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The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of the Book of Abraham, Quinten Barney

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:31 am
by _Shulem
The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of the Book of Abraham

Quinten Barney

BYU Scholar -- Theses and Dissertations



Okay, so I'm mentioned and included in the footnotes. How nice. Well, perhaps I will get around to commenting and taking a closer look at this paper. Apparently Gee and Muhlestein (Apostate Egyptologists) support this work.


I honestly don't know if I care anymore. I seem to be shifting and losing interest. What to do? I don't know. Does anyone give a crap?

Re: The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of the Book of Abraham, Quinten Bar

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:06 am
by _moksha
Quinten Barney casts aspersions on Anubis being in this Book of Breathings scene and having a snout. He feels comfortable with the illustration in question being a black African slave with a triangular projection on the top of his head (perhaps from the Remulak Tribe). Anyway, this was enough to satisfy his committee members Kerry Muhlestein, John Gee, Michael D. Rhode, and Kerry Hull.

The good thing is Quinten acknowledged Shulem in the footnotes.

Re: The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of the Book of Abraham, Quinten Bar

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:56 pm
by _Dr Exiled
Continue on young man! You have a lot of knowledge to impart and if given the chance, the mopes will obfuscate. The world needs you. Remember the worth of souls is great and how great shall be your joy if you but convert one hungry soul to the truth about the facsimilies!!!!

Re: The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of the Book of Abraham, Quinten Bar

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:27 am
by _MrStakhanovite
Shulem wrote:
Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:31 am
I honestly don't know if I care anymore. I seem to be shifting and losing interest. What to do? I don't know. Does anyone give a ____?
I can guarantee you people care Shulem, lurkers vastly outnumber the small pool of people who actually post and there are people who read every word you write on this subject. I've come to discover that posting activity on a given thread (especially when the information is longform) is not necessarily a good indicator of public interest at large.

However, if you are feeling burnt out, best to step away for a few days and so something else entirely. You can always, always, *ALWAYS*, pick up right where you left off and no one here will complain.

Re: The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of the Book of Abraham, Quinten Bar

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:01 pm
by _Shulem
No, I’ve not read the Theses written by Barney and approved by Mormon scholars, as yet, but probably will in time. I'm grieved at what the Mormons are doing in belittling the religion once held sacred to millions of people who have long since slept. It grieves me that the Mormons have taken sacred writings and perverted them and used them to prop up their own faith. It's utterly horrific. It's so wrong.

My thoughts at this time care about the memory of the ancient Egyptians. My thoughts are one who seeks to act as a self-proclaimed Egyptologist in my own right and to defend the sacred memory of Hor, a man who lived long ago and had faith in his religion -– the ancient Egyptian religion -- composed of a belief in gods and in the afterlife.

I wish to offer my respects to Hor, a man who paid dearly to have funerary literature prepared in his name to honor his death and the faith he had in Osiris and in all the gods in whom he hoped to envision in the afterlife as shown in the heavenly scene of Facsimile No. 3. Yes, the Facsimile No. 3 is a sacred scene to the ancient Egyptians -– a part of their own temple rites, faith in their gods, and the ultimate belief that their hearts would be found just and receive the blessings of eternal life.

Truly, it is a sad affair in which Joseph Smith, the leader of the Mormons, was able to purchase religious documents had by Hor and others to suit his own purpose and fancy in order to prop up his position as a translator of ancient languages -– moreover the dead language of the Egyptians. It’s very sad that Smith did this. It has proven a great disservice to the memory and honor of the ancient Egyptians but more especially to a man who lived and died in his faith and is captured in a resurrected state in Facsimile No. 3 as he is ushered into the presence of Osiris to receive the blessing of his just dues.

I extend my well wishes to Hor. I honor his name and the sacred papyrus that was preserved in the catacomb and where he was buried with the hope and faith that he’d live again. May Hor find every blessing and wish come true wherever he may be and whatever he is doing within the cosmos of an afterlife. I know that Facsimile No. 3 and the writing contained on that papyrus was written and prepared to honor him. I know that with all my heart and mind. I know it as much as the I know the sun is shining today and will yet shine again tomorrow. It is a sure knowledge that I bear this testimony and defend the sacred papyrus that was buried up by the Egyptians and has since been abused and trampled by the Mormons who with impunity have done nothing to address their errors in slandering the Egyptian religion and for utter disregard for Hor and his burial. The deplorable behavior of the Mormons regarding Hor’s sacred record and burial is truly a tragedy and a terrible breach in respecting the beliefs of others. The Mormons have taken the property of a dead man and have trampled over it without regard because of their pride and unwillingness to repent of their errors. What the Mormons have done to Hor and his family, and the ancient Egyptians, is utterly abhorrent. Justice demands that the Mormons change course and cease mocking another man’s tomb – stop mocking the grave of a dead Egyptian who surely would be most displeased if he could see what the Mormons have done to his name.

May Hor be blessed.

Re: The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of the Book of Abraham, Quinten Bar

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:17 am
by _moksha
Shulem, what about disfiguring Anubis and turning him into a black African slave?

I suppose we should take some relief that Joseph F. Smith has Jane Manning James sealed to his Uncle Joseph as a servant for all eternity rather than sealed to a rightfully pissed off Anubis.

A proper Burial and Respect -- True Egyptology

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 3:24 pm
by _Shulem
In a continuation to the honor of Hor and the ancient Egyptian religion that is attested on the sacred scroll that was sold to the Mormons by a greedy man (Chandler) who cared nothing for the memory of the people in which he trampled, I present the following thoughts cut from the talk of an apostle of Mormonism:

Boyd K. Packer Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote:Funerals — A Time for Reverence October 1988

One of the most solemn and sacred meetings of the Church ancient Egyptians is the funeral for a departed [family] member. It is a time of caring and support when families gather in a spirit of tender regard for one another. It is a time to soberly contemplate doctrines of the [Egyptian] gospel and the purposes for the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ Osiris.

A comforting, spiritual funeral is of great importance. It helps console the bereaved and establishes a transition from mourning to the reality that we must move forward with life. Whether death is expected or a sudden shock, an inspirational funeral where the doctrines of resurrection, the mediation of Christ Osiris, and certainty of life after death are taught strengthens those who must now move on with life.

Three elements combine in a funeral as in no other meeting: the doctrines of the [Egyptian] gospel, the spirit of inspiration, and families gathered in tender regard for one another.

May we reintroduce the attitude of reverence each time we gather to memorialize one who has moved through the veil to that place where one day each of us will go.
Shulem wrote:
I am Hôr! I'm true of voice and vindicated before Osiris. I live forever in the afterlife with the gods as written in the characters above my hand:

"The Osiris Hôr, justified forever"


Blessed is Hor, a man who lived and died in his faith as attested on the sacred scroll in which he was buried believing that the lord Osiris was a type of salvation and a savior to souls who trust and believe in resurrection and eternal life through the gods of Egypt.

May the soul of Hor live forever and his mummy and sacred scroll in remembrance to his life and name. May Hor find every blessing through Osiris the lord of life. Peace and prosperity in the underworld among the gods and men.

These well wishes are dedicated to the memory of Hor and all those who loved him. In honor to Hor and his sacred papyrus and his image forever on Facsimile No. 3 which testifies that faith in Osiris is indeed a founding principle of the gospel of the ancient Egyptians.


Families are forever

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:44 pm
by _Shulem
Sacred is the memory of the ancient Egyptians and the records they took to their tombs and affixed to their mummies. Those sacred documents must be reverenced and honored for what they represent. It is the duty of every Egyptologist from every nation to represent and protect the memory of the Egyptians and to maintain the highest level of integrity while representing Egyptology to the public.

Egyptology *is* a sacred duty and an honorable profession.


Egyptian families are forever!

Re: The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of the Book of Abraham, Quinten Bar

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:44 pm
by _moksha
Shulem, this is a message crying out for a voice on Radio Free Mormon. Will you heed the call and stop the desecration of Hor Justified's memory?

In Memory Of

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:07 pm
by _Shulem
Church President, Thomas Monson is laid to rest and is honored by those who loved him. He is dressed in the robes of the Holy Priesthood and presumably a copy of the holy scriptures is placed carefully inside the burial casket. He wears his wedding ring in token of love and marriage.



Having been buried in a solemn funeral -- Monson's body was prepared and laid to rest, Thomas Monson awaits the day he is resurrected by his Lord Jesus according to his faith and the sacred writings in which he trusted.

It is well. That was his faith. That was his wish. He has been buried and may his grave never be violated nor his memory desecrated by falsehoods. Let the truth about Thomas Monson be told both now, later, and forever.

Sadly, the same cannot be said for Hor, an ancient Egyptian who was buried near Thebes. His tomb was violated and pillaged by raiders of the day who sought treasure and who paid little mind to the memory and sacred nature of Egyptian burials. His body and effects were hauled away, shipped across the ocean, and in the end sold to the highest bidder -- so to speak. The mummy of Hor and his sacred writings were kept and maintained by the Mormons through conservation efforts but sadly the quality and care for precious artifacts and human remains was substandard, crude, and poor. The bodies of the dead (including Hor) were manhandled and treated as curiosities and props to display and make money. The sacred funerary writings were interpreted and translated in a nonscientific manner and the writings and vignettes were assigned meaning according to what Joseph Smith said they represent. In the end, Hor's memory was violated in an unspeakable manner in which the ancient Egyptians would weep and grieve. The sacred writings attributed to Hor were rebranded to accommodate Mormon teachings and philosophy. The name of 'Hor' was never mentioned by Joseph Smith and the Mormons, not once. The memory of Hor was forgotten and trampled -- disrespected in a manner that the ancient Egyptians considered to be a most vile and heinous act.