about him; and he is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things; and all things are by him, and of him, even God, forever and ever.
42 And again, verily I say unto you, he hath given a law unto all things, by which they move in their times and their seasons;
43 And their courses are fixed, even the courses of the heavens and the earth, which comprehend the earth and all the planets.

THIS HE commands our worship and is Very God even the Very Eternal Father. And NO we are not spirit children of Very God. He is the Eternal Father from the beginning when he called us into independent organization by appointing us our sphere of existence. Read some D&C 93. That's a close as we get to being the children of God. Unless he puts his name upon us and we are born of him in the gospel covenant. Then we are adopted sons and daughters unto God. There is NO INHERITED DIVINE NATURE in any of us. We were never begotten children of God in the pre-existence. We were begotten by Adam and Eve as they were commanded to multiply and replenish the heavens before there was flesh upon the earth and they finished all the hosts thereof. Go read some Moses and Genesis.

I know your arrogance is based upon years of LDS ignorance of the Restoration which these abominable Gentiles have trampled under foot these many generations and have fully repudiated Zion and the power of godliness.

Too bad the Mormons did not know enough to teach you to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Then you might have gotten born of God and with the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost saved yourself a lifetime of wayfaring around the world looking for that nurture which abides in the promises of the Father in the name of Jesus Christ alone.

We can go tit for tat all you like. I will send you packing soon enough. That collective gasp now muffles their laughter knowing full well what you are in for here.

Re: there's this thing called "The Way"

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:08 am
by _wayfarer
@nightlion: I get it. you're more apostate than I am...or your simply a fundy with a bit of Mormon knowledge... tilt!

Re: there's this thing called "The Way"

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:34 am
by _Nightlion
wayfarer wrote:@nightlion: I get it. you're more apostate than I am...or your simply a fundy with a bit of Mormon knowledge... tilt!

I am no uncarved block. And no fundy.

I called the LDS apostate before they called me one. I have the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. What have they got?
I own forty years of abundant spiritual provenance. The LDS have yet to begin to show any gifts and powers with Christ in God. Have they any Zion? Then they are not Christ's.

They are showing now a willingness to forsake the heart of Joseph the same as they already have forsaken the heart of Christ and defy him his Zion. That sir is apostate. Even as they retain a mascot of Jesus and Joseph they can only be hollow and the act of following both of them will be refused.

Now you will hide behind the same pissing curtain of cowards that the MDD board has been hiding behind to keep themselves from the truth that LDSs are overcome by the world.

Re: there's this thing called "The Way"

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:07 am
by _KimberlyAnn
There's this song called "The Way." It's by Bonnie Prince Billy. And it is so lovely.

The Way

You're welcome.


Re: there's this thing called "The Way"

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:20 am
by _cwald
wayfarer wrote:@nightlion: I get it. you're more apostate than I am...or your simply a fundy with a bit of Mormon knowledge...

Haha. That is probably about right.