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Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:38 pm
by _Some Schmo
The Reaping wrote:
sock puppet wrote:--unless of course, it is being used as a tool by someone else to leverage something else of value from you, like 10% of your financial bounty.

Are you saying in your last sentence that you believe the leaders of the LDS church are knowingly perpetuating a fraud to get money from the faithful? No matter what problems there may exist in the church I find that difficult to imagine.

The leaders don't have to be doing it knowingly for it to be a harmful thing. (I think some do, actually, but not all, or even most. Who really knows?)

What do they say? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:38 pm
by _asbestosman
sock puppet wrote: While I would not see something having a comforting effect as being validation of truth, I see it something of comforting effect as real value, since what we experience and what can soothe us is the ultimate experience and ultimate value.

I agree with you there. I don't see comfort as validation, but I do think it can be a differentiator from all the other hot dog stands. Again, I don't think it's a sufficient reason to choose the LDS faith, but it is useful nonetheless. I mentioned it only in the context of utility, not as support of truthfulness. In context, I was focusing far more on authority as being the main reason for the LDS faith over others.

Of course, I don't expect everyone to agree with those claims of authority. It is, however, a sufficient reason if indeed those claims are correct.

Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:40 pm
by _asbestosman
Some Schmo wrote:What do they say? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Would I get in trouble if I steal a couple bricks from that road to repair my house? I need to redo the floor in my bathroom.

Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:03 pm
by _Morley
Simon Belmont wrote:
Morley wrote:Simon-

If you had included the LDS Church in your original post, how many bulleted points would you have assigned to them?


One, two, or three... those were just examples. I did not list the extensive sordid history of any religious group.

Forgive me, Simon, but that's kind of a non-answer. How many "black spots" would you have assigned? One, two, or three? The comparison was, after all, your idea. (And yeah, I do realize the lists are only meant to be representative, not exhaustive.)


Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:02 pm
by _sock puppet
The Reaping wrote:
sock puppet wrote:
Actually, I thought you might have seen the first question coming from a bit further away. While I would not see something having a comforting effect as being validation of truth, I see it something of comforting effect as real value, since what we experience and what can soothe us is the ultimate experience and ultimate value. At least from my hedonistic perspective. "If it makes you feel good, it can't be all bad."--unless of course, it is being used as a tool by someone else to leverage something else of value from you, like 10% of your financial bounty.

Are you saying in your last sentence that you believe the leaders of the LDS church are knowingly perpetuating a fraud to get money from the faithful? No matter what problems there may exist in the church I find that difficult to imagine.

Not necessarily. It isn't necessary that the Brethren be 'knowingly perpetuating a fraud' (your words) to be using the leverage of the threat of not getting into heaven to extract 10% out of the members. The Brethren may be just as deluded about 'building up the kingdom here on earth' is why they need the 10% as those paying it are resting more assured that they have paid "the Lord" his share so that they will get in heaven.

Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:24 pm
by _sock puppet
asbestosman wrote:
Some Schmo wrote:What do they say? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Would I get in trouble if I steal a couple bricks from that road to repair my house? I need to redo the floor in my bathroom.

If you redo the floor in your bathroom for JSJr, then it will be okay. Just make sure you do it in the name of and for JSJr.

Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:26 pm
by _asbestosman
sock puppet wrote:If you redo the floor in your bathroom for JSJr, then it will be okay. Just make sure you do it in the name of and for JSJr.

Actually I was going to do it so I could install a bidet and save on toilet paper. I'm sure Schmo would understand.

Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:34 pm
by _sock puppet
asbestosman wrote:
sock puppet wrote:If you redo the floor in your bathroom for JSJr, then it will be okay. Just make sure you do it in the name of and for JSJr.

Actually I was going to do it so I could install a bidet and save on toilet paper. I'm sure Schmo would understand.

Does god want you to save on toilet paper? To perhaps be more green and the earth's soul not abused? JSJr told the saints in MO not to kill rattlesnakes that hadn't harmed them; you are saying not to chop down trees needlessly to wipe your behind. See, there's an easy path to do this from whatever direction you start.

Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:47 pm
by _asbestosman
sock puppet wrote:Does god want you to save on toilet paper?

Don't know. Don't care. I'm looking to save other little pieces of paper--the kind recognized as legal tender. I tried paying my tithing using Kirtland anti-banking society notes, but my bishop wouldn't accept them. However, I was able to use them as wallpaper for my bathroom. Waste not, want not.

Re: Show me a religious organization without a sordid past

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:07 pm
by _sock puppet
asbestosman wrote:I tried paying my tithing using Kirtland anti-banking society notes, but my bishop wouldn't accept them.

That's just not right. Anyway you look at it, how could he not accept those?