Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

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_I have a question
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Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _I have a question »

With the explosive growth of the church and of missionary work across the world, he added, “the power of the marvelous work and a wonder is right before our eyes.”

http://www.deseretnews.com/article/8656 ... tml?pg=all

Explosive growth?
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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _fetchface »

If I use my explosive imagination I can totally see what he is talking about.
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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _Maksutov »

Did he say this? Or is it Julie Dockstader Heaps' explosive vocabulary? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Looks like the Saints are still having trouble recording and reporting their leaders' speeches, er, sermons. Talks. Revelations. "Scripture." :biggrin:
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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _Ceeboo »

I have a question wrote:
With the explosive growth of the church and of missionary work across the world, he added, “the power of the marvelous work and a wonder is right before our eyes.”

http://www.deseretnews.com/article/8656 ... tml?pg=all

Explosive growth?

I did hear that the LDS church has added two new members in the last year - so I'm thinking that this is probably just a typo by Elder Anderson.

Instead of "explosive growth" he probably meant to say "excited both."

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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _churchistrue »

The April membership report should be exciting.
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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _mentalgymnast »

I have a question wrote:
With the explosive growth of the church and of missionary work across the world, he added, “the power of the marvelous work and a wonder is right before our eyes.”

http://www.deseretnews.com/article/8656 ... tml?pg=all

Explosive growth?

If indeed there is an overall "explosive growth" going on, it seems as though Elder Anderson credits the Book of Mormon in being a major part of that growth. All those many years ago we had the Book of Mormon called the "keystone", and here we are...

One has to wonder what the church would look like today without the Book of Mormon. It's also interesting, at least to me, that the church and its missionaries keep putting the Book of Mormon out there, front and center, as the witnesss/scripture that testifies of Christ. And the book that will bring the Holy Spirit into the lives of those that spend time reading/pondering the messages in that book.

My guess is that there are a number of you folks here that are seriously wondering how much longer this approach of using the Book of Mormon as the keystone witness is going to work. :smile:

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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _grindael »

mentalgymnast wrote:
My guess is that there are a number of you folks here that are seriously wondering how much longer this approach of using the Book of Mormon as the keystone witness is going to work.

I suspect they regard it much as the Muslims hold up the Quran as the "keystone" of their religion and won't be giving that up anytime soon. Does it work? Sure, as long as there are people that believe such subjective experiences are real. That though, is the low ball (least important) of Mormon experiences according to Jo Smith. The high ball (and most important) is to have Jesus appear to you and make your calling and election sure. Notice they don't promote that, just the subjective feel good Book of Mormon experience. More people believe that UFO's are real than the Book of Mormon.
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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _Lemmie »

I have a question wrote:
With the explosive growth of the church and of missionary work across the world, he added, “the power of the marvelous work and a wonder is right before our eyes.”

http://www.deseretnews.com/article/8656 ... tml?pg=all

Explosive growth?

MG wrote:If indeed there is an overall "explosive growth" going on, it seems as though Elder Anderson credits the Book of Mormon in being a major part of that growth. All those many years ago we had the Book of Mormon called the "keystone", and here we are...

One has to wonder what the church would look like today without the Book of Mormon. It's also interesting, at least to me, that the church and its missionaries keep putting the Book of Mormon out there, front and center, as the witnesss/scripture that testifies of Christ. And the book that will bring the Holy Spirit into the lives of those that spend time reading/pondering the messages in that book.

My guess is that there are a number of you folks here that are seriously wondering how much longer this approach of using the Book of Mormon as the keystone witness is going to work. :smile:


Well no, in my area missionaries don't use the Book of Mormon front and center. There is a big push to get recognized as similar to other Christian churches, and the Bible is pushed more. It seems to stem from an acknowledgement that the Book of Mormon is just too weird, and not valid as a scripture.

There is no explosive growth. It shouldn't surprise me any more that lds leadership lies about this, but it does surprise me that they think it's good PR to say things like this when the stats are available.

MG, could you look into that? it's more than I have time for but it sounds like you may have some insight. It would be interesting to see what you consider 'explosive growth'. It would be very interesting to see your evaluation of the Mormon process and the methodology used to arrive at such conclusions.

Thanking advance, my guess is many will be waiting with great interest for your full stats report. :biggrin:
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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _mentalgymnast »

Lemmie wrote:There is no explosive growth.

MG, could you look into that? it's more than I have time for...

Me too.

Question...how would you know whether or not the Book of Mormon plays a major part in the conversion process?

Why should I believe you over Elder Anderson? :smile:

At Stake Conference this last weekend, Saturday night and Sunday morning, the theme was 'conversion'. There were quite a few people that pointed to the Book of Mormon as being their conversion and/or re-conversion tool.

Pardon me if I don't look to you as being any sort of a 'go to' in regards to the Book of Mormon being a tool of conversion. :smile:

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Re: Elder Anderson - Church experiencing explosive growth.

Post by _mentalgymnast »

grindael wrote:
mentalgymnast wrote:
My guess is that there are a number of you folks here that are seriously wondering how much longer this approach of using the Book of Mormon as the keystone witness is going to work.

I suspect they regard it much as the Muslims hold up the Quran as the "keystone" of their religion and won't be giving that up anytime soon. Does it work? Sure, as long as there are people that believe such subjective experiences are real.

Hey, we're in agreement here! :smile:

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