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Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:47 am
by Kukulkan

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 5:35 am
by Lem
Rosebud wrote:
Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:37 am
October 19, 2021
....No, I can't compensate anyone. It's John who has the money -- not me....
She has not changed her mindset at all. This gets sadder with every round.

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:25 am
Rosebud wrote:
Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:37 am
I am too busy with other things to want to spend time reading over John Dehlin documents. And I'm tired of this.

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 11:53 am
by Kishkumen
I want to read a dissertation about this. Please, historians, get to work!

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:40 pm
by Lem
At the site linked to at the bottom of the OP, called “Rosebud’s Testimony,” there are headings across the top.

Under the heading, “ABOUT”, the first sentence is:
For more than one thousand episodes, John Dehlin has told Mormon stories….
Second heading is “Why Rosebud?” The first paragraph is:
I choose “Rosebud” for five reasons:
1. John has already exploited my time, my labor, and my love for my people. He has already exploited me financially. He has already exploited me sexually. Now he would like to associate my real name with his on the Internet….
Third heading is “Evidence.” The first item there is “Forensic Interview,” and the first sentences of the first two paragraphs:
My 3.5-hour interview is not a “podcast” about my “story”. . ..

I am not interested in proving my own credibility while John seeks to attack it….
Under the fourth heading of “Statements”, the first item is “The Worst Part.” The first sentences of the first two paragraphs:

Lots of parts of this experience have been terrible for me….

But I think the hardest part was the realization that John obviously never really loved me….
Under the fifth heading “Legal Warning”, the first paragraph:
Anyone who helps John further harm me by using my real name or my image in connection with this matter or with John Dehlin’s name or image can expect to hear from my attorneys. John wants me to be doxxed widely across the Internet so that he can haunt me for the rest of my life. That’s creepy and I choose happiness instead. Refer to me as “Rosebud” whenever referring to me in conjunction with John Dehlin.
Has anyone ever pointed out to her she is obsessed with Dehlin? /s Seriously, though, she can’t even define herself without a reference to this person.

And finally, from the first paragraph under the last heading, “How you can help”:

…It was not fun keeping a record on that awful Mormon Discussions message board where the other posters treated me (and, admittedly, many other people) so disrespectfully. But it worked. I established my dated record when I had nowhere else to go. I’m so glad I never have to go back there!

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:56 pm
by Tator
It's déjà vu all over again, another scorned drama queen episode, "As a dog returns to her vomit, so a fool repeats their folly."

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:15 pm
by dastardly stem
This is sad.

I know these things have been said many times. It is not ending at all for her as much as all of us know she could easily end it, and should have years ago.

Yes, Rosebud, you fell in a love with Dehlin. He did not in any sense, apparently, feel the same. He cut if off. no doubt he handled a stupid sounding affair as poorly as one could expect some dude to handle an affair. Everything he's done or said about you has been handled poorly since. And, since you loved him, its so easy to see every part of what transpired as him being a dick. And he likely was for the most part, as it pertained to you. I can acknowledge that, but that won't mean anything to you. It won't even if he acknowledged it, it seems.

And those who encourage you in this are using you. Every time Kwaku or ex-Mormon sympathizers reference you they do so only to attack Dehlin, in some weird hope to bring him down. They have absolutely no other purpose to bring this up. There is no further truth to gain. There is nothing anyone can do to help you. They are lying every time they convince you they want to help.

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:16 pm
by Doctor CamNC4Me
I established my dated record when I had nowhere else to go.
You ain’t never hear of a Word document, dummy? Speaking of dummies, she keeps doxxing herself because she’s a dummy. On her fundraising page ‘for the babies’ this is on there:

Mormon Rosebud
Lowell, MA (<- where she lives)

XXXXX (<- child’s first name) XXXXXX (<- Rosebud’s last name)

She also uses the header image from her Facebook page on these fundraisers, further establishing her identity.


- Doc

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:20 pm
by dastardly stem
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:16 pm
I established my dated record when I had nowhere else to go.
You ain’t never hear of a Word document, dummy? Speaking of dummies, she keeps doxxing herself because she’s a dummy. On her fundraising page ‘for the babies’ this is on there:

Mormon Rosebud
Lowell, MA (<- where she lives)

XXXXX (<- child’s first name) XXXXXX (<- Rosebud’s last name)

She also uses the header image from her Facebook page on these fundraises, further establishing her identity.


- Doc
She's using this doxxing excuse for very little other reason than to bring this up. She obviously doesn't care about revealing herself. She really just wants an audience of her own, I'm afraid.

Re: Accepting Applications to Help Redact the Rosebud Document Collection

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:45 pm
by Kishkumen
…It was not fun keeping a record on that awful Mormon Discussions message board where the other posters treated me (and, admittedly, many other people) so disrespectfully. But it worked. I established my dated record when I had nowhere else to go. I’m so glad I never have to go back there!
And yet . . . .