US LDS Attendance numbers.

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Fence Sitter
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US LDS Attendance numbers.

Post by Fence Sitter »

An interesting recent poll in the United States using cell phone data showed that only 1 in 345 Americans are weekly attending Mormons. See here. US population is about 342 million which means that about 1 million Americans are weekly attending Mormons. Church statistics show 6,800,000 US members so it would seem that only about 16% of claimed membership bothers to go to church every week. Worse yet, the church shows about 14,600 units (12,800 wards & 1,800 branches) which means that on average a ward or branch only has 68 members out of a possible 470 members who actually attend each week. No wonder leadership has cut back the number of hours required to attend each week and the number of positions to fill in each ward. Looks like no one wants to attend and there are not enough people to fill those positions anyways.
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Dr. Sunstoned
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Re: US LDS Attendance numbers.

Post by Dr. Sunstoned »

From my membership clerk days two decades ago, we averaged around 100 people attending sacrament meetings. This was in the heart of Mormondom, Utah County. My parent's ward in Nothern California where my father was the clerk for years averaged 35 people attending sacrament meetings.
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Re: US LDS Attendance numbers.

Post by Moksha »

If attendance is declining, then it is time to build more temples to sell more luxury homes in the surrounding area.
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