It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

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Everybody Wang Chung
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It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

Hasn't the Church done enough harm to Bigfoot/Cain? After thousands of years of roaming the world, surely he feels remorse and has repented by now. The last hundred years he has called Utah home and can be occasionally seen by campers running behind thick bushes all along the Wasatch Front.

The vast majority of Bigfoot/Cain sightings are benign, with some observers stating that Bigfoot/Cain is a vegetarian and shepherd of nature. Far from attempting to destroy the souls of men (as Apostle David W. Patten related after his encounter with Bigfoot/Cain) he seems to be very protective of animals and the forest. There are even stories of Bigfoot/Cain saving the lives of many people by guiding them to safety during inclement weather.

Since 1978 the Church has disavowed the curse of Cain and the mark of Cain as a reason to prevent one from holding the priesthood. There really is no reason to not baptize and give Bigfoot/Cain the priesthood right away. Just think of what a great missionary tool Bigfoot/Cain would be to the Church. Think of all of the stories Bigfoot/Cain could tell after roaming the world for thousands of years.

It's time to welcome the big guy back to the fold.
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by Gadianton »

It would be odd if Dan believes so many random ghost sightings from non-members but doesn't believe the Cain / Sasquatch sightings from his own historic church leaders.

It would be odd if Dan claims not to deny church leader sightings of the Sasquatch, but claims to be unfamiliar with these claims and only vaguely aware of them, but yet intimately aware of so many paranormal claims outside the bounds of the Church and so interested in learning about them, while not interested in learning about paranormal claims within the Church that would have doctrinal significance if true.

Therefore, I conclude Dan is quite familiar with the details of the Cain / Sasquatch doctrine.

Since he's familiar with the material, he must have a position on whether it's possible for Cain to repent and receive ordinances and the priesthood.

It should be noted that Cain is not dead and not transfigured in the same sense as the three Nephites, but rather his life has merely been prolonged. There is nothing in principle that would stop Cain from seeking repentance. It may be assumed that he's too angry to change, but it's also not impossible for him to change. If God can in theory cease to be God, then Cain could certainly have a change of heart.

It would seem his case should be handled as any other, should he take the missionary discussions and seek baptism. It could be suggested that because he committed murder, that he can't get baptized. Now that's possible, however, we can't just go by assumptions, the deed would have to be revealed in his baptism interview. He would at least be entitled to hear the discussions and give baptismal process a shot, should be be interested. The Church would need to apply the same due diligence to his case as any other case.

Therefore, proactively ministering to Cain / Sasquatch should not be out of the question if it's possible that he could be interested, which we have demonstrated is a possibility. Since Dan isn't putting in his papers for a conventional mission, and since he has such a strong interest in the paranormal and may be one of the best educated Latter-day Saints on the topic, would anyone be a better pick than him for a Sasquatch hunt?
I'd like for Dan to discuss the possibility of him reaching out to the Sasquatch on his blog. Would he at least consider doing so and if not, why not?
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by I Have Questions »

I’m a little confused by the Sasquatch/Big Foot belief thing. Is Sasquatch believed to be Cain and he’s been alive on this planet since the beginning of humanity? Is it just him? Or has he reproduced in some way?
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by Philo Sofee »

I Have Questions wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:55 am
I’m a little confused by the Sasquatch/Big Foot belief thing. Is Sasquatch believed to be Cain and he’s been alive on this planet since the beginning of humanity? Is it just him? Or has he reproduced in some way?
If he hasn't, the church could allow him to live polygamy so that he could spread seed faster and raise up a repentant family in Zion's backwoods. He would certainly have to have the Stake President's permission at the very least, realistically, since he is such a big deal, one of the twelve or the First Presidency would have to put their priesthood authority into it in order to make it more acceptable to the Lord. After all, a mere Elder's Melchizedek Priesthood could not possibly be the same caliber of a member of the First Presideny!
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by Doctor Scratch »

Gadianton wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:53 am
It would be odd if Dan believes so many random ghost sightings from non-members but doesn't believe the Cain / Sasquatch sightings from his own historic church leaders.

It would be odd if Dan claims not to deny church leader sightings of the Sasquatch, but claims to be unfamiliar with these claims and only vaguely aware of them, but yet intimately aware of so many paranormal claims outside the bounds of the Church and so interested in learning about them, while not interested in learning about paranormal claims within the Church that would have doctrinal significance if true.

Therefore, I conclude Dan is quite familiar with the details of the Cain / Sasquatch doctrine.

Since he's familiar with the material, he must have a position on whether it's possible for Cain to repent and receive ordinances and the priesthood.

It should be noted that Cain is not dead and not transfigured in the same sense as the three Nephites, but rather his life has merely been prolonged. There is nothing in principle that would stop Cain from seeking repentance. It may be assumed that he's too angry to change, but it's also not impossible for him to change. If God can in theory cease to be God, then Cain could certainly have a change of heart.

It would seem his case should be handled as any other, should he take the missionary discussions and seek baptism. It could be suggested that because he committed murder, that he can't get baptized. Now that's possible, however, we can't just go by assumptions, the deed would have to be revealed in his baptism interview. He would at least be entitled to hear the discussions and give baptismal process a shot, should be be interested. The Church would need to apply the same due diligence to his case as any other case.

Therefore, proactively ministering to Cain / Sasquatch should not be out of the question if it's possible that he could be interested, which we have demonstrated is a possibility. Since Dan isn't putting in his papers for a conventional mission, and since he has such a strong interest in the paranormal and may be one of the best educated Latter-day Saints on the topic, would anyone be a better pick than him for a Sasquatch hunt?
I'd like for Dan to discuss the possibility of him reaching out to the Sasquatch on his blog. Would he at least consider doing so and if not, why not?
You make some excellent points here, Dean Robbers. In fact, I daresay that the Proprietor has painted himself into a corner. If he *does not* pursue the matter of Sasquatch/Cain, then it will prove what we have always know about him--i.e., that he thinks there are many aspects of Church history and doctrine that are ridiculous, and that the only reason he's still sitting at the table is so that he can 'cash in' and be rewarded in the afterlife. That would explain why he's obsessed with NDEs but seems dismissive towards practically any other occult/supernatural sort of topic (UFOs, Loch Ness Monster, etc.). You can bet that he thinks things like Zelph, or BY's "Quakers on the Moon" are ridiculous and laughable. I mean, we can even take his most recent pet topic--i.e., BY apologetics--and then think back to the fact that he openly said that BY was preaching "false doctrine" on the matter of Adam-God. In a sense, then, he is a "Cafeteria Internet Mormon." He picks and chooses the doctrines he likes but then he privately laughs at and makes fun of other bits.
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by Dr Exiled »

Give Cain the priesthood and immediately put him into the leadership
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by IWMP »

Is this a joke? :?
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by Moksha »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:17 am
It's time to welcome the big guy back to the fold.
Hosting the confirmation in the BYU football stadium could allow more well-wishers to attend than the Conference Center.

Dr. Peterson could search him out with his dowsing rod and extend the invite with it.
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by Tom »

I agree that it's time. I am unreliably informed that Everybody Wang Chung's post has inspired four Kirton McConkie junior associates to begin burning the midnight oil analyzing the relevant General Handbook provisions on repentance and church membership councils to determine if Cain has a case for membership and priesthood and temple blessings restoration. Let's go to the handbook:

Membership Councils to Remove Formal Restrictions or Readmit a Person

When membership privileges are restricted or withdrawn in a membership council, another council must be held to consider removing the restrictions or readmitting the person to the Church. This council should also have the same level of authority (or higher) as the initial council. For example, if a stake or mission president presided over the initial council, a stake or mission president presides over the council to consider removing the restrictions or readmitting the person.
The Old Testament seems to indicate that YHWH presided over Cain's initial membership council back in ca. 4,000 B.C., so today's First Presidency would be the right body to oversee the membership council for Cain.
The current bishop or stake president holds the council. He first ensures that the person has repented and is ready and worthy to enjoy the blessings of Church membership.
See above. The First Presidency will need to handle this one.
Those who have had their Church membership formally restricted usually need to show genuine repentance for at least one year before consideration is given to removing the restrictions. Those who have had their Church membership withdrawn almost always need to show genuine repentance for at least one year before they can be considered for readmission. For a member who held a prominent Church position at the time of the serious sin, the period is generally longer (see
It isn't entirely clear from the biblical record whether Cain held a prominent Church position in his service as a "tiller of the ground," but let's assume that he did. Everybody Wang Chung has identified solid evidence that Cain has shown genuine repentance for a least a year by "saving the lives of many people by guiding them to safety during inclement weather." The candid photo furnished by Everybody Wang Chung is additional evidence that Cain feels genuine remorse and sorrow for his sins.
A council to consider removing restrictions or readmitting a person to the Church follows the same guidelines as other membership councils. A bishop needs approval from the stake president to hold the council. In a mission, a branch or district president needs approval from the mission president.

The following guidelines apply when holding a membership council to consider removing Church membership restrictions or readmitting a person to the Church. Not all of these guidelines may apply in each case.

1. Review the initial membership council. The bishop or stake president reviews the Report of Church Membership Council form. He requests a copy through LCR. After reviewing the form, he may contact the bishop or stake president where the initial council was held to seek clarification.
The First Presidency may experience some difficulty making contact with YHWH to get details on Cain's original council, and original records of the original council were probably lost during the global flood. But Genesis 4 provides a reliable record of the original disciplinary action taken against Cain:
11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand;

12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth."
Back to the handbook:
2. Interview the person. The bishop or stake president interviews the person thoroughly to discern the strength of his or her faith in Jesus Christ and the extent of repentance. He also determines whether the person has met the conditions outlined in the initial action.
If Cain can be located by the proprietor, the interview can be scheduled rather easily, I would think.
3. Determine the status of criminal or civil court action. Sometimes a person has admitted to or has been convicted of a crime. Sometimes a person has been found liable in a civil action of fraud or other illegal acts. In these cases, the leader generally does not hold a council until the person has fulfilled all the conditions of any sentence, order, or judgment made by legal authorities. These conditions may include imprisonment, probation, parole, and fines or restitution. Exceptions require the approval of the First Presidency before holding a membership council. These exceptions might include someone who has completed legal requirements and has shown genuine repentance but is on lifelong probation or has a substantial fine.
It seems clear that Cain has long "fulfilled all the conditions of any sentence, order, or judgment made by legal authorities." Cain has been a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth for 4,000 years.
4. Contact the priesthood leaders of the victims. The bishop or stake president contacts the current bishop or stake president of any victims (see 32.10.2).
That would be somewhat difficult in this case, but the current First Presidency can play that role.
5. Give notice of the council. He notifies the person of the date, time, and place of the council.
See the comment above about locating Cain.
6. Conduct the council. He conducts the council according to the guidelines in 32.10.3. He asks the person what he or she has done to repent. He also asks about his or her commitment to Jesus Christ and the Church. When all relevant matters have been presented, he excuses the member. With his counselors, he prays to consider what action to take. The three possible decisions are:

a. Continue membership restrictions or withdrawal.

b. Remove restrictions or authorize readmission.

c. Recommend to the First Presidency that restrictions be removed or readmission be authorized (if necessary according to “Apply for First Presidency approval” below).
For obvious reasons, there will be no need to make a recommendation to the First Presidency in this case.
7. Share the decision. After the council makes a decision, the presiding officer shares it with the person. If approval from the First Presidency is necessary, he explains that the decision is a recommendation to the First Presidency.
I would hope that The Church News would share the decision with the world.

Skipping a bit:
9. Apply for First Presidency approval (if necessary). In the following circumstances, the approval of the First Presidency is necessary to remove formal membership restrictions or readmit the person into the Church. This approval is required even if the conduct occurred after Church membership was formally restricted or withdrawn.

The stake president submits an application to the First Presidency only if he recommends approval (see 6.2.3).

a. Murder

b. Incest

c. Sexual abuse of a child or youth, sexual exploitation of a child or youth, or serious physical or emotional abuse of a child or youth by an adult or by a youth who is several years older

d. Involvement with child pornography when there is a legal conviction

e. Apostasy

f. Plural marriage

g. Committing a serious sin while holding a prominent Church position

h. Transgender—actions to transition to the opposite of a person’s biological sex at birth (see 38.6.23)

i. Embezzling Church funds or property
Obviously, Cain murdered his brother, but, again, the First Presidency will be conducting the council, so no recommendation is needed.
10. Give written notice of the decision. The bishop or stake president ensures that the person receives prompt written notice of the decision and its effects.

11. Baptize and confirm. If a person’s Church membership was withdrawn in the initial council, he or she must be baptized and confirmed again. If First Presidency approval is necessary, these ordinances may be performed only after this approval is received. A Baptism and Confirmation Certificate is not created (see 32.14.4).
I suspect that President Nelson would be the one to perform Cain's baptism and confirmation. Turning now to 32.17.2 of the General Handbook:

Restoration of Blessings

Persons who previously received the temple endowment and were readmitted by baptism and confirmation can receive their priesthood and temple blessings only through the ordinance of restoration of blessings (see Doctrine and Covenants 109:21). They are not ordained to priesthood offices or endowed again. These blessings are restored through the ordinance. Brethren are restored to their former priesthood office, except the office of Seventy, bishop, or patriarch.

Only the First Presidency can approve the performance of the ordinance of restoration of blessings. They will not consider an application for this ordinance sooner than one year after the person is readmitted by baptism and confirmation.

The bishop and stake president interview the person to determine his or her worthiness and preparedness. When the stake president feels that the person is ready, he applies for a restoration of blessings using LCR. See 6.2.3 about the stake president’s responsibility when submitting applications to the First Presidency.

If the First Presidency approves the restoration of blessings, they assign a General Authority or the stake president to interview the person. If the person is worthy, this leader performs the ordinance to restore the person’s blessings.
It would appear that Cain would need to wait a year after his baptism and confirmation to have his priesthood and temple blessings restored. However, the First Presidency could fast track the process by silently changing the relevant language in the General Handbook.
Last edited by Tom on Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It's Time For The Church To Give Bigfoot/Cain The Priesthood

Post by Dr Exiled »

The youth would love it. I hear Cain/Sasquatch is a great entertainer and would bring the youth back. Put him in the leadership now!
Myth is misused by the powerful to subjugate the masses all too often.
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