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Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:04 am
by _The Mormon Report

Re: Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:07 am
by _MrStakhanovite
The outcome today really is a miraculous result orchestrated by the Lord. We have been uplifted to have observed all that has taken place leading to this result. We give our thanks to Heavenly Father for his mercy and blessings this day and pray that we now find our members throughout Japan alive and well.

Heartless fool.

Re: Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:10 am
by _Dwight Frye
The outcome today really is a miraculous result orchestrated by the Lord.


Re: Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:11 am
by _Runtu
MrStakhanovite wrote:Heartless fool.

If bcspace is right that God doesn't care about non-Mormon families, why would he care about non-Mormon individuals?

Re: Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:12 am
by _just me
The outcome today really is a miraculous result orchestrated by the Lord. We have been uplifted to have observed all that has taken place leading to this result. We give our thanks to Heavenly Father for his mercy and blessings this day and pray that we now find our members throughout Japan alive and well.

Wow. I'm so glad the lord could orchestrate the safety of a few people while letting all the rest be destroyed. Nice.

Re: Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:46 am
by _Infymus
The outcome today really is a miraculous result orchestrated by the Lord. We have been uplifted to have observed all that has taken place leading to this result. We give our thanks to Heavenly Father for his mercy and blessings this day and pray that we now find our members throughout Japan alive and well.

Typical Mormon. Yep. The Mormons are OK. Everyone breath a sigh of relief, ALL the Mormons are accounted for!

And of course, the Mormon God orchestrated all of this? Wait, which part? And another double take - where was the Prophet Seer and Revelator? (Hint: he was getting a Pepsi down at the new Jesus Mall...)

Delusional Mormons, as usual.

And I think of that fat balding guy in Provo that receives indirect monetary funds to keep people like the Mormon quoted above -in that state of mind.

Re: Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:48 am
by _Simon Belmont
Infymus wrote:Typical Mormon. Yep. The Mormons are OK. Everyone breath a sigh of relief, ALL the Mormons are accounted for!

And of course, the Mormon God orchestrated all of this? Wait, which part? And another double take - where was the Prophet Seer and Revelator? (Hint: he was getting a Pepsi down at the new Jesus Mall...)

Delusional Mormons, as usual.

And I think of that fat balding guy in Provo that receives indirect monetary funds to keep people like the Mormon quoted above -in that state of mind.

Typical Infymus -- only looking out for number 1.

Re: Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:14 am
by _cafe crema
Simon Belmont wrote:
Infymus wrote:Typical Mormon. Yep. The Mormons are OK. Everyone breath a sigh of relief, ALL the Mormons are accounted for!

And of course, the Mormon God orchestrated all of this? Wait, which part? And another double take - where was the Prophet Seer and Revelator? (Hint: he was getting a Pepsi down at the new Jesus Mall...)

Delusional Mormons, as usual.

And I think of that fat balding guy in Provo that receives indirect monetary funds to keep people like the Mormon quoted above -in that state of mind.

Typical Infymus -- only looking out for number 1.

Nothing Infymus said is "looking out for number one", looking out for number one, that would be the guy who said this:

We give our thanks to Heavenly Father for his mercy and blessings this day and pray that we now find our members throughout Japan alive and well.

Most other "religious" people encourage people to pray for all the people in Japan affected by this disaster. But I can see from the "Non-LDS families" and "Against family wishes" thread on MAD that this devaluing of non-Lds families and individuals is normative.

From Area Presidency (Japan) - LDS Church

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:27 am
by _moksha
Some religious messages may have started out saying something like, "We pray for the souls of the departed on this tragic occasion and for the health and well being of the survivors". A bit different emphasis, but it is noticeable.

Re: Notice From Area Presidency (Japan) -

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:04 am
by _Daniel Peterson
This statement was apparently released Saturday morning, Utah time, specifically to announce that the missionaries in the Japan Sendai Mission had all been accounted for, and that all are safe. (The other missions had previously reported their missionaries safe, but this one, the mission most affected by the quake and the tsunami, had lagged behind since most means of communication were down.)

Has the Japan area presidency issued no other statements on the disaster? It's possible, I suppose, but it seems unlikely, since the quake occurred at roughly 10:56 PM on Thursday night, Utah time. They may have been utterly silent for a day and a half, but I doubt it.

The fact that this statement, released roughly thirty-six hours after the disaster hit and specifically addressing the question of the safety of Church missionaries, focuses on the safety of Church missionaries, seems a pretty flimsy pretext upon which to accuse Church leadership of "devaluing" non-Mormons, being indifferent to the suffering of non-Mormons, and of being "delusional," or to label Elder Stevenson a "heartless fool."

For what little it's worth, I've known Elder Stevenson for about a decade -- we're not close friends, but we've been associated on some matters since before his call as a General Authority and he was my son's mission president in Nagoya -- and I'm quite certain that he's neither "heartless" nor a "fool."

Moreover, I rather doubt that Elders Choi and Aoyagi are "heartless fools."

My bet is that the area presidency -- besides being criticized anonymously by people who aren't there and probably aren't doing a thing -- are hip deep in organizing humanitarian assistance for those affected by the earthquake and the tsunami, both Mormon and non-Mormon.

Has the Church itself issued any statements on the disaster? Yes, it has. Almost immediately after the first news reports, the Church issued a statement saying, among other things, "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan following the recent devastating earthquake and tsunami. . . . We are also assessing how the Church might help meet the needs of people affected by the earthquake and tsunami."

Notice that the statement doesn't specify members of the Church. It doesn't single them out for concern and possible aid. That doesn't seem quite consistent with the notion here on this board that Church leadership devalues non-Mormons and is indifferent to their pain.