Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war criminal.

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_I have a question
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Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war criminal.

Post by _I have a question »

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued a statement Saturday morning honoring former U.S. President George H.with. Bush, who died Friday night at 94.

"We are grateful today for the life and service of President George H. with. Bush," said the statement, released by the church's First Presidency. "We honor him as a devoted husband, father and grandfather, a man of deep conviction who dedicated his life in service to country, family and faith. We express our love to the Bush family. We have been blessed by his legacy of service and devotion, and we pray they will be granted God's peace as they remember and celebrate his remarkable life." ... -bush.html

He ran a racist election campaign. The name of Willie Horton should forever be associated with Bush’s 1988 presidential bid. Horton, who was serving a life sentence for murder in Massachusetts — where Bush’s Democratic opponent, Michael Dukakis, was governor — had fled a weekend furlough program and raped a Maryland woman. A notorious television ad called “Weekend Passes,” released by a political action committee with ties to the Bush campaign, made clear to viewers that Horton was black and his victim was white.

As Bush campaign director Lee Atwater bragged, “By the time we’re finished, they’re going to wonder whether Willie Horton is Dukakis’s running mate.” Bush himself was quick to dismiss accusations of racism as “absolutely ridiculous,” yet it was clear at the time — even to right-wing Republican operatives such as Roger Stone, now a close ally of Trump — that the ad had crossed a line. “You and George Bush will wear that to your grave,” Stone complained to Atwater. “It’s a racist ad. . . . You’re going to regret it.”

Stone was right about Atwater, who on his deathbed apologized for using Horton against Dukakis. But Bush never did. ... f-justice/

He made a dishonest case for war. Thirteen years before George with. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction to justify his invasion and occupation of Iraq, his father made his own set of false claims to justify the aerial bombardment of that same country. The first Gulf War, as an investigation by journalist Joshua Holland concluded, “was sold on a mountain of war propaganda.”

For a start, Bush told the American public that Iraq had invaded Kuwait “without provocation or warning.” What he omitted to mention was that the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, had given an effective green light to Saddam Hussein, telling him in July 1990, a week before his invasion, “[with]e have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.”

Then there is the fabrication of intelligence. Bush deployed U.S. troops to the Gulf in August 1990 and claimed that he was doing so in order “to assist the Saudi Arabian Government in the defense of its homeland.” As Scott Peterson wrote in the Christian Science Monitor in 2002, “Citing top-secret satellite images, Pentagon officials estimated . . . that up to 250,000 Iraqi troops and 1,500 tanks stood on the border, threatening the key U.S. oil supplier.”

Yet when reporter Jean Heller of the St. Petersburg Times acquired her own commercial satellite images of the Saudi border, she found no signs of Iraqi forces; only an empty desert. “It was a pretty serious fib,” Heller told Peterson, adding: “That [Iraqi buildup] was the whole justification for Bush sending troops in there, and it just didn’t exist.”
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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _cwald »

"Jesus gave us the gospel, but Satan invented church. It takes serious evil to formalize faith into something tedious and then pile guilt on anyone who doesn’t participate enthusiastically." - Robert Kirby

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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _CameronMO »

I haven't logged in for a while, but, you know, Screw you, IHAQ. Go to hell.
Trimble, you ignorant sack of rhinoceros puss. The only thing more obvious than your lack of education is the foul stench that surrounds you.
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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _6EQUJ5 »

F__k off, IHAQ.
_Dr Exiled
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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _Dr Exiled »


I think you should bring up the dark side of GHW Bush. We've had a bunch of war criminals as presidents and it seems odd that we would revere them as heros instead of the mass murderers that they are.
"Religion is about providing human community in the guise of solving problems that don’t exist or failing to solve problems that do and seeking to reconcile these contradictions and conceal the failures in bogus explanations otherwise known as theology." - Kishkumen 
_I have a question
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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _I have a question »

Exiled wrote:IHAQ:

I think you should bring up the dark side of GHW Bush. We've had a bunch of war criminals as presidents and it seems odd that we would revere them as heros instead of the mass murderers that they are.

It's coming...
THE UNITED STATES is now in the midst of a grotesque canonization of one of its imperial saints, George Herbert Walker Bush. This week on Intercepted: an honest memorial service for an unrepentant warmonger who dedicated his life to militarism, war, coups, regime change, and the lies of “American exceptionalism.” Jeremy Scahill details the crimes of Bush, the sick propaganda of the corporate media memorials, and the trail of blood, death, and tears Bush leaves behind. Independent journalist Arun Gupta covers decades of Bush, from his time at the helm of the CIA to the presidency. Gupta discusses Bush’s support for Manuel Noriega and his eventual invasion of Panama, the pardoning of Iran-Contra criminals, the dirty wars in Central America, the support for Saddam Hussein, and the launch of the Gulf War. Acclaimed Iraqi poet and scholar Sinan Antoon describes his life under the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Saddam, the horrors of the Gulf War, and how Bush’s destruction of Iraqi civilian society led to the rise of ISIS. ... -criminal/

The point of the thread is not primarily to shed light on George H with Bush's actions in office, but to show how incredibly stupid it is for Church Leaders to try and play politics by publicly revering a politician, any politician, who has a track record of in-office behaviour that their Saviour would find abhorrent. If they are truly grateful for George H with Bush's life, they need to explain exactly what it is they are grateful for.

Those Church Leaders need to remember they speak on behalf of members worldwide, including those countries where George H with Bush committed alleged war crimes and supported despots. It's as if they are speaking only on behalf of American members, not members in Central America and the Middle East. Or perhaps they really are totally American -centric.
Last edited by Guest on Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
“When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” (Mathew Syed 'Black Box Thinking')
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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _Maksutov »

41 was no worse than some men who have headed the church. :cool:
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_Dr Exiled
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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _Dr Exiled »

I have a question wrote:It's coming...
THE UNITED STATES is now in the midst of a grotesque canonization of one of its imperial saints, George Herbert Walker Bush. This week on Intercepted: an honest memorial service for an unrepentant warmonger who dedicated his life to militarism, war, coups, regime change, and the lies of “American exceptionalism.” Jeremy Scahill details the crimes of Bush, the sick propaganda of the corporate media memorials, and the trail of blood, death, and tears Bush leaves behind. Independent journalist Arun Gupta covers decades of Bush, from his time at the helm of the CIA to the presidency. Gupta discusses Bush’s support for Manuel Noriega and his eventual invasion of Panama, the pardoning of Iran-Contra criminals, the dirty wars in Central America, the support for Saddam Hussein, and the launch of the Gulf War. Acclaimed Iraqi poet and scholar Sinan Antoon describes his life under the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Saddam, the horrors of the Gulf War, and how Bush’s destruction of Iraqi civilian society led to the rise of ISIS. ... -criminal/

The point of the thread is not primarily to shed light on George H with Bush's actions in office, but to show how incredibly stupid it is for Church Leaders to try and play politics by public revering a politician, any politician, who has a track record of in-office behaviour that their Saviour would find abhorrent. If they are truly grateful for George H with Bush's life, they need to explain exactly what they are grateful for.

Those Church Leaders need to remember they speak on behalf of members worldwide, including those countries where George H with Bush committed alleged war crimes and supported despots. It's as if they are speaking only on behalf of American members, not members in Central America and the Middle East. Or perhaps they really are totally American -centric.

They are totally america-centric. I can't count how many times I heard how only America could have been the country for the restoration, blah, blah, blah. I also remember, prior to the start of Iraq II, Hinckley stood up in conference and told the conference that maybe something good would happen as a result of Iraq War II. I guess his discernment was a little off on that one. And not surprisingly, Bush II had just gone to SLC prior to the conference in order to drum up support for his murderous war for oil. Hinckley was all ears.
"Religion is about providing human community in the guise of solving problems that don’t exist or failing to solve problems that do and seeking to reconcile these contradictions and conceal the failures in bogus explanations otherwise known as theology." - Kishkumen 
_Chuck Finley
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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _Chuck Finley »

You’ve posted this thread in the wrong forum, as it has nothing to do with the LDS church.

Incidentally, some of you have very interesting definitions of terms like “war criminal.”
Proud to be the first of the "February Four" expelled from the Ceebooist branch of NeverMormonism.
_I have a question
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Re: Church leaders express gratitude for racist, war crimina

Post by _I have a question »

Chuck Finley wrote:You’ve posted this thread in the wrong forum, as it has nothing to do with the LDS church.

Incidentally, some of you have very interesting definitions of terms like “war criminal.”

I disagree.

This thread is about the leaders of the Church publicly honouring an allleged racist and alleged war criminal. It’s about their public support for such a person, rather than a thread about the person they are showing support for. The details posted about Bush are to demonstrate what kind of a person Church leaders are prepared to align themselves with.

The term “war criminal” comes from the articles posted rather than from me applying it. But feel free to show why it has been wrongly applied to George H with Bush and that LDS Leaderships public support for him is justified.
“When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” (Mathew Syed 'Black Box Thinking')
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