Shout Out to Shulem!

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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Lem »

Shulem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:15 am
Lem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:52 am
Here is what I was looking at:

Right, all that information is copied into Hauglid's paper that I linked above. I gave my reasons why it was not backdated as Hauglid suggested that it might be. Hauglid was wrong in allowing for the backdating -- and I'm confident I made my case.

Now, I want to discuss a highly credible eyewitness that I believe saw the actual vignette of Facsimile No.1 *BEFORE* it was printed and that this person was made aware of at least the first part of the translation of the Book of Abraham that was later published in the Times and Seasons. The first chapter of the Book of Abraham was fully translated long before publication. There has been a sustained debate on what got translated and when but there can be no doubt that there was written text of chapter 1 that stands apart from the working Kirtland manuscripts. Along with that, I believe the papyrus vignette of the lion bed was contained in a glass frame in which the eyewitness account that I wish to discuss offered his own explanation in his personal journal dated at 5 May 1841 -- predating publication of the Times and Seasons.

"Hauglid details the textual variations but I would like to make a comparison to show that what Appleby recorded in May of 1841 had to have been a different transcript then the final one used for the 1842 publication in the Times and Seasons. In other words, Appleby didn't back date and copy from the Times and Seasons!"

I feel pretty good about closing Hauglid's back door in allowing for the possibility that Appleby account was backdated. I believe Appleby wrote in REAL TIME and I think my case in proving that is rock solid. He was an eyewitness.

William Appleby journal
Post by Shulem » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:25 am
Okay. Sorry, Shulem, I think I am missing something, then. he DID see a priest with a knife in the original papyrus? Wouldn't that mean there was a piece of papyrus torn out that showed something other than a jackal head? Sorry for not knowing the details better, what am I missing?
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Lem »

Okay, i'm beginning to get the picture...
Shulem wrote:
Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:26 pm
The following image is exactly what Appleby was looking at when he copied and narrated Book of Abraham script into his journal. He identified the Priest attempting to sacrifice Abraham bound on the Altar. The fragment was undoubtedly protected behind a glass frame accompanied with Book of Abraham manuscripts to include the Explanations of the future printed Facsimiles.

This is what Appleby saw! This was the preFacsimile No.1, the lead plate was later crafted by Reuben Hedlock for press production at the Times and Seasons.

The actual papyrus and Smith's manuscript is what Appleby based his narrative on!


It's going to get good. Stay tuned. You don't want to miss out on what's to come.
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Shulem »

Lem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:00 am
Okay. Sorry, Shulem, I think I am missing something, then. he DID see a priest with a knife in the original papyrus? Wouldn't that mean there was a piece of papyrus torn out that showed something other than a jackal head? Sorry for not knowing the details better, what am I missing?

Never fear, Lem, no worries. We are going to get to the bottom of this whole mess. It's going to take some time. It's going to take some doing but more shall be revealed. Indeed, Appleby saw a knife -- he gave a description of what I originally pieced together as the sketch penciled in the lacuna of Facsimile No. 1.

Note earlier that RFM talked to Hauglid on the phone earlier tonight. Hauglid was so sure that the penciling was over the glue that he even posited the idea that someone may have done it in the 20th century! Hauglid was so impressed with the impression of the penciling being OVER the glue that he was willing to entertain the idea that it was a recent (after year 1900) doodle. But I can dismiss that out of hand for many reasons, but will forebear to do that right now.

There is NO WAY the penciling was done in the 20th century, long after being sold into the hands of nonMormons and finally finding its way into the New York Met museum. There is no way on God's green earth that happened. It was done while it was in possession of the Mormons in Kirtland/Nauvoo. Of that, I'm sure.

I feel strong that we are on the cusp of making starling new discoveries in proving Smith's work was a fraud. It is simply a matter of gathering facts and thinking outside the box! That is my specialty!!!!
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Lem »

And even more....
Shulem wrote:
Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:30 pm
1. "Priest with a knife in his hand"
2. "Idolatrous Priest 'Elkenah' attempted to offer up Abraham as a sacrifice"

Who can miss it? Look what Joseph Smith penciled in the lacuna. Take no thought for a headdress, or a jackal head, or the very idea that the man in black IS black!

This is what Applyby saw. The plain head of a man sketched in with a clean haircut and a nice smile. But look out because his arm is raised and he has a knife! It looks sharp too. But in spite of this first rendition that Smith drew while filled with the Holy Spirit of revelation, he later commissioned Hedlock to redesign the head, arm, and knife as shown in Facsimile No.1.

Appleby had no idea what was in the other hand which disappeared into the lacuna. The knife he referenced was the one that was raised at head level and ready to fall on his intended victim. That is what Joseph Smith represented at that time.

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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Lem »

Shulem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:19 am
Lem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:00 am
Okay. Sorry, Shulem, I think I am missing something, then. he DID see a priest with a knife in the original papyrus? Wouldn't that mean there was a piece of papyrus torn out that showed something other than a jackal head? Sorry for not knowing the details better, what am I missing?

Never fear, Lem, no worries. We are going to get to the bottom of this whole mess. It's going to take some time. It's going to take some doing but more shall be revealed. Indeed, Appleby saw a knife -- he gave a description of what I originally pieced together as the sketch penciled in the lacuna of Facsimile No. 1.

Note earlier that RFM talked to Hauglid on the phone earlier tonight. Hauglid was so sure that the penciling was over the glue that he even posited the idea that someone may have done it in the 20th century! Hauglid was so impressed with the impression of the penciling being OVER the glue that he was willing to entertain the idea that it was a recent (after year 1900) doodle. But I can dismiss that out of hand for many reasons, but will forebear to do that right now.

There is NO WAY the penciling was done in the 20th century, long after being sold into the hands of nonMormons and finally finding its way into the New York Met museum. There is no way on God's green earth that happened. It was done while it was in possession of the Mormons in Kirtland/Nauvoo. Of that, I'm sure.

I feel strong that we are on the cusp of making starling new discoveries in proving Smith's work was a fraud. It is simply a matter of gathering facts and thinking outside the box! That is my specialty!!!!
Then, the second eyewitness also saw the graphite sketching like Appleby did, because he specifically referred to glass frame enclosed papyrus.

That explains BOTH 'eye witnesses', then, right?
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Lem »

I apologize, Shulem! I am behind, once again....
Shulem wrote:
Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:35 pm

We have another eyewitness who saw the original papyrus of Facsimile No.1 and described seeing the knife that must have been the penciled version on the paper backing of the papyrus mounted in a glass frame. This event took place just 1 month after the publication of the first installment of the Book of Abraham in the Times and Seasons. I refer to the eyewitness account meticulously recorded by Rev. Henry Caswall of his amazing visit to Nauvoo. Now, I'm not saying that Caswall didn't see a fresh copy of the newly published Facsimile No.1 featured in the Times and Seasons which he may have due to the fact he was admitted into President Smith's personal office where there may likely have been a copy and later visited the Times and Seasons press as detailed in his story, but I think his description of seeing the various fragments of papyrus from multiple scrolls proves he saw the original. Let's look at what he says specifically about the Sacrifice Scene as he examines the actual papyrus:
Rev. Henry Caswall wrote:The storekeeper now proceeded to redeem his promise of obtaining for me access to the curiosities. He led the way to a room behind his store, on the door of which was an inscription to the following effect: "Office of Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Latter Day Saints." Having introduced me, together with several Mormons, to this sanctum sanctorum, he locked the door behind him, and proceeded to what appeared to be a small chest of drawers. From this he drew forth a number of glazed slides, like picture frames, containing sheets of papyrus, with Egyptian inscriptions and hieroglyphics. These had been unrolled from four mummies, which the prophet had purchased at a cost of twenty-four hundred dollars. By some inexplicable mode, as the storekeeper informed me, Mr. Smith had discovered that these sheets contained the writings of Abraham, written with his own hand while in Egypt. Pointing to the figure of a man lying on a table, he said, "That is the picture of Abraham on the point of being sacrificed. That man standing by him with a drawn knife is an idolatrous priest of the Egyptians. Abraham prayed to God, who immediately unloosed his bands, and delivered him." Turning to another of the drawers, and pointing to a hieroglyphic representation, one of the Mormons said, "Mr. Smith informs us that this picture is an emblem of redemption. Do you see those four little figures? Well, those are the four quarters of the earth. And do you see that big dog looking at the four figures? That is the old Devil desiring to devour the four quarters of the earth. Look at this person keeping back the big dog. That is Christ keeping the devil from devouring the four quarters of the earth. Look down this way. This figure near the side is Jacob, and those are his two wives. Now do you see those steps?" "What," I replied, "do you mean those stripes across the dress of one of Jacob's wives?" "Yes," he said, "that is Jacob's ladder." "That," I remarked, "is indeed curious."
Here we see Caswall is instructed to examine the "picture" of various scenes ON THE VERY PAPYRUS fragments. The "drawn knife" described by Caswall has to be the one penciled in on the lacuna paper backing behind the glazed (glass) slide. This is very telling and confirms that Smith and his closest associates still endorsed the original knife that was drawn in the lacuna as a revelation but out of necessity would have to shift to the other knife published in the Times and Seasons seeing that is the one that would be viewed by the masses or the world at large. The papyrus would ever remain locked up in Smith's office inside the chest of drawers.
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Shulem »

Lem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:30 am
Then, the second eyewitness also saw the graphite sketching like Appleby did, because he specifically referred to glass frame enclosed papyrus.

That explains BOTH 'eye witnesses', then, right?

Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene
Post by Shulem » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:35 am
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Shulem »

Lem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:34 am
I apologize, Shulem! I am behind, once again....

No worries, Lem, my luv. We are now on the same sheet of music.

My intuition leads me to believe that some amazing things about the makings of the Book of Abraham are about to be cracked wide open.

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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Lem »

Shulem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:40 am
Lem wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:34 am
I apologize, Shulem! I am behind, once again....

No worries, Lem, my luv. We are now on the same sheet of music.

My intuition leads me to believe that some amazing things about the makings of the Book of Abraham are about to be cracked wide open.

It was a pretty good test-- each step along the way, I followed your clues, and as you led me to your conclusions, every time they were exactly what made sense. You've got a very solid argument here!
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:48 am
Sorry so late. Looks like you have it under control Shulem! Good job.

Just so you know, you're my Book of Abraham hero and always will be. You inspire me.

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