Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by High Spy »

Canadiandude2 wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:22 pm
High Spy wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:00 am
Thank you Canadian Dude ... your words rang true, and greatly aided my efforts to deal with a difficult situation, by creating the forum thread quoted below. BeNotDeceived is also my username on Mormon Dialog, where I made a few posts.
That’s bait. Heh
Truer words were never spoken better than yours that came in my anxious hour of need. Kinda like me bee avatar when a little blip on the right said I was a B too. Strange it showing up the way it did during my image search. Some call such things magic, while others may deem them miracles. Oh well, hope you’re enjoying an insane amount of sunshine this time of year, where life is beautiful all of the time. 1

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxVkAhto0Ag

There was no superscript option for a proper footnote.

How do all the scholars on here cope with such a grievous oversight?

We can do better than that. :lol:
Last edited by High Spy on Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by Marcus »

Canadiandude2 wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:53 pm
Marcus wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:48 pm
That exists as a field?
Can you be more specific? And explain your reasoning so as to demonstrate you aren’t trolling?

Everyone has a field. There’s no need to engage or counter apologists or (belligerent) church-associated actors through inefficient means that outside one’s expertise.
drumdude wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:00 pm
I liked her comment, the mopologetic “field” such that it is basically exists as one big joke.
Exactly. Thanks for getting my joke!!! :D
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Hi Craig,

I’m sorry you were treated so poorly. And by “treated poorly” I mean silenced despite being polite. There was one day, way back yonder, where, after reading a post by a Mopologist, I realized they operate by different rules than the rest of us. By “operate differently “ I mean given preferential treatment when posting in their sandbox, whatever manifestation of sandbox they leave their droppings.

At some point it dawns on you you’re essentially arguing over the length of Gandalf the White’s sword at the Battle of What-the-“F”-ever in Lord Dickmore’s epic ‘Magic Land with Orcs n’ crap’.

So. Yeah. I’m not saying there isn’t value in a community of Mormons, ex-Mormon, and Never Mormons talking about Mormonism, because there is - but, as with most things, you’ll just have to assign a value to talking about Mormonism and decide if you want to make space for it in your brain. It sucks when the nerds kick you out of the club, but you’re essentially telling them the Magic Land of Orcs n’ crap isn’t real and that sucks for nerds. They kinda want to make believe, and they don’t need Sir Buzzkill reminding them they’re LARPing. They know they are, and when they’re ready to stop it; they’ll come around.

Anyway. You’re awesome. Chin up ol’ chap. Carry on.

- Doc
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by Dr Exiled »

I agree with Doc. Cult members need to cult and hate being called out for their cultist behavior. They are constantly told about being chosen and whatnot and don't want to hear otherwise. Don't let it get you down. Obviously, you are on the side of truth.

Anyway, stick around here. I've always enjoyed your posts whether at MD&D or here.
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by drumdude »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:34 am
I agree with Doc. Cult members need to cult and hate being called out for their cultist behavior. They are constantly told about being chosen and whatnot and don't want to hear otherwise. Don't let it get you down. Obviously, you are on the side of truth.

Anyway, stick around here. I've always enjoyed your posts whether at MD&D or here.
Well said.
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by Marcus »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:38 pm
Hi Craig,

I’m sorry you were treated so poorly. And by “treated poorly” I mean silenced despite being polite. There was one day, way back yonder, where, after reading a post by a Mopologist, I realized they operate by different rules than the rest of us. By “operate differently “ I mean given preferential treatment when posting in their sandbox, whatever manifestation of sandbox they leave their droppings.

At some point it dawns on you you’re essentially arguing over the length of Gandalf the White’s sword at the Battle of What-the-“F”-ever in Lord Dickmore’s epic ‘Magic Land with Orcs n’ crap’.
That last paragraph? Awesome. Well said, Doc.

I also agree with your 'treated poorly' comment. They latched on to an issue, and slowly merged it into their 'anti' claims, as though both held the same weight, and that's not a valid approach.

I feel bad I had to call out the posting without attribution issue, but if I didn't, given my posts about DCP, I would be as biased as they are, so I had to be consistent. Ironically, Peterson's outright plagiarism gets no pushback from that group, which is why their push on the OP poster reads as so disingenuous.
Anyway. You’re awesome. Chin up ol’ chap. Carry on.

- Doc
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by Dr. Shades »

Craig Paxton wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:28 pm
I mistakenly assumed that by abandoning my anonymity, I might encounter a more civil experience on that board.
Nope. Once they became able to doxx you, you should've expected a LESS civil experience on that board.
Over the years, I had posted there anonymously under various tags. Initially as Craig Paxton, who was promptly banned, then as Johnnie Cake, Aussie Boy and probably other's that I have long since forgotten about, but they all had one thing in common, they all eventually got banned.
What's the word for doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
I also naïvely believed that by being so open and transparent that the MD&D board members would be more respectful, fair minded, sympathetic and less arrogant in their cherished truth claims with me as well. That was dumb of me.
With all due respect, you're right.
1. She asserted that because the quotes came from a website critical of Mormonism (though the quotes themselves weren't critical) they should be somehow suspect or discounted, . . .
Not only is that Mopologetics 101, it's right there at the top of the syllabus.
. . . and 2. for implying that because I hadn't cited the source of my copy-paste, I was therefore a plagiarist for not providing proper citation. As if posting on MD&D meet the same standards as a doctrinal dissertation.
That might be something you learn on Day 2, but it's still Mopologetics 101.

Certainly, you must have been doing this longer than that.
But you've won. You have successfully disrupted the flow of the conversation, turning what could have been a lively and engaging exchange of ideas into a tedious nitpicking session of meeting your exacting standards for proper posting.
Umm, McFly? Mopologists aren't interested in lively and engaging exchanges of ideas with disbelievers. Certainly you must've picked up on this long before now.
Instead of focusing on the substance of my OP, you've put me on the defense, attacked my character and forced me to get bogged down in trivial details, detracting from the overall enjoyment of this conversation.
Your enjoyment of the conversation is not a Mopologetic concern.
This board is not a safe place to ask questions or present subject matter unless it meets your exacting standard.
Was it ever? Be honest.
Perhaps not your intent, but your stilted, painfully irritating need to dot every i and cross every t, creates a hostile atmosphere for many of the posters here and honestly it drive us away. It's exhausting. But perhaps that is you[r] intent.
You prefer homogeneity instead of a diverse platform of ideas and opinions. You seem to get more pleasure from the policing of this board than from creating an environment where a civil discussion and exchange of ideas can take place.
Craig, Craig, Craig. . . Did you actually, truly manage to convince yourself that Mopologists have any interest whatsoever in "creating an environment where a civil discussion and exchange of ideas can take place?"

If so, I have some beautiful beachfront property in Arizona to sell you.
You've created a board where people like myself feel hesitant to express ourselves freely for fear of being scrutinized and corrected at every turn over seemingly minuscule matters that are of over whelming importance to you.
Umm, . . . that's not a bug, it's a feature.
For what its worth here is my advice for you, your annoying exactitude stifles honest and genuine expression. By driving folks like myself away, mind you I don't hide behind a wall of anonymity like everyone else here, you are diminishing the value of this community as a space for meaningful dialogue and mutual understanding.
"MD&D" and "a space for meaningful dialogue and mutual understanding" don't belong in the same sentence.
You are shrinking the idea gene pool and you know what that does to the over all health of your close-knit community.
When have they ever cared about that?
And as expected, all of the board members doubled down in their support of poor little Calm, many expressing their love and appreciation for Calm's rule keeping.
And the only thing surprising is that you're surprised.
MD&D is a suffocating environment.
That's the most true thing you've said.
So my experiment and attempt at civil dialogue at MD&D is over. My attempt, though very flawed, is done. They can enjoy their silo of ideas and their mental inbreeding by patting themselves on their backs knowing that they have once again successfully ran yet another thought provoker away. Well done MD&D.
Umm, . . . would you believe me if I told you that I could've, uh, told you EXACTLY how your experiment would end before you even started it?
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by Dr Exiled »


I've been reading your posts for a while at MD&D and sometimes would join in on your side, only to get banned. It's tough to realize that certain people will never be convinced that their "truth" is nonsense and if you are like I was, part of the need to post comes from the desire to justify your decisions when everyone else around you is blindly following. It's tough, but you're on the side of truth.

Dr Shades said some harsh things above, but they are true. Calm and the defenders over there believe they are still in the made up war in heaven and you are the enemy. Whatever it takes to beat the devil, whether blatant lies, mischaracterization, ad hominem attacks, etc., they will do.

You have to understand that it is a losing battle against them and that "saving" them from error is impossible, otherwise it'll continue to drive you nuts.


They believe the height of line on the left is most similar to the one their leaders say is most similar, when it comes to the religion. Full stop. How can one reason with such people in terms of religion? Sure, outside of it, they are smart, normal people, maybe a little peculiar, but nice people. My immediate family and friends from my youth come to mind.

However, there is the religious sore spot that will make them entrench more and more, the more you try to reason with them.

You have to be fine with the ridicule, because that is what happens when you try and fight false logic and false narratives. They will never concede and so let them hold onto the nonsense. Outside of Mormondom, they are the silly ones.
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by Res Ipsa »

I am outraged. I am an opossum -- not a possum.

Seriously, Craig. It's nice to see you.
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Re: Hello, Possums...My Final Exit from MD&D

Post by Gadianton »

I have to agree with Dr. Shades on this one. What kind of treatment do you really expect from an apologetics board?

On the other hand, I could register and post there indefinitely, be critical, and never get banned. If you guys want to post there and avoid getting banned, I could provide some tips. Believe it or not, they are pretty tolerant compared to many if not most religious apologetics forums. There are places you wouldn't last a single post. There are places I wouldn't last more than a few posts.

ETA: I found the post in question and reviewed it. It looks like I don't need to explain how to survive at MD&D; just follow Teancum's lead. Teancum agreed fervently with Craig's opening post and shot down just about every desperate Mopologist retort. I'm glad I won't be registering there again to prove the point, my Lord, I'd forgotten just how nerve-grating TBM defenses of the fraud get. I might get baited into levying serious insults. As for Smac, I'll reiterate what I've said in the past, if I'm ever guilty of a serious crime, I hope to God Smac97 is the prosecuting attorney.

How does Teancum survive if the mods are so impossible? He registered in 2003 and has 9000+ posts.
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