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Post by Flemming »

High Spy wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:56 pm
Silence in heaven began when the seventh seal opened. Maybe The Wicker Man was granted a waiver for his demonstration earthquakes and ongoing efforts to fill Lake Mead. :lol: As for me, my strange March 8 encounters haven’t occurred post 2010. My timekeeper role does seem to continue as per my MakerBee post and subsequent Hamas attacks. The links spy posted are all publicly viewable, but the timekeeper stuff is not.
But the March 8th thing isn’t real. That photograph shows nothing.

Wait, now Lake Mead is involved?
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Post by Dr. Shades »

High Spy wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:01 pm
Dr. Shades wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:21 am
Why was he banished? ... 6#p1217371 Shows a post by one of his many attackers. ... 3#p1162443 Shows another where he responded with keyboard shifted characters.

There was some discussion about release from Outer Darkness a.k.a. sub-forum #57 8-), but it never happened for him and others caught up in the raging battle. Anyway, they marred him, but didn’t really hurt him, because we’re in a period of silence following the opening of the seventh seal as discussed a few posts previos to this one. ... ails#p2535 is more about that and how the LDS Corp’s position just don’t make no sense. :lol:
You didn't answer the question.

Why was The Wicker Man permanently banished?
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So is Chad Daybell the Davidic servant?
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Post by High Spy »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:18 am
High Spy wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:01 pm ... 6#p1217371 Shows a post by one of his many attackers. ... 3#p1162443 Shows another where he responded with keyboard shifted characters.

There was some discussion about release from Outer Darkness a.k.a. sub-forum #57 8-), but it never happened for him and others caught up in the raging battle. Anyway, they marred him, but didn’t really hurt him, because we’re in a period of silence following the opening of the seventh seal as discussed a few posts previos to this one. ... ails#p2535 is more about that and how the LDS Corp’s position just don’t make no sense. :lol:
You didn't answer the question.

Why was The Wicker Man permanently banished?
He stopped posting in Outer Darkness when his post count hit 1957, saying the Spirit wasn't telling him to visit anymore. He responded GIVL UPI, a couple of times that spy saw. He was very time consuming because of all the complainers, which makes be believe it was mostly a business decision, along with confirmation bias on the part of Creator. The Wicker Man asked for clarification, but would never kowtow to Creator's demands. He banished a few others at the same time. One of which is Valo/Finrock/DarknessToLight who has since gone missing. Later he posted until his post count was 1962 (my birth year), then reached 1984 only posting sporadically. People asked after him and Valo would post links to slogbog, and I would too on rare occasions, but the word filter was changed to corrupt all the links. could circumvent it, but now the bad links stand as testament to The Wicker Man's prophesied marring. Due diligence of any serious inquiry should likely include viewing all the pertinent posts in Outer Darkness, or just wait for said silence to end.
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The Wicker Man wrote:So now back to when the 7th seal was most likely opened. When was israel in exile planted in North America? When the pilgrims departed the Mayflower in 1620. When was Judah fully restored? In 1970 when they recaptured Jerusalem. What year is 1620 + 390? 2010. What is 1970 + 40? 2010.
But 1620 + 252 = 1872, while 1970 + 13 = 1983. So the opening of the Seventh Seal happened in either 1872 or 1983, making The Wicker Man a fraud.
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Film came out in 1957.
The knight and his squire pass a caravan of actors: Jof and his wife Mia, with their infant son Mikael and actor-manager Jonas Skat. Waking early, Jof has a vision of Mary leading the infant Jesus, which he relates to a smilingly disbelieving Mia.
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Post by High Spy »

Bret Ripley wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:36 pm
Flemming wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:56 pm
Also did you see the 7.5 earthquake in Japan this morning? Why didn’t/couldn’t wicker man predict that?
He only predicts significant earthquakes, and since he didn't predict this one it is obviously insignificant. Ta. Da.
NPR on KOSU just reported 48 deaths.
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Post by Dr. Shades »

High Spy wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:11 pm
Bret Ripley wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:36 pm
He only predicts significant earthquakes, and since he didn't predict this one it is obviously insignificant. Ta. Da.
NPR on KOSU just reported 48 deaths.
So it WAS significant. So why didn’t he predict it?
"I think the idea of repairing a corpse does not work very well."

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Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:59 pm
What is the davidic servant anyway?

I think The Wicker Man does have an interesting story with all the 57 connections. I believe he is telling the truth about these experiences. I have strange experiences with the number 8 and I have 3 number 8s in my date of birth. The Wicker Man has 57 in his dob.

I've always been a feeling type of person.

I don't feel he is anointed or angelic or anything like that. I don't know what the davidic servant is. But I believe a person truly impressed upon by the spirit should have good intentions and a light energy (how I perceive it, not literally light) I don't feel that light energy with The Wicker Man, something feels off. Like, maybe a sort of light grey/orange feeling (no idea what that means it's just how I feel it). I do feel a light energy with how I'm perceiving high spy's energy and I am feeling concerned because high spy seems trapped in loop. I think high spy has had his own sort of 'revelations' but has connected them to The Wicker Man's 'revelations' and assumed that his signs must be pointing towards The Wicker Man and has combined the signs.

I do believe eclipses effect the earth. The eclipse won't be experienced where I am. I wonder, if the date comes and goes without any signs of what these warnings are pointing to, what that would mean to high spy. I've read some things but can't see The Wicker Man talking about the eclipse.
I certainly will be interested to see if anything interesting happens. Hopefully nothing self fulfilled in a negative way.

I do believe in signs. I'm not always sure we can be sure of what signs mean until after the fact. I don't live by them or focus on them. Spy (I called you highwayman. Who's highway man?) you clearly have attuned yourself to noticing numbers and it is possible that if you focus on this one group of numbers with this applied meaning and trying to convince everyone, then you might not connect other signs. I recall often hearing the phase, what's for you won't go by you.

I had kind of a peculiar upbringing now that I look back. I was aware of things at a young age that I wouldn't like my kids to be aware of. So that is why I don't dismiss this thread or spy's posts. (If a person felt compelled to share a divine message and they believed with every fibre of their being was true, they'd post like high spy does). But my soul feels that The Wicker Man isn't a source of light. And maybe I can't judge and I'm probably talking a load of crap, and I might not be calibrated very well, but I feel bits of negative energy in The Wicker Man's text that I don't associate with Christ. However, I don't feel negative energy in everything I have read by high spy which makes me feel mildly concerned that high spy is doing all this work for The Wicker Man.

I've had alcohol. It's new year... I might read this tomorrow and be like wtf?

Happy new year :)
The Wicker Man (The Wicker Man) once posted about his church buddies having him go see a LDS physic lady, who said he wasn’t human. That was soon after his two witnesses witnessed his PB and the Patriarch sayin what an honor it was to have given it to such an honorable individual. My name from birth and my PB were also given under extraordinary circumstances.

Speaking of two witnesses, there were two on March 8, 2002. Also The Wicker Man whose name matches your number 57 anomaly did many other amazing things besides supply his Spirit with opportunities to cause earthquakes of specific magnitudes. Bret Ripley, believe it or not, bolstered one thought experiment: that being that posting advanced notice about an upcoming earthquake of specific magnitude, that the adversary also gets one of similar magnitude. This was bore out by one originally rated a 6.6 and upgrade to a 6.7. This likely results because the measured event is midway between 6.6 and 6.7, but closer to 6.7. What number is that. If you said triple six with a shifted decimal point, then place one golden star upon your forehead. :lol:

Likewise, the 8.1 was previously posted (recently this became apparent). When the 8.2 preceded the 8.1, spy remarked that The Wicker Man was sighting in his Earthquake Gun, because he was an exceptional marksman. The Wicker Man thought they measured it wrong, so ordered a redo. Did Moses predict that the Red Sea would part? Nope, he just commanded it to part, and it obeyed. Next week spy will travel near another of the demonstration earthquake sites. That will make for a 75% visitation rate, with only China remaining. The Wicker Man has numerous health issues, so currently may be completely out of commission. His account showed active as of the 31st. It would be nice if someone checked on him.

Valo loved to talk like a pirate 🏴‍☠️. He grew up in Finland where there are many Bogs and Valo is a subset of Valore, which is the name of a premium phpBB theme that allows changing of the colors. Passing with Flying Colors was how spy described The Wicker Man’s story, after seeing the chemical symbol for gold in my wife's name, for the first time? The Wicker Man’s revelation, using two biblical witnesses, about when the seventh seal opened at long last answered: Why was 2010 the conclusion of my March 8 photo? This helped spy see the Crist timing pattern for The Wicker Man’s first demonstration earthquake that landed Moroni’s Instrument.

The Davidic Servant picks up where King David left off i.e. The City of David under The Star of David.
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Last edited by IWMP on Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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