The irony of the church asking members to do what it can’t

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The irony of the church asking members to do what it can’t

Post by drumdude »

Talk at BYU Hawaii: “What matters most”

Starting 20 minutes in

[MODERATOR NOTE: In the below-quoted material, the speaker originally said "we" and "our," not "church leaders" and "their." What you see below is drumdude's alteration.]
While church leaders go about their business, consumed by their work and the many things that beg for their attention, Jesus is ever teaching, ever beckoning his church to follow him. On occasion Jesus may step into church leaders’ lives and give them direction and ask them to change course. Maybe for an hour, maybe for a lifetime. Will church leaders be near enough that they can hear him?

Will church leaders give place in their lives that He may use them to care for the multitude? Will church leaders listen? Will they be willing to do His bidding? And what if He asked church leaders for their money when they are scared to spend it?

Will church leaders thrust into the shallows? Will they launch into the deep? Will they let down their nets and release their grip on the horde of money? Despite their doubts and fears?

Church leaders may say “but we have shopping malls to build. We have years of operating costs to save for. We have other important things to save our money for.”

Or, will church leaders respond as Peter did? “Nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net.”

The story doesn’t end with the letting down of the net. In fact it was just the beginning of the story for Peter. When they let down their net, they caught such a multitude of fish that their net broke. The miracle was so great that all were astonished, and Peter seeing it fell down at Jesus’ knees saying “depart from me, for I am a sinful man my Lord.” Jesus was quick to forgive saying, “fear not for henceforth thou shall catch men.” When the Mormon church leaders repent, they are better qualified to serve the lord.

Heavenly Father is aware of the church’s resources. He is intimately aware of the church’s income and expenses. He knows church leaders fears for the future and Jesus cares for each church leader and accountant individually. Will they trust Him?
Why can’t church leaders let down their nets and trust in the Lord? Why are they worried about not having enough years of operating expenses saved? Christ says once they let go of the money, they will have more than they could ever want.

It’s asking students at BYU to blindly trust their lives to Jesus, when they don’t have the faith to do anything but hoard decades of operating expenses, terrified of losing wealth and power.
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