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The apologists are being used by the prophets

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:12 pm
by _christopher
I will never be one to come to defense of the crap that DCP, Gee, Sorenson, or any of the internet Mormon apologists put out, but often I will sit back when I see them with their pronouncements of silly plausibilites and think that the boys at the top bear a bit of responsibility for it, simply because of their silence.

There was time when you probably couldn't get Joseph Smith or BY or more recently JFielding Smith to shut up about Mormon teachings and doctrine and the coming forth of the restoration. Now.........nothing but earrings and generic platitudes.

The twelve (or fifteen) cannot or will not answer the questions, so they throw it off to the apologist who in turn looks silly with the required twisting and denials needed to respond. GBH could solve 90 percent of the arguements with a 10 minute talk if he wanted to.

Any thoughts?

Chris <><

PS: I also think that when FARMS, etc., gets too much bad publicity, that the church will throw them overboard pronouncing their work as wrongly speculative. Then the next incarnation of them will come along to be equally used as the trial balloon factory and then later the scapegoat.

Re: The apologists are being used by the prophets

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:34 pm
by _harmony
christopher wrote:I will never be one to come to defense of the crap that DCP, Gee, Sorenson, or any of the internet Mormon apologists put out, but often I will sit back when I see them with their pronouncements of silly plausibilites and think that the boys at the top bear a bit of responsibility for it, simply because of their silence.

There was time when you probably couldn't get Joseph Smith or BY or more recently JFielding Smith to shut up about Mormon teachings and doctrine and the coming forth of the restoration. Now.........nothing but earrings and generic platitudes.

The world was a different place then. And the church was a totally different entity. The stressors on the church then were different than the stressors on the church now. Size alone explains many of the differences we hear now from what the members heard from the pulpit then.

The twelve (or fifteen) cannot or will not answer the questions, so they throw it off to the apologist who in turn looks silly with the required twisting and denials needed to respond. GBH could solve 90 percent of the arguements with a 10 minute talk if he wanted to.

Even acknowledging that there are issues is beyond the focus of the current leadership. They're struggling with issues that were never even contemplated a hundred years ago. And they're old.

Re: The apologists are being used by the prophets

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:51 pm
by _Some Schmo
christopher wrote:The twelve (or fifteen) cannot or will not answer the questions, so they throw it off to the apologist who in turn looks silly with the required twisting and denials needed to respond. GBH could solve 90 percent of the arguements with a 10 minute talk if he wanted to.

You know the old saying: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

What can they say without looking even dumber? They're in a no-win situation. It's the professors and such in the church that don't mind looking stupid, not the leaders. That's why the leaders are leaders and the professors are stupid-looking nobodies (a.k.a. mopologists).