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How will social distancing work in the temple?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:51 am
by _I have a question
Social Distancing (the art of staying 2m away from other individuals not of your household) is likely here to stay for the foreseeable future, at least till year end in most countries. There are various parts of the temple experiences that include moments when physical contact between a patron and an officiator occur - such as during baptisms, initiatory, at the veil, the prayer circle, kneeling at alters and simply sitting together during various moments etc.

What adjustments will the Church make to facilitate a "no contact" temple experience? Or will the Church keep temples closed? Or will the Church explain to members that Covid-19 can't survive the House Of The Lord and so simply having faith will be enough to allow temples to reopen and continue without social distancing measures?

For that matter, how can the Church operate Sunday Services, including the Sacrament process, with social distancing measures? Will the speakers each have to use a different microphone, or cleanse it between talks? Will each member bring their own piece of pre-broken bread to avoid others touching it? I think Sunday Church could be ruled out for the rest of the year - in those countries taking social distancing seriously.

Re: How will social distancing work in the temple?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:59 pm
by _zeezrom
There is no single ordinance in the temple that is conducive to social distancing. Baptism requires physical contact for both dunking and confirmation. Initiatory requires touching. Endowment requires hand shakes and touching at the veil. Sealing requires holding hands. They would have to completely overhaul the ceremonies to get it to work. I would guess they put all of it on hold through most of 2021.