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Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Period.

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:43 am
by _Holy Ghost

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:56 am
by _Dr Moore
Two steps back.

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:39 am
by _Jersey Girl
Where exactly does that leave intersexed children? He doesn't even acknowledge them.

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:48 am
by _Philo Sofee
Jersey Girl wrote:Where exactly does that leave intersexed children? He doesn't even acknowledge them.

There are no intersexed children in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That would be his answer. It is the only thing he cares about because the bureaucracy has killed his compassion. He has no love, only rules. It's what is making Mormonism stale to all. We don't need more commandments and rules, we need more compassion and togetherness of all peoples of the world.

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:49 am
by _krose
I had thought their truly contemptible “Proclamation” painted them firmly into that corner years ago.

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:33 am
by _sunstoned
Philo Sofee wrote:
Jersey Girl wrote:Where exactly does that leave intersexed children? He doesn't even acknowledge them.

There are no intersexed children in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That would be his answer. It is the only thing he cares about because the bureaucracy has killed his compassion. He has no love, only rules. It's what is making Mormonism stale to all. We don't need more commandments and rules, we need more compassion and togetherness of all peoples of the world.

QFT - It boggles my mind that a supposedly education person could turn a blind eye to the overwhelming scientific evidence and spew such hateful nonsense.

This is the kind of stupid BS that five years from now will be the subject of yet another "he was speaking as a man" LDS org essay.

Oaks will be right up there with BY as one of the most hateful, judgemental prophets the Mormon church ever had.

ETA - I'm so pissed off right now I probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:02 am
by _moksha
Jersey Girl wrote:Where exactly does that leave intersexed children? He doesn't even acknowledge them.

When Oaks used the word binary as being necessary, he was meaning more than just male or female. He was also referring to black and white thinking. Of course, this required black and white thinking does have its exceptions, such as when pretzelized logic is required to explain past LDS history and doctrines.

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:17 am
by _karl61
It may not be just Oaks who is looking at plumbing. I read some interesting internet pages in recent days. Many gay females do not want males who identify as females next to them in gay bars trying to pick them up. They don't want to deal with them on dating apps. They say they are aggressive and won't take no for an answer. If a gay female says she is not interested in a romance with a trans male to female, because she has a penis, she is called a transphobes, or bigot or other nasty things. Many gay females have been banned from traditional lesbian sites when they express their opinions because the male to female trans have taken over as moderators on those sites.

Plumbing is also important to female high school and college athletes. Many of them don't want to compete with a female who has male genitalia and competed as a male the previous year.

I saw a post yesterday on reddit from a gay female talking about her frustration on dating apps. I looked for it today when I saw this post but couldn't find it, but found another one that is pretty identical. ... nt_has_me/

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:24 am
by _Dr. Shades
sunstoned wrote:ETA - I'm so pissed off right now I probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

Why? It's nothing more than business as usual for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Re: Oaks: How you are plumbed at birth is your gender. Perio

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:26 am
by _karl61
Jersey Girl wrote:Where exactly does that leave intersexed children? He doesn't even acknowledge them.

I was listening to a podcast a few weeks ago. I think it was Eric Weinstein and Sam Harris and they were talking about the transgendered community. Eric said something like - that you need to deal with the intersexed community before the transgendered community and gave the most moving story of a intersexed friend of his and the struggle the friend has had in our society. He said if you fix the problems that the intersexed community is having then the other one will fall into place.