A friend asked why am I here on MDB

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_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MDB

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

So. Here's my take, because I think you're full of crap.

1) Your fictional friend, the thing that gave you license to open a front to peddle your Middle Eastern religion, doesn't exist and thus didn't actually participate here.

2) You probably are creating an amalgamation of various posters in your mind from various Mormon-related boards and have created the "friend".

3) You're "just not going to go there" because there's no there there.

The only way you can salvage this mess is to ACTUALLY be a practising Christian, admit you lied, stop lying, and act in good faith with the participants here. We don't want to be talked at because this is a DISCUSSION board, and you don't just get to invent some reason to start yammering at us about your Jewish mythology without pushback when you've disrespected our collective intelligences. Gmafb.

- Doc
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MormonDiscussions.com

Post by _msnobody »

I guess if it made no difference, then why mention the "friend" in the first place? I think you have to admit that mentioning the friend makes your trip to Gomorrah, as it were, more of a quest when the "friend" is questioning it. It adds to the importance of you mission. The "friend" supposedly says that it isn't worth the ridicule, but you soldier on for Jesus, right?
It never crossed my mind that this aspect of the OP would be so latched onto and would become such a source of angst for a handful of readers. Would you like for me to start a new thread without the friend part? :wink: Would it make any difference? J/K, I wouldn’t do that.

“Gomorrah?” Now you’re insulting my online community!
_Dr Exiled
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MormonDiscussions.com

Post by _Dr Exiled »

msnobody wrote:
Fri Apr 17, 2020 11:15 pm

I guess if it made no difference, then why mention the "friend" in the first place? I think you have to admit that mentioning the friend makes your trip to Gomorrah, as it were, more of a quest when the "friend" is questioning it. It adds to the importance of you mission. The "friend" supposedly says that it isn't worth the ridicule, but you soldier on for Jesus, right?
It never crossed my mind that this aspect of the OP would be so latched onto and would become such a source of angst for a handful of readers. Would you like for me to start a new thread without the friend part? :wink: Would it make any difference? J/K, I wouldn’t do that.

“Gomorrah?” Now you’re insulting my online community!
I don't know if the cat can be put back now. To me, it really isn't that big of a deal, a little irritating though. It's obvious you have at least a little condescension and wanted to point this out to us here by relating what your friend supposedly said. Why on earth would someone such as you want to come to a place like this? It must be your burning desire to witness, obviously, a desire so strong that you would deign come here. However, it looks a little feigned and a little patronizing.

I don't see how you could have that attitude, given the lack of evidence supporting your position. Yet, you are here so, maybe you could tell me how your life is supposedly better being a Christian? I don't see why believing that Jesus supposedly died for sins makes a bit of difference. So much is based on presumptions of offending a God that isn't here, and doesn't show himself. It looks like it is made up. There isn't evidence for the flood, Abraham, Noah or Adam. The Bible is contradictory and the God of the Old Testament is someone I don't want to be around. The earth is billions of years old and evolution is a thing - think of how the corona virus may mutate into a different organism and evade whatever vaccine is manufactured.

If I said to you that you need to do this or that because a very powerful individual spoke to me and said you needed to do it, you wouldn't trust me, especially if I said you can't see him and can only supposedly feel his presence.
_Jersey Girl
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MormonDiscussions.com

Post by _Jersey Girl »

msnobody wrote:
Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:21 am
Where are you EA? I don't know if you coined the term "perma-saved," but I've always given you credit for it.

Edited to say, Hah! How cool is it that when you type E A, EA replaces it? You must have reached your highest exaltation.
EA is here. He usually spends his time in the Paradise Forum where folks are trying to see who can out-ugly each other much like they are on this thread. You got the magic touch, Weaps! :lol:
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MDB

Post by _honorentheos »

Saw this thread a while back and thought Cam must be missing his conflict fix that this had to tied him through the drought of regular posting. Then it snowballed even bigger which surprised me. Still does.

For what it's worth, msnobody, while it's not my day today nor will it likely ever be, I appreciated the thought behind your OP, and what seem to me to be genuine motives of goodwill. Rowdy bunch that we are here, it's kinda funny that the OP beginning with someone wondering why someone else would post here turned into a display of why someone familiar with the board might justly question that. Especially of someone who professes faith and belief in Christ.

Good ol' MDB.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MDB

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

I’m not the one lying here, Honor.

- Doc
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MDB

Post by _honorentheos »

Never said you were. Just that you picked a fight where the best explanation seems to be you weren't getting enough conflict in your life with the board struggling as it was.

I don't see any reason to believe msnobody made up her friend, but even if she did it's immaterial to me. It IS funny that you proved the friends question was a reasonable one, though.
_Jersey Girl
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MDB

Post by _Jersey Girl »

honorentheos wrote:
Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:54 am
Saw this thread a while back and thought Cam must be missing his conflict fix that this had to tied him through the drought of regular posting. Then it snowballed even bigger which surprised me. Still does.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MDB

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

[quote=honorentheos post_id=1222010 time=1587175501 user_id=7137]
Never said you were. Just that you picked a fight where the best explanation seems to be you weren't getting enough conflict in your life with the board struggling as it was.

I don't see any reason to believe msnobody made up her friend, but even if she did it's immaterial to me. It IS funny that you proved the friends question was a reasonable one, though.

I see. Well. Next time an evangelist wants to evangelize on a discussion board I’ll be sure to nod politely, avoid asking a hostile question like, “Who’s your friend?” More importantly when said evangelist flip flops and provides details of the said friend after explicitly stating she wouldn’t, I’ll be sure to not follow up with any more questions about the mysterious figure who was so influential in that she caused Ms. Nobody to feel the need to profess her faith in a Middle Eastern religion and a deep love for us, because that’s not weird at all.

Maybe it’s just me, but if Ms. Nobody simply engaged in polite and honest discourse I wouldn’t be guilty of fulfilling her, uh, friend’s perception of this place.

- Doc
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Re: A friend asked why am I here on MDB

Post by _honorentheos »

ldsfaqs not playing World of Tanks anymore or something? LOL. A Christian said they feel brotherly/sisterly love for everyone and shared something meaningful to them. I see that as coming from a genuine place. I don't hold it in the same regard as she does, but it's not exactly healthy behavior to see that and just crap all over it.

I'm sure there will be plenty of political shenanigans to fill your need for conflict now that more people are posting. You'll be fine.
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