For friends of GIMR

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Post by _Yoda »

I received a PM from her recently as well. I'm not sure exactly what the cause of the stroke was. At this point, since she is so young, I'm guessing it may have been some type of hereditary blood pressure problem or something like that.

I put her name in the temple, and she is in my prayers.

Get well soon, GIMR! We have to make trouble on the boards together soon! ;)
_Jersey Girl
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Post by _Jersey Girl »

Thank you, Gaz, for giving us this information. I was wondering where GIMR was and assumed she was taking a break from the board.

Jersey Girl
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
Chinese Proverb
_Sam Harris
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Post by _Sam Harris »

Hey All, thank you for thinking of me and praying for me. This has been (and still is) such an experience. Man, when I went into that hospital, I didn't think I'd be staying and for the reasons I did. The anxiety is nothing compared to this.

Wade, you are like an aquired taste, I've learned to like, perhaps even crave you at times. I thank you for your well wishes, my dear. They mean just as much as everyone else's.

Gaz, you weren't in the least out of line in letting folks know. I don't like to draw too much attention to myself, but I appreciate you asking for prayers on my behalf.

I went to the ER on this past thursday the 19th, because I was having chest pains. My job is kind of stressful, and some of the people I work with are no better. I got there, and they asked me if I was having any other pain. I said yeah, I've been having this headache for about a month. I have a history of migraines, so I had been paying it no mind, blinding headaches are not new to me. I'd been pumping up on Motrin, and going about my business.

They sent me in to do a CT scan, and the doc comes back and says, "everyone's worried about your anxiety, but what I'm worried about is why you're bleeding on your brain". Talk about freak out moment. I've had plenty of CT scans before dealing with my migraines, and never has there been anything like this.

They transferred me to another hospital in my area that is affiliated with the one I went to, but has a better neuroscience unit. They drugged me up (ohmygosh, the steriods!), poked me full of holes, and gave me approximately 7 CT scans and MRIs total. I turned out to be allergic to the dye they injected in my veins, and that was an adventure. I was one high sista!

It got kind of scary though, when they let me out of the ICU, and sent me upstairs, and I just started waiting. I want to know why this happened to me, and what caused it, but they don't have a complete answer yet. They sent me home because there were no more tests they could do on me, and I looked stable enough. The results of all the tests should be made available to my hematologist and neurologist over the next few weeks. And hear tell, they did some rare ones.

All I know is that I had a small blood clot in a sinus on the left side of my head, which caused a minor stroke, and possibly when my blood pressure went up at work, the hemmorage occurred. I felt this pain spreading in my head on thursday, but I thought that was just the motrin wearing off.

I'm so glad to be home. I'm so grateful for everyone's prayers, and those who are around me who are lighthearted enough to make me laugh at my unsteady gait intstead of cry. Depending on when I go back to work, I might have to walk with a cane for a while, because I catch the bus to work twice a week, and have to walk a ways. That's not gonna be pleasant. :-)

School has kept me busy, that's one of the reasons why I haven't been here. But also, I'm kind of "over it", ya know? I am at a settled place in my life, and luckily the LDS I know are all accepting of my path. Even those who had the most trouble with it in the beginning. Now, harassing key folk will always be fun, but I need more energy for that.

Keep my seat warm for me. God bless you guys.

Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances. -Ghandi
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Post by _Gazelam »

If your in the market for a cane, get a cool one like this:


That way you can fend off any JW's trying to hand you a watchtower. (Also works on those small pesky yapping dogs)

Glad to hear your home and walking around. It sounds like your having quite the adventure.

At least now you have an excuse to use in claiming the need for a nice bubble bath every night. At least this way you can catch up on your reading.

Get well soon, and enjoy the free ice cream

Last edited by Steeler [Crawler] on Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. - Plato
_Dr. Shades
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Post by _Dr. Shades »

Holy cow, GIMR, I'm so sorry to hear about this. You're only, what, 26 or so?

School by itself is stressful enough. But to add a stressful job on top of that is hardly advisable.

Can I talk you into taking less credit hours?

Get well soon,
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

--Louis Midgley
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Post by _beastie »

Thank you so much for letting us know how you are doing. You have all my best wishes, not only for good health in the future but for the strength,patience, and stamina you need to deal with the medical community!
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

Penn & Teller
_Sam Harris
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Post by _Sam Harris »

LOL Gaz, a friend of mine is taking Kung Fu (he's a black belt, I'm so jealous), and he's learning how to do some major damage with a cane right now. Just the basic wooden one with a rubber tip. I call him Crouching Tiger, Hidden Preston. Dude is bad. I took Kung Fu for a few weeks (was much heavier then, and jackknife sit-ups didn't agree with me), but my bones started crying. I'm so happy about the weight I've lost, that I want to do something to keep it off. I've been meaning to go back to ballet for years. Now the goal seems close, but I gotta get my balance back.

If I have to keep a cane, I will get one like that, that rocks! Went to church today, and had to use the one my grama keeps here. She's tiny, so it was a bit short for me, and folks were a bit curious. I may just hang onto my friend the next time I go. :-)

Hey Shades, yeah, I'll be 26 in July. I think what I'm gonna do is allow "semester" lapses between classes. Since classes are only eight weeks long, I'll study, and then have an eight week break, which should be a good thing. I'm going on vacation to Miami for Memorial Day Weekend, and then I'll probably be back in school in June. But I'm taking something simple like history this time. My brain needs to rest, the theological classes make you think too much. I just wanna regurgitate some facts for a while, not tell people what I think. *grin*

Hi Beastie. So far my experience with the docs and nurses who took care of me has been good. They were very thorough. Now we'll see how much this is gonna cost me. My mom has offered to buy me three months of secondary insurance to get me through the summer (I'm planning to move this fall, but this has put me back a bit). Hopefully by the fall I will either be a City Employee or in a job with better insurance. Still debating on whether to keep the job I have.

My nurses were cool, so long as they weren't taking blood. I have small veins, and a barrage of bruises to attest to that fact. :-) One in particular, his name was Earl (I so wanted to take him home with me), I have never dealt with a nurse who was so knowledgable, he knew what every drug he was giving to me would do, he understood what was happening to me, and he kept me laughing. I miss Earl.

Right now I'm just trying to catch up on some homework. I emailed (and called) my English professor, she'd better give me a fair grade, punk. I'm only one week late! And I am looking forward to this two-month break. Goodness. :-)
Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances. -Ghandi
Posts: 14216
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Post by _beastie »


You are obviously one tough lady. I predict you will be fine!!
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

Penn & Teller
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