Predicting the end of Trump

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_Jersey Girl
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Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Jersey Girl »

From the Biden vs Trump thread:
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Oct 08, 2020 9:29 am
moksha wrote:
Thu Oct 08, 2020 9:14 am
Does Trump owing $400 million to Russian oligarchs make him less of a flight risk?
I have a theory about that! He loses the election, loses his fight to challenge the results...he has his own Trump helicopter land on the White House lawn to pick him up which takes him to his own personal Boeing 757 which takes him out of the country to some place where there is no extradition agreement with the U.S.

Like one of these:

Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
China (except Hong Kong)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
East Timor
Equatorial Guinea
Ivory Coast
São Tomé and Príncipe
Saudi Arabia
Solomon Islands
South Sudan
United Arab Emirates
Vatican City
Yemen ... ted_States

He's got properties in Indonesia and UAE.
I'm going out on a limb here. Will probably fall of but at this point, who cares. I heard someone say, in an interview or audiobook, that when Trump is speaking there is always a "tell".

Get this:

3 weeks ago...

Trump Promises To Disappear Forever If Joe Biden Beats Him

"You'll never see me again."

Now get THIS:

Today...(actually yesterday since I'm posting in the wee hours)

Trump says he may LEAVE the US if Joe Biden wins the election at Georgia rally

"Maybe I'll have to leave the country."

Now, I think if he loses that's exactly what he'll do. Not because he'd be embarrassed but because he knows that if he loses, the SDNY will be straight up his butt possibly with a series of indictments shortly after Biden is sworn in or possibly before leaving Pence to hold the bag in the interim. And he will flee to one of the two countries I mentioned where he owns properties that doesn't have an extradition agreement with the United States.

I think he's already got his exit plan in place.

We'll just see how that goes...

Yes, I think too much about how the criminal mind works. Thanks for noticing!


ETA: Corrected "UAB" to "UAE" I have no idea why I typed it wrong in the original.
Last edited by Google Feedfetcher on Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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_Some Schmo
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Some Schmo »

Not a bad hypothesis, Jersey Girl.

Man, I love the idea of never seeing or hearing him again. Heaven.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Oh holy heck...this is what I woke up to just now. LOOK.

This actually details the mounting legal issues he faces including SDNY that I mentioned. I didn't know everything about all the others because there have been so many and it gets confusing as to what's been settled out of court and all.

The legal reckoning awaiting Donald Trump if he loses the election ... index.html

Coupla smatterings about SDNY.
The most serious legal threat facing Trump is the Manhattan district attorney's broad criminal investigation into the financial workings of the Trump Organization. Prosecutors have suggested in court filings that the investigation could examine whether the President and his company engaged in bank fraud, insurance fraud, criminal tax fraud and falsification of business records.
New York prosecutors have said the tax records, working papers and documentation around business transactions are crucial to their investigation, which has been underway for more than a year.

There are legal questions as to whether a state prosecutor could file charges against a sitting president.
"He's so powerful right now. They know that they can't indict him right now so there is an incentive to build their case and get ready. I think what happens if he loses and leaves office that things will move very quickly," said Jennifer Rodgers, a CNN legal analyst and former federal prosecutor.
So maybe...if Biden wins...

He resigns post election, Pence pardons him and he leaves before or after the transition in January. My guess is that he'd beat it the hell out of there before Biden takes oath.

I don't claim any special powers when it comes to trying to out-think Trump. I'm very interested in the criminal mind and this guy has tons of money and assets to get him out of the country say, to the UAE, any time he wants. Trump helicopter lands on the White House lawn, picks up him and his family, takes him to the jet...then he's a gone. I swear, I think he'd probably have it filmed to see what kind of ratings he got for a dramatic "screw you" exit.

I don't think he can be served before Biden takes oath.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Jersey Girl »

So...just think about this. He's got it coming at him from all ends. Obviously he is becoming keenly aware that his GOP folks don't respect him i.e. Ben Sasse current leaked phone call remarks. He sees himself slipping in the polls.

What does Trump need most? Narcissistic Supply.

He needs to be adored, loved, respected, admired---->he needs people who make his grandiosity a reality.

What does a Narcissist do when people are no longer useful to them? They discard them. (Think about all his comments about former staff.)

So...I don't know what his relationships are with foreign powers and countries, example the UAE that I chose as best place to dart off to, but if he has any chance of adulation over there...that is where he'd go. Do I think he'd stay there?

I don't think so. I think he'd return to the US at some point when he is dead sure that the pardon he gets from Pence is legally solid and binding. Which, I guess that might take some legal haggling over in the courts--I dunno why I think that--because some of it has to do with his conduct while in office?

Have to think about that more. I don't know how he would make sure his children are covered from indictment. I'm not sure if that is relevant and yet, Eric faces inquiry before the election. Trump's ultimate goal would be to figure out a way to land on his feet and in a situation where he gets his supply. I heard somewhere (after he did Rush Limbaugh recently) that Trump is considering becoming a radio host. Think about it. He could do that from any place in the world.

Anyway, this is (in a certain sense) even more interesting than the crime cases I've followed over years, because the grand finale could be happening in real time before the perpetrator is charged. So you get to try to think it through as it is happening.

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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Some Schmo wrote:
Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:09 pm
Not a bad hypothesis, Jersey Girl.

Man, I love the idea of never seeing or hearing him again. Heaven.
I think it's feasible. All of that converged when I read his recent statement about leaving the country. I can't recall who said there is always a tell in his public communication. I watch a ton of interviews and have listened to both Cohen and Mary Trump's audiobooks. So I don't know where that assertion even came from at this point.

And if someone pops up here with "he can't legally do that"...just remember we're talking about Donald Trump here.

I could be completely wrong. Maybe he is leaving a trail of bread crumbs for us right now. Maybe he's simply gaslighting the public trying to pressure them into turning out to vote. Gaslighting is also a tool used by narcissists.

Or maybe he even wins the election.

We won't know, until we know. And that could take a while.

But if I try to go there in my head and think about what I have learned and continue to learn about narcissists...some characteristics...this is in order by how I see it happening...

1. The presence of met criteria.
2. Narcisstic supply.
3. Flying Monkeys that do the dirty work.
4. Enablers who won't cross him out of fear. (His children. The GOP.)
5. Gaslighting
6. The final discard.

His flying monkey and enabler populations are decreasing as we speak.
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_Some Schmo
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Some Schmo »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:20 pm
I can't recall who said there is always a tell in his public communication.
I started a thread once essentially saying his hands are a dead giveaway when he's lying. He'll often say things and do this pushing motion as he says it, a kind of signal not to talk back or challenge him. Every time I see that, I know he's lying through his teeth and he knows it.

He does this other thing with his hands where he moves them laterally across his body, like he's pantomiming creating something. I also think it's a sign he's making something up on the spot.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Jersey Girl »

More convergent thoughts based on what I have learned about the family and the connections I see involving his kids. I want to see if I can produce some fluency of thought here.

His children won't go up against him. They can't afford to do so for emotional and financial reasons. If they were to screw up in his eyes, he'd bring them to emotional and financial ruin and I am sure they know it. And that would be their final discard. If they go up against him, do something stupid in his eyes, he'd discard them in a NY minute. They can't risk that emotionally or financially. He would ruin them. Destroy their lifestyle and their emotional health.

This is part of their family culture.

He's already come close to discarding. Don Jr. When he was younger, Don Jr. wanted to join the Army. DT and Ivanna (one of his flying monkeys) both ganged up on him threatening to disown him if he did that. Don Jr. is what I would call a "guy guy". He likes hunting, fishing, the out of doors, camping, hiking, and he likes guns.

DT was taught to devalue those things in childhood. He hates guns. He thinks the whole outdoors dirt loving nature loving, kill and drag it home stuff is stupid and as we've learned, the military is filled with losers and suckers. If it doesn't involve making money, he cannot relate to it because money was and still is, the family currency and their relationships are all transactional.

DT learned these set of "values" at his father's knee. When Fred Trump Jr. wanted to become an airline pilot and become of the air national guard, he lost his standing as Golden Child and heir apparent in the family. Fred Trump Jr. was a guy guy. A guy guy with a heart. His family, following Fred Trump Sr's lead, ostracized the crap out of him and effectively destroyed him as he turned to alcohol. And while the parents didn't disown him, they disowned his children by cutting him out of their inheritance after their father died and also withdrew health care supplied to all family members, for Fred Trump Jr's grandson.

I think Don Jr. is a glaring example of how DT learned to operate. He threatened to disown him if he joined the Army and made him become part of the family business. I don't think Don Jr. wants to be behind the mic for his Dad giving speeches on his support. I think if he had his way, he'd be out in Montana or Wyoming some place on a several hundred, perhaps thousand, acre spread of his own away from all of this. That's why I think we see indications of him drinking from time to time.

He knows good and well that his Dad would discard him because that's exactly what the family did to his Uncle. That's exactly what DT does with every staff member, attorney, or whomever else, who he feels has crossed him by lack of support or turning on him. He discards them and publicly and financially tries to destroy him.

Would he do that to all of his kids? Yes, I think he would the older ones who are part of his organization and I think they know it having witnessed it their entire lives. They are desperate to maintain a relationship with him just like he was desperate for his own father's attention and learned how to get it. Fred Trump Sr. wanted nothing to do with his kids until they were old enough that he could use them. Reports indicate that DT was exactly the same way. He doesn't know anything else.

Barron? I don't know. If Melania feels like she needs to cut and run with him, I think she'd do it. But we'll see.

Some part of me would love to see Don Jr. decide to separate himself from his father and go live his life just exactly the way he wants to. I don't know about what the others really want in life, but I think Don Jr. is a stand out who has already been threatened and devalued once by his father (The Army and the trophy hunting he and Eric did---photos included "What the “F” were you thinking?"~ DT) and while Eric and Ivanka (whose name is really Ivanna by the way) might still be in the game, maybe Don Jr. would see fit to take his chances and take himself out of the game entirely.

Sh-it he could develop his own hunting expedition business and enjoy the freak out of it for the rest of his life and live good on a piece of land somewhere out in the sticks with his kids and you know, raise and ride horses and stuff. Those are the types of things that he really loves and I think he'd be happy to be out of a suit.

Lots of rambling here, I know. I'm thinking on the screen.
Last edited by Google Feedfetcher on Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Some Schmo wrote:
Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:37 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:20 pm
I can't recall who said there is always a tell in his public communication.
I started a thread once essentially saying his hands are a dead giveaway when he's lying. He'll often say things and do this pushing motion as he says it, a kind of signal not to talk back or challenge him. Every time I see that, I know he's lying through his teeth and he knows it.
Yes exactly. I have noticed the same thing. Also look at how his eyes dart left to right when he's backed into a corner. He's trying to look for a solution to the pressure. In fact, you can see this when Guthrie recently questioned him on camera about whether or not he tested before the first debate. Of COURSE he knows if he was tested or not. His #1 goal is self preservation!
He does this other thing with his hands where he moves them laterally across his body, like he's pantomiming creating something. I also think it's a sign he's making something up on the spot.
The accordion hands?
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Chap »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:16 pm
I think he'd return to the US at some point when he is dead sure that the pardon he gets from Pence is legally solid and binding.
Even if he goes the route of resigning and getting pardoned by Pence, a Pence presidential pardon can only protect him from federal prosecution. The state cases against him in, say, New York would be unaffected, and they are quite threatening ones that are not unlikely to go against him. He can never be safe while he remains in the US.
I did not have a faith crisis. I discovered that the Church was having a truth crisis.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
_Jersey Girl
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Re: Predicting the end of Trump

Post by _Jersey Girl »

If you are talking about the accordion hands, I think that's when he's trying to put a coherent thought together that he thinks will make sense to the listener. Coming up with an explanation for something.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
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