What is an anti-Mormon?

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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Themis »

Niadna wrote:Not one of you have addressed the actual point of what I was attempting to say; that "anti" is about words and deeds, not feelings or motivations. Being an 'anti' rather than a 'critic' is about how one objects to something, not whether one does, or even what one objects to.

Not one of you has addressed that; you have been far too busy insulting my character, my intelligence and even my internet grammar.

I and others have addressed that point, and I am not aware of insulting your character, intelligence or grammar. Again I would suggest labeling behavior and not people, as well as not labeling everyone here with things like 'you all'. I disagree with many arguments from many people here on all sides.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

I think it's tough for Niadna to parse out individual posters and their motivations on this thread and this board. She's falling into the trap of grouping the individuals together and addressing the board as "you" thus cementing Sartre's observation that the Other is an result of our human condition and we inevitably assign Others motivations that help us make sense of the world.

In this case it's her Mormon worldview and those who relate to it in a manner that makes sense to her. She'd be better served to keep in mind she's talking to individuals who aren't necessarily subscribed to groupthink.

- Doc
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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _schreech »

Niadna wrote:Not one of you has addressed that; you have been far too busy insulting my character, my intelligence and even my internet grammar.

Well, guys, I didn't like hazing when I was in high school and I'm too old to put up with it now.

You honestly don't think you had any part in the way people reacted to you, do you? You don't have any concept of how to interact with a group of individuals with a wide spectrum of beliefs and knowledge or even how to take advice or process information that is at odds with what you have chosen to believe. Its all just anti-mormon "hazing" in your mind. You got schooled in both Mormon history and legal tradition by historians and lawyers who are very knowledgeable on the subjects and ended up butt-hurt because you are inflexible and naïve. A normal person would appreciate the information given but time after time you doubled down and dug yourself into a deeper hole of your own obstinacy.

Every one of the points you brought up was address, ad nauseam, you just didn't like the answers. I think several people were correct in saying you might feel more at home in a more moderated, believer friendly board that is more of a F&T meeting or at someplace like carm where you can duke it out with people who have beliefs that are just as jello-y and unsupportable as your own. Whats sad it that we have a HUGE spectrum of people on this board (evangelicals, Catholics, Mormons, non-believing active Mormons, former Mormons, never Mormons, Wiccan, Greek paganism, republicans, democrats, bleeding heart libruls!, trumplicans, white supremacists, libertarians, homosexuals, homophobes, historians, lawyers, teachers, ceo's, entrepreneurs, ex-military, scientists, science deniers, etc, etc, etc...we literally cover all walks of life and the full spectrum of beliefs, life experiences and affiliations) and you werent able to figure out how to fit in. Even in your last post, you had to shallowly lump us all into an "escape from Mormonism" support group as if we all have the same motivations for being here. So lame but I get why people like you need to do it, its easier to rationalize your chosen belief system when the people who don't agree with you can be put into simple, easy to dismiss categories. Anyway....

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_Jersey Girl
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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Niadna wrote:Oh, stick around. I'll leave. If you want to call that cowardice on my part, or an inability to 'take the heat,' feel free.

I think I would have enjoyed being here, if it were not obvious that I have (see? italics to emphasize, not caps) blundered into an "escape from Mormonism" support group.

Not one of you have addressed the actual point of what I was attempting to say; that "anti" is about words and deeds, not feelings or motivations. Being an 'anti' rather than a 'critic' is about how one objects to something, not whether one does, or even what one objects to.

Not one of you has addressed that; you have been far too busy insulting my character, my intelligence and even my internet grammar.

Well, guys, I didn't like hazing when I was in high school and I'm too old to put up with it now.

This is NOT an "escape from Mormonism" support group. It's a rather large board with multiple forums with multiple purposes if only you had taken time to look the place over.

If you feel put off by people insulting your character, then why didn't you reply to my post which had nothing at all to do with your character?

You into self fulfilling prophecies or something?

I didn't see you engage in discussion here. What I saw was you tit for tatting your way through the thread.
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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Shulem »

Poor Niadna rode in on her high horse and crawled out beaten on her hands and feet -- leaving her horse for dead.

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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Shulem »

Niadna wrote:Well, guys, I didn't like hazing when I was in high school and I'm too old to put up with it now.

You were hazed while in high school? That's most unfortunate. I wonder what you did to cause that?
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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Meadowchik »

Shulem wrote:
Niadna wrote:Well, guys, I didn't like hazing when I was in high school and I'm too old to put up with it now.

You were hazed while in high school? That's most unfortunate. I wonder what you did to cause that?

That's gross, Shulem. Can you maybe not blame victims please?
_Always Changing
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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Always Changing »

Shulem wrote:
Niadna wrote:Well, guys, I didn't like hazing when I was in high school and I'm too old to put up with it now.

You were hazed while in high school? That's most unfortunate. I wonder what you did to cause that?
I have seen the antics of someone remarkably like her several years ago. If I remember right, in high school, she was just like she is now, and got teased and ostracized because of her strident Mormonism.
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In Helaman 6:39, we see the Badmintons, so similar to Skousenite Mormons, taking over the government and abusing the rights of many.
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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Maksutov »

huckelberry wrote:Niadna, most of the people currently posting on this board have been active believing Mormons but have become doubtful or no longer believing, perhaps officially no longer a member. Some here are angry enough to be short , perhaps tired of discussing truth claims they view as false and manipulative.

Myself I left the church 50 years ago and after spending some years as an atheist I refound my faith in Jesus. I belong to a Presbyterian church but vary in my choices of where to attend. I think there are a mix of good and inferior qualities in the LDS church. I could add I know of no church without inferior pieces, I know of no church holding pure truth.

I do think Martin Luther King is the closest America gets to having a true prophet so far.

That's very interesting about you, Huckelberry. Thanks for sharing it.
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_Dr. Shades
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Re: What is an anti-Mormon?

Post by _Dr. Shades »

Meadowchik wrote:
Shulem wrote:You were hazed while in high school? That's most unfortunate. I wonder what you did to cause that?

That's gross, Shulem. Can you maybe not blame victims please?

Hi Meadowchik,

I'm pretty sure this is Shulem's way of showing Niadna how she came across in her original post of, "These are the names I'm going to call you, and these are the reasons why you will have caused me to call you them."
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

--Louis Midgley
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