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Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:21 am
by _Jersey Girl
ldsfaqs wrote:
I have a question wrote:If faith and prayers work, why is she dead?

Taking teenagers on a 7 mile trek in 95 degree heat is plain stupidity and child endangerment.

Wow.... can you really be so dunce?

When I was a teenager and younger I went on 5 day hikes in the mountains, etc. generally during Summer.
Guess what, it's when people do outdoor things.

Your post is a perfect example of how anti-Mormons brainwash yourselves into so much hate and ignorance, that you completely ignore basic common sense. You would NEVER say this about any other outdoor similar activity, Scouts, ROTC, hiking with family, on and on.

Yet somehow, your liberal warped anti-Mormon mind has to condemn them Mormons for doing something everyone on the planet that's physically active does. Man you people are truly morally and intellectually warped!!! :eek:

A woman died from heatstroke on this trek. Idiot!

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:23 am
by _Jersey Girl
ldsfaqs wrote:
Wow.... can you really be so dunce?

The word is dense, you dunce.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:39 am
by _ldsfaqs
Jersey Girl wrote:A woman died from heatstroke on this trek. Idiot!


1. The article says "apparently". It's not the official cause of death. You don't know the official cause.

2. It doesn't change my point. Your all's bigotry is plain as day. People die all the time when doing physical activities.
Yes, the church is so EVIL for doing physical, social, spiritual building activities, things which everyone on the planet does every single day in all kinds of ways.

Thus what you claim of me applies you YOU. Sad sad you people are.

Jersey Girl wrote:The word is dense, you dunce!

And stop being ignorant.

a person who is slow at learning; a stupid person.

by the way, I got heatstroke once while in bootcamp on a 10 mile RUN.
They had to take me to the squadbay and threw me in the shower.

Welcome to LIFE people.... Learn to judge it wisely instead of your reactive bigotry.

And another thing.... Learn to respond to what people actually say instead of personally attacking them.
Please tell me how I'm "wrong" in relation to what they did is no different at all from all the other things I mention?
There is no difference. That makes you all bigots, and you nothing but an emotionally abusive bully, incapable of respectfully engaging ideas, but instead attacking the person.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:48 am
by _Jersey Girl
Jersey Girl wrote:The word is dense, you dunce!

Faqs wrote:And stop being ignorant.

a person who is slow at learning; a stupid person.

Have you lost the ability to think entirely? This is what you stated:

Wow.... can you really be so dunce?


Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:57 am
by _Quasimodo
Jersey Girl wrote:
A woman died from heatstroke on this trek. Idiot!

It's like trying to explain calculus to your pug, Jersey Girl. It's a valiant effort, but not very likely to produce good results. I've decided that trying to explain anything to ldsfaqs is a waste of band width. Still, it's good to have him around. Since Tobin left, we need someone else to set the low water mark on this board.

No matter who pops up to defend the brethren, we can always say "Well, at least he is not as bad as ldsfaqs." :wink:

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 7:45 am
by _ldsfaqs
And people die all the time doing similar things that have nothing to do with religion.... There is no "malice" or evil here needing to be condemned.

That makes you bigots, trying to make the church "evil" in some way for simply going on an outdoor hike/activity.
If you all can't get that, then there is no hope for you. Evil has full control over your souls.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 9:03 am
by _Chap
I think that there is much more than dislike of Mormonism going on here. There are some legitimate questions being asked.

We are seeing people questioning why there is this emphasis on re-enacting hand-cart journeys, when only a small proportion of Mormons arrived in Utah that way.

We are seeing people questioning why there is this emphasis on re-enacting hand-cart journeys, when there is considerable reason to hold Brigham Young responsible for insisting that these handcart expeditions should take place when they did, given that there was good reason to know that they were dangerous at the time of year when they were planned.

We are seeing people questioning why there is this emphasis on re-enacting hand-cart journeys, which (unlike normal holiday hiking) involve major physical effort in pushing heavy loads, often clad in unsuitable 'pioneer' costumes, and all this in the height of summer, just the worst time to do that kind of thing.

Mormons did not use to carry out this kind of 're-enactment' activity on a regular basis. Now it seems to be being promoted at the highest levels. If these arduous and stressful activities are repeated in very hot conditions, deaths will inevitably take place that would not otherwise have happened, whatever precautions and rules are put in place.

So why is this policy being followed? What is the benefit that makes the risks worthwhile?

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:59 am
by _Ceeboo
PAWHUSKA, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma heat claimed the life an Arkansas woman this week. The 29-year-old died Monday of a heat stroke while at a Mormon church camp in Pawhuska.

Paramedics said they took five juveniles to the hospital for heat-related illnesses last week - three of those minors were unconscious when medics got to camp.

I have read more than a few disturbing threads during my time here at the MDB - This one is beyond disturbing. Well beyond.



Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:04 pm
by _AmyJo
ldsfaqs wrote:And people die all the time doing similar things that have nothing to do with religion.... There is no "malice" or evil here needing to be condemned.

That makes you bigots, trying to make the church "evil" in some way for simply going on an outdoor hike/activity.
If you all can't get that, then there is no hope for you. Evil has full control over your souls.

No, people do not die all the time doing similar things as reenacting pioneer handcart treks in full pioneer gear from their tippy heads to their tippy toes on 95 degree days during the summer to prove how faithful they are to a fringe religious cult.

Going on a hike in weather like that suitably dressed with plenty of water and in top physical form would still have been a bad idea, during a heat wave. Anyone using plain common sense would know to take it easy during a dry hot spell, where even under the best of conditions it places people at greater risk of heatstroke and death.

What's different about the Mormon outing was the extent they tuned out common sense about their clothing, their own physical condition, and the degree of heat they were in. Most all of that very poor decision making was preventable, in other words. The fact it's an organized church activity places the church in a position of liability for sponsoring the pioneer trek in the first place. It was bad judgment from the top of the decision making ladder down to the plebs they sent to their death like this young mother of two.

They could have taken a rain check and rescheduled it after the heat wave had broken. It's called exercising common sense, along with due diligence. Apparently the two do not co-exist in your mentality or the Mormon mindset. And no, this kind of death does not happen by experienced hikers, and was very preventable. So where does the buck stop? You're blaming it on a twist of fate. That twist as you like to see it was stupidity. and sheer ignorance of the forces of nature.

Check out Ceeboo's post, quote:
PAWHUSKA, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma heat claimed the life an Arkansas woman this week. The 29-year-old died Monday of a heat stroke while at a Mormon church camp in Pawhuska.

Paramedics said they took five juveniles to the hospital for heat-related illnesses last week - three of those minors were unconscious when medics got to camp.

So not only the woman dies from the same camp, same week. There were five children taken to the local hospital for heat related illness, three of whom were unconscious when they got there.

This is not everyday occurrences, anywhere USA. Chalk it up to the stupidity of those running the camp, because this should have been stopped before allowed to continue. It wasn't an isolated occurrence as you choose to see it, but an epidemic.

Re: Arkansas woman dies in Oklahoma recreating Mormon trek

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 1:39 pm
by _MsJack
I originally thought this was an innocent and unfortunate tragedy. I can respect Mormons doing pioneer reenactments of the handcart trail and trying to get in touch with their heritage. I respect that they thought they took precautions for the heat. The woman who died was young and, it seems, in good health. Few would have predicted such a dire outcome.

But multiple people fainted from heat exhaustion and yet they chose to continue?? And a doctor and a nurse who were along for the trek OK'ed them to continue??

The doctor and nurse should be reported to Financial & Professional Regulation, at the very least.