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Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:48 am
by _zeezrom
I was wondering what you might think of this theological quandary:

If I justify my choice to sin by planning to repent right afterward, is God less likely to forgive me (or show me grace)? If this is the case, why would we not justify our sins by planning to repent waaaaaaayyyyy later. We could secretly plan to repent many years later and it wouldn't seeeeem like you justified your sin that way, even though you did.

Please talk about this during your next FHE and I would be very happy to hear what might be discussed. It can be the topic for many discussions in the very shortly coming YEAR.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:52 am
by _Dr. Shades
Why not just ask Athena, your deity of choice, and tell us what she answers?

Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:38 am
by _Fence Sitter
I'll have to mull on that one over a cup of coffee.

Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:23 am
by _zeezrom
Dr. Shades wrote:Why not just ask Athena, your deity of choice, and tell us what she answers?

I think the question is the same, no matter the deity, is it not?

Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:30 am
by _Shulem
How many young men in the church have mulled over this dilemma during worthiness interviews?

Keep it quiet -- keep it safe.



Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:53 am
by _Doctor Scratch
zeezrom wrote:I was wondering what you might think of this theological quandary:

If I justify my choice to sin by planning to repent right afterward, is God less likely to forgive me (or show me grace)? If this is the case, why would we not justify our sins by planning to repent waaaaaaayyyyy later. We could secretly plan to repent many years later and it wouldn't seeeeem like you justified your sin that way, even though you did.

Please talk about this during your next FHE and I would be very happy to hear what might be discussed. It can be the topic for many discussions in the very shortly coming YEAR.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Nice to see you, Zeez. And isn't this just another variant on the "Why get baptized at 8?" question? If baptism washes away all of your sins, then why not wait until old age? Sure: you may run the risk of dying due to accident or illness before you get around to doing it, so I guess there's that.

Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:04 am
by _Meadowchik
I would say that planning to repent later so you can sin is bad, real bad. It's dishonest, and you can call it premeditated crucifixion of Christ.

Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:08 pm
by _NorthboundZax
zeezrom wrote:If I justify my choice to sin by planning to repent right afterward, is God less likely to forgive me (or show me grace)? If this is the case, why would we not justify our sins by planning to repent waaaaaaayyyyy later. We could secretly plan to repent many years later and it wouldn't seeeeem like you justified your sin that way, even though you did.

As I understood it, part of repentance was remorse for the act. I don't see how one can plan remorse.

Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:57 pm
by _huckelberry
NorthboundZax wrote:
zeezrom wrote:If I justify my choice to sin by planning to repent right afterward, is God less likely to forgive me (or show me grace)? If this is the case, why would we not justify our sins by planning to repent waaaaaaayyyyy later. We could secretly plan to repent many years later and it wouldn't seeeeem like you justified your sin that way, even though you did.

As I understood it, part of repentance was remorse for the act. I don't see how one can plan remorse.

I was going to ask if Zee was wondering about drinking a beer, cheating on spouse, or killing an uncle. I think NorthboundZax has gotten to the correct response more directly.

Re: Is to sin while planning to repent better?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 10:55 pm
by _kairos
As an evangelical this is not the kind of scenario to be involved in, considering one's personal relationship with Jesus. Being born from above/again by turning from sin/admitting my sinfulness, relying totally on His mercy and forgiveness and asking sincerely for Christ to come into my heart as my personal Savior would hopefully motivate me not to have a future plan to repent of some sin or sins I desire to commit in my carnal nature. Myself and many others have prayed to the Lord: "if I fall and sin which I do, that I may almost immediately/hurriedly seek forgiveness make restitution as needed and seek/rely on the Spirit to restore my relationship with Jesus who is always ready to forgive and welcome me back.

So the initial scenario above is out of sync, with the kind of relationship I try to be in - like trying to game the relationship so I can sin and have eternal life in a win win for me package. It actually is a losing situation and should be abandoned! What Mormon theology would make of this I have no clue!

Your mileage may also vary!