October Surprise?

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October Surprise?

Post by _Icarus »

Remember that unmasking probe Republicans were hyping for so long, promising to prove corruption from Obama?

Yeah, another dud. And right wing media isn't even mentioning it after months of hyping it because the results weren't what they had hoped.

“The federal prosecutor appointed by Attorney General William P. Barr to review whether Obama-era officials improperly requested the identities of individuals whose names were redacted in intelligence documents has completed his work without finding any substantive wrongdoing, according to people familiar with the matter,” reports the Washington Post.

https://thehill.com/policy/national-sec ... DSN9B2h_7A
"One of the hardest things for me to accept is the fact that Kevin Graham has blonde hair, blue eyes and an English last name. This ugly truth blows any arguments one might have for actual white supremacism out of the water. He's truly a disgrace." - Ajax
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _ajax18 »

Biden's claim to not have spoken to Hunter about Burisma has proven to be a lie, not that any thinking person wouldn't already know that. We also have proof he threatened the Ukraine to withhold billions in foreign aid if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. Facebook is concerned enough to censor the facts in an effort to protect their preferred candidate.
And when the confederates saw Jackson standing fearless as a stone wall the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _Icarus »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 11:09 pm
Biden's claim to not have spoken to Hunter about Burisma has proven to be a lie, not that any thinking person wouldn't already know that. We also have proof he threatened the Ukraine to withhold billions in foreign aid if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. Facebook is concerned enough to censor the facts in an effort to protect their preferred candidate.
Not surprising Facebook would censor BS from Right Wing outlets you prefer to cherish, but it just goes to show the kind of bile you prefer to swim in. This is so typical of you. You wail and moan about unmasking and Susan Rice committing heinous crimes, Trump calls it the biggest scandal in US history, and when his own lapdog tries to investigate it to help his orange master steal another election, he cannot even come up with enough dirt to formulate a report. Now here you are throwing about another bogus claim to distract from the hilarious fact that you all hyped a big nothing burger for years, because these are never ending things with idiots like you.

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl ... 40279.html
The Biden campaign has slammed the New York Post for publishing an article that suggested Joe Biden met with an adviser to the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, while his son Hunter Biden worked for them.

On Tuesday, the Post reported that a repairman from Delaware had acquired a cache of documents that revealed that the Democratic presidential nominee met with Burisma adviser Vadym Pozharskyi at the time that he led policy on Ukraine for the Obama administration.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed to the Post on Wednesday that it was working with the repairman to verify the legitimacy of the documents.

Responding to the claims on Wednesday, the Biden campaign told Politico: “The New York Post never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story.”

The campaign added: “Moreover, we have reviewed Joe Biden's official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.”

Republicans have repeatedly attempted to find evidence of corruption by the Democratic nominee, but have so far not found any to support their claim that US foreign policy was influenced by Hunter’s position at Burisma.

Mr Trump was impeached by house Democrats in 2019 for threatening to withhold military aid to Ukraine, if the country did not investigate Hunter’s employment at the energy company.
"One of the hardest things for me to accept is the fact that Kevin Graham has blonde hair, blue eyes and an English last name. This ugly truth blows any arguments one might have for actual white supremacism out of the water. He's truly a disgrace." - Ajax
_Dr Exiled
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _Dr Exiled »

It's very problematic to allow corporate america the power to control the public square and then allow them to curtail speech because currently the 1st amendment doesn't apply to corporate america. Whether or not one believes in what was found out about Hunter Biden, those pushing the narrative should be allowed to push it and those against the Hunter Biden narrative should be allowed to counter it with evidence or whatever they want to say. I think we all lose when speech is prohibited. Political speech is what the 1st amendment is all about.
"Religion is about providing human community in the guise of solving problems that don’t exist or failing to solve problems that do and seeking to reconcile these contradictions and conceal the failures in bogus explanations otherwise known as theology." - Kishkumen 
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _Icarus »

I'm still laughing at how the Right is trying to create a mountain out of the useless Hunter Biden "bombshell" dud. I mean even if we grant that everything in these "emails" are genuine, what does that actually mean anyway?

That Hunter used his Dad's name to get a job? Yeah, like that privilege has ever fazed the Trump family. Whoever heard of someone getting a job because they're family is famous!

That Hunter proposed to set up a meet between his Dad and someone on the board of Burisma? Even if true, so what? How does that prove malfeasance? It could have been just a handshake, not a sit down meeting that he implied. We know that no sit down meeting ever took place anyway, so maybe Hunter realized it was a bad idea and scrapped the idea.

It is just too hilarious how everything they're trying to insinuate with Biden has already been demonstrated as factual with Donald and the other Trumps. His kids have been milking the Trump name for every penny they can get, and we're not even talking about the fringe benefits like immediately approved patents in China. We're talking about Ivanka and Jared's $82 million profit from working in the White House.

https://www.npr.org/2018/06/12/61910157 ... ilings-sho

A blonde ditz whose background is in designing crappy shoes and handbags, and he wants her to be an ambassador? He lets her represent the White House at the G-20 where she embarrasses herself among other world leaders? https://www.themarysue.com/ivanka-trump ... 20-summit/

Yeah, tell me again how Hunter was unqualified to sit on a BOD, which is something he actually has experience with?

And a guy who cannot get a security clearance has that waved aside simply because he's married to the President's daughter. No unearned privilege there huh?
"One of the hardest things for me to accept is the fact that Kevin Graham has blonde hair, blue eyes and an English last name. This ugly truth blows any arguments one might have for actual white supremacism out of the water. He's truly a disgrace." - Ajax
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _Icarus »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:48 am
It's very problematic to allow corporate america the power to control the public square and then allow them to curtail speech because currently the 1st amendment doesn't apply to corporate america. Whether or not one believes in what was found out about Hunter Biden, those pushing the narrative should be allowed to push it and those against the Hunter Biden narrative should be allowed to counter it with evidence or whatever they want to say. I think we all lose when speech is prohibited. Political speech is what the 1st amendment is all about.
Speech isn't prohibited, this recent nonsense about Hunter is based on the hard drive data that the FBI already had, which they used to conclude there was no wrong doing. We're supposed to believe some guy working at a computer repair shop did a better investigation than the FBI? What Giuliani and the Right Wing propaganda machine is trying to do is act like this is all "new" information that has been suppressed by the powers that be. They're deceptively floating it out piece by piece two weeks before the election the same way Wikileaks helped Trump in 2016. The insinuation was always that there is "more to come" and that what's to come is more damning than what's already been released. It worked for the most part in 2016, we can't let it happen again in 2020.
"One of the hardest things for me to accept is the fact that Kevin Graham has blonde hair, blue eyes and an English last name. This ugly truth blows any arguments one might have for actual white supremacism out of the water. He's truly a disgrace." - Ajax
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _ajax18 »

That Hunter used his Dad's name to get a job? Yeah, like that privilege has ever fazed the Trump family. Whoever heard of someone getting a job because they're family is famous!
It's not because Joe Biden is famous. It's because he was the Vice President deciding whether or not to send taxpayer dollars to the Ukraine conditioned upon whether they fired the man investigating Burisma. It doesn't matter if the meeting between VP Joe Biden and Burisma was not on his schedule. The emails recovered prove that they did meet. Meetings don't have to be on a man's schedule to have happened.

It may not be illegal but if it weren't a really bad look, Facebook wouldn't be trying to suppress the information.
And when the confederates saw Jackson standing fearless as a stone wall the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _Icarus »

ajax18 wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:51 am
It's not because Joe Biden is famous. It's because he was the Vice President deciding whether or not to send taxpayer dollars to the Ukraine conditioned upon whether they fired the man investigating Burisma.
That's not true either. You keep repeating this idiotic talking point simply because it is a fixture in Right Wing propaganda and you refuse to leave that orbit. This has been debunked. That guy wasn't "investigating Burisma." In fact, that was the reason why everyone wanted him out, because he wasn't investigating anyone.
ajax18 wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:51 am
It doesn't matter if the meeting between VP Joe Biden and Burisma was not on his schedule. The emails recovered prove that they did meet.
These emails are likely forgeries anyway based on the metadata suggesting they were created in September 2019, but the emails even if we take them for granted prove nothing about a meeting. One email alluded to a proposed introduction with his father and someone who happened to be on the BOD of Burisma, but that could have referred to something as innocuous as a handshake and there was no follow up to suggest such a meeting ever happened. There is no evidence that any sit down "meeting" between Joe and Burisma took place. Period. And even if there were, so what?

I remember when you and your ilk insisted it was a Democrat hoax to suggest Russia had a sit down meeting with the Trump campaign over manipulating the election. Then when that meeting was proven to have occurred, you said well there is no proof the meeting had anything to do with getting dirt on Hillary. Then it was proven that this was precisely the purpose of the meeting, Trump's own son gloated in an email about the prospect of getting dirt on her. So then you shifted your ground a fourth time insisting there is no concrete evidence that any dirt was provided. Applying this to the so-called Biden meeting, you cannot even establish that there was an intent to meet because you're still at stage one of the bogus conspiracy theory relying on alleged emails that Giuliani, a well known liar and fabricator of evidence, won't allow anyone to validate.
ajax18 wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:51 am
Meetings don't have to be on a man's schedule to have happened.
But they couldn't have happened when that man's schedule shows he was elsewhere and there is corroborating evidence proving he was elsewhere.

As we see, the Right Wing smear campaign is back to its usual deceptive tactics of merely asserting things as factual and then pretending we're the ones with the burden to disprove the assertions. No, that's not how the burden of proof works. You need to establish your claims beyond some bogus storyline developed by a Trump lover who runs a computer store, a former Hannity producer who wrote the story, and Trump's attorney who is notorious for pushing false information.

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/question ... 6TvRc_nKQA
"One of the hardest things for me to accept is the fact that Kevin Graham has blonde hair, blue eyes and an English last name. This ugly truth blows any arguments one might have for actual white supremacism out of the water. He's truly a disgrace." - Ajax
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _Icarus »

I'm absolutely stunned that so much ado is being made of the allegation that Hunter Biden "sold out America" by allegedly "selling access" to his father. Let's just assume for a second that this is true. How on earth does Donald Trump or any of his supporters have a right to complain since no family has made more money off of the White House than the Trumps? Anyone think it is unusual that the Saudi's purchase an entire floor from Trump Hotel for 500 days at twice the rate? Let's just go through a short list of examples where Trump has used his office to benefit financially for himself and his extended family:

We just found out that the President of the United States has a bank account in Communist China which he has kept secret for years. In 2017 the revenue that was funneled through that account miraculously quadrupled THE YEAR HE TOOK OFFICE: https://fortune.com/2020/10/22/donald-t ... k-account/

In February 2017, in its first major real estate transaction after Trump’s inauguration, the Trump Organization sold a $15.8 million penthouse apartment in Trump Tower to Chinese-American business executive Xiao Yan Chen, who also goes by the name Angela Chen and has been directly linked to a front group for Chinese military intelligence through the misleadingly innocuous-sounding China Arts Foundation. A 2011 congressional report was quite blunt in labeling the China Arts Foundation as “a front organization for the International Liaison Department of the People’s Liberation Army’s General Political Department.” Chen also founded and is currently the managing director of a business consulting firm called Global Alliance Associates, which “facilitates access and establishes critical strategic relationships with the most influential public and private decision makers” in China by mobilizing its “extensive network of relationships with the highest levels of government officials—at national, regional and local levels—to facilitate immediate, efficient and skillful access into the Chinese market place.” https://www.motherjones.com/politics/20 ... gela-chen/

Trump had tried for more than a decade to register trademarks in China only to be met with a series of unsuccessful rulings and appeals. Since 2005, Trump has applied for at least 130 trademarks in China, all of which—until recently—were met with zero success. And then, lo and behold, China’s approval of one of Trump’s trademark applications became official—coincidentally after his inauguration and only a few days after Trump reversed his previous position and endorsed the “one China” policy. In November of 2018 China had granted 34 patents, 16 of which were for Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka.

Trump has been dependent on Chinese money for quite a while. According to an investigation by The New York Times, Trump holds 30 percent ownership of an office building in Manhattan at 1290 Avenue of the Americas, for which four lenders, including the state-owned Bank of China, provided a $950 million loan in 2012. Commenting on the loan, Richard Painter, George with. Bush’s chief White House ethics lawyer, stated, “Any payments from foreign governments or payments from banks controlled by foreign governments would fall under the emoluments clause. The loans from the Bank of China could be an issue.” The Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution makes it illegal for a U.S. president to directly benefit from payments from foreign powers. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/p ... -debt.html

The reach of Chinese influence and money has also been linked to the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. In 2016, Kushner Companies, which until recently was headed by Jared Kushner, was desperate to find outside money to put into a property at 666 Fifth Avenue for which his company had paid $1.8 billion in 2007—an outlandish overpayment in light of the subsequent 2008 market crash. The Fifth Avenue property was badly overleveraged and risked collapsing Kushner’s entire company. Once again, Chinese money seemed eager to come to the rescue. Kushner began talks with the massive Chinese financial firm Anbang Insurance Group to undertake a joint venture to redevelop the Fifth Avenue property. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/07/us/p ... iness.html

While Kushner has now stepped down from the Kushner family business, he will still be a beneficiary of much of the business through his trusts. The reverse is true as well: It appears that the family is trying to cash in on Jared Kushner’s new role as a White House senior adviser. According to The Washington Post, representatives from Kushner Companies, including Jared’s sister Nicole Kushner Meyer, recently gave a presentation to Chinese citizens in Beijing encouraging them to each invest $500,000 in the family’s Trump-branded New Jersey luxury apartment complex in exchange for an EB-5 immigrant investor visa. Known in China as the “golden visa,” the immigrant investor visa allows wealthy foreigners who provide large amounts of funding to U.S. projects that create jobs to apply for a visa and immigrate to the United States. As reported by Bloomberg, prior to taking on his role in the White House, Jared Kushner had raised $50 million from Chinese immigrant investor visa applicants for the New Jersey project. Ethics experts, including Painter, criticized the event, with Painter noting in a Washington Post article that the company “clearly impl[ies] that the Kushners are going to make sure you get your visa. . . . They’re [Chinese applicants] not going to take a chance. Of course they’re going to want to invest.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/in ... w14&wpmm=1

The Chinese Communist Party’s links to Trump go even further. In 2008, the state-controlled Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)—which reports to the CPC and is currently the world’s largest lender—signed a lease for the 20th floor in Trump Tower in New York City. The lease is slated to end in October 2019, meaning that a new lease will have to be negotiated while Trump is in office if the ICBC decides to renew. According to Bloomberg, the latest available data from Wells Fargo filings show that as of 2012, the ICBC was Trump Tower’s biggest office tenant, taking up 11 percent of its office space, and was paying more than any other major tenant in Trump Tower at $95.48 per square foot. According to data from CoStar Group, the deal has been worth more than $1.5 million annually to the Trump Organization. Many see the relationship between Trump and the ICBC as already violating the Emoluments Clause of the constitution, while others view it as a potential area for future violations of the clause, notably if Trump receives payments from the ICBC that are above market value. https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/arti ... g-his-term

In addition, the China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation, a state-controlled company in China also known as Sinosure, is reportedly investing $425 million in one of Trump’s resorts in Indonesia, specifically for a theme park to be built by another Chinese state-owned company. https://projects.propublica.org/trump-conflicts/

Ivanka Trump also seems to be suddenly benefitting from all this newfound Chinese largesse. On the very same day that President Trump and Ivanka met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, China preliminarily approved three new trademarks for Ivanka’s brand to cover jewelry, bags, and a spa service. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... collection

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Made $82 Million While Working in the White House in 2017 https://fortune.com/2018/06/11/ivanka-t ... ite-house/

The couple made at least $28 million in 2018 while working in the White House https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewitho ... b8d0ec41e0

The couple made $36 million in 2019 while working in the White House https://www.businessinsider.com/ivanka- ... 019-2020-8

One of Kushner's companies received a $90 million investment from an unknown foreign entity. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... dman-sachs

According to President Trump’s July 2015 financial disclosure Trump owned, had ownership interest in, or was a managing member of eight companies related to potential business in China. https://assets.documentcloud.org/docume ... losure.pdf

According to President Trump’s May 2016 financial disclosure Trump owned, had ownership interest in, or was a managing member of nine companies related to potential business in China https://assets.documentcloud.org/docume ... losure.pdf

Prior to taking office, on December 2, 2016, Trump spoke with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on the phone in an extraordinary breach of decades of U.S. foreign policy and protocol regarding China and Taiwan. Shortly after the call, it emerged that the Trump Organization was reportedly exploring the expansion of its business into Taiwan. In a televised interview, the mayor of Taoyuan, Taiwan, said that he had met with a representative of the Trump Organization in September to discuss possible real estate projects, and at least one Trump employee was found to have posted that she was in Taiwan on a business trip at the time. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/na ... story.html
"One of the hardest things for me to accept is the fact that Kevin Graham has blonde hair, blue eyes and an English last name. This ugly truth blows any arguments one might have for actual white supremacism out of the water. He's truly a disgrace." - Ajax
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: October Surprise?

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »


So there's a woman who loves purple. Like, damned loves it. Purple doors. Purple curtains. Purple panties. Purple soaps. Purple everything. She drives a purple car and even asked her boss permission to paint her office purple. Her least favorite movie is The Purple People Eater, because it gives the color a bad name. One day a guy stops by her large purple house (it's hard to miss) and knocks on the purple door. "Hi, do you have a spare room?" "As a matter of fact I do," says the woman in a purple dress. She leads him through the purple door, into the purple hallway, and past another purple door. And another purple door. She finally stops by the purple door at the end of the purple hallway.
"Here you are."
The guy goes through the purple door, into the purple room, and unpacks his suitcase into a purple dresser. At the end of the night, he lays down in the purple bed and rests his head on the purple pillow.
The next day, he hears the woman screaming.
He gets out of the purple bed, gets his clothes from the purple dresser, and goes out the purple door into the purple hallway. He finds his way to the kitchen and sits down at the purple table.
The woman opens the purple cupboard and pulls out two boxes of cereal: Wheaties and Cheerios. She sets them on the purple table.
"What would you like?"
The man considers for a moment before finally responding: "Cheerios."
The woman smiles.
"So it's true: 2 out of 3 do prefer Cheerios over Wheaties." A man was driving in the middle of nowhere down a secluded country road far from any cities. He got a flat tire, and got out to walk for help.After walking for some time, he came to a small stone monastery. He knocked on the door and roused the monks. "I've got a flat tire. Can I use your phone?" He asked.
The monks said they were sorry, but they did not have a phone. "If you stay tonight, you can get a ride on our wagon into town tomorrow," they said. So the man stayed the night, and they put him in a small room in the monastery.
In the middle of the night, the man was awakened suddenly by a noise. Not just any noise, but the loudest, most wonderful, most terrifying, most hair-raising noise ever.
He sat there, his heart beating for a few minutes, and he heard it again!Getting out of bed, he went running in the direction of the noise. It came again, making the hair on the back of his neck rise and his skin crawl. Finally, he came to a large door where the head monk was standing. The door was at least 15 feet tall, and made of solid-looking wood and metal. It had chains and bars and locks and a deadbolt on it, and was the most formidable door the man had ever seen.
"What was that sound?" He asked. "What made it? Is it behind that door?"
The head monk shook his head. "I'm sorry," he said. "I can't tell you; you're not a monk."
As the man turned away, he heard the noise again. "You have to tell me what it is," he begged.
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you, you're not a monk," said the monk.
The man tried to sleep, but couldn't get the noise out of his head. In the morning, as he was getting ready to leave, he heard the sound again. It made his ears ring and his mind whirl."Please tell me what made that sound," he said.
But the monks wouldn't. "I'm sorry, you're not a monk" was all they said.
The man left, and eventually got his car fixed and went back to his life. But he couldn't get the sound out of his mind. After a few months, he got in his car and drove and drove until he found the monastery again. He got out of his car and found the head monk. "I can't forget that sound from that night I was here. Please, please please tell me what made that sound." The head monk just shook his head.
"I can't tell you; you're not a monk," he said."Then tell me how I can become a monk," the man said.
The head monk said "It's very difficult. Are you sure you want to do this?"The man said "I've got to. I have to know what made that sound."The head monk said, "To join us, you have to perform several tasks. Your first task is to count all of the stars visible in the sky."
The man thought about how hard that would be, but he had to know what made that sound. He sat up every night for a year, counting the stars over and over until he was sure how many stars were visible in the sky. He went to the head monk and told him, and the monk nodded.
"Very good. Your next task is to count all of the grains of sand on the beaches around the world."The man knew this would be even harder, but he could not get the noise out of his head. He had to know what, what kind of animal, could make that terrible horrible mind-bending sound. So he left on his journeys. He crawled the length and breadth of every beach in the world, counting the grains of sand, and he returned to the monastery years later.The head monk heard his answer and nodded.
"Excellent. You are almost done. Your final task is to climb to the peak of the highest mountain in the world, and see yourself in relation to the rest of creation." And the man knew this would be hard, but he outfitted himself, and he went to the highest mountain in the world, and he climbed to the top, and returned months later, older and wiser and more tired than years before when he had first heard the noise, the noise that would not leave his mind and that echoed in his every waking thought.He returned, and the head monk saw that he was wiser, and said "At last, you are a monk. Come with me."
And they walked through the monastery, its twisting and turning halls, and as they went the man heard the noise again, over and over, and he was no longer sure if it was the noise or merely his memory of it.And finally, finally, he stood in front of the door and the head monk opened it up, and the man saw what had made the noise.
But, I can't tell you what it was. You're not a monk. This paragraph was a waste of time and space. If you had not read this and I had not typed this you and I could’ve done something more productive than reading this mindlessly and carelessly as if you did not have anything else to do in life. Life is so precious because it is short and you are being so careless that you do not realize it until now since this void paragraph mentions that you are doing something so mindless, so stupid, so careless that you realize that you are not using your time wisely. You could’ve been playing with your dog, or eating your cat, but no. You want to read this barren paragraph and expect something marvelous and terrific at the end. But since you still do not realize that you are wasting precious time, you still continue to read the null paragraph. If you had not noticed, you have wasted an estimated time of 20 seconds. Imagine what you could’ve done with those 20 seconds besides reading this non-productive paragraph. Imagine the things you could’ve accomplished. Imagine the possibilities. But time is irreversible and you still do not realize this. Somehow you have managed still to waste around now 35 seconds reading this stupid, excessive, and long paragraph with your irreversible time. If you haven’t realized that, then you have not yet read the whole paragraph. Even if you did, you still refuse to stop reading this essay. After around 45 seconds, you are still reading this mindlessly and carelessly with your precious and non-reversible time. If you remembered from the first sentence of this disgustingly long paragraph, you would remember that this paragraph was a waste of time and space, imagine if I had not typed this paragraph and you had not read it. Imagine all the things you could’ve done, the things that made you, you. But no, you are still reading this paragraph and it has been around 60 seconds, which is a whole full minute. A minute! Yet you still have the urge and motivation to read this pointless and long essay. Now you have nearly reached the end, you ponder, why am I reading this? Why is the writer making a paragraph so long that I have the urge and motivation to finish this pointless paragraph to prove him that reading is what makes me, me. Then you realize, you have wasted now around a minute and 10 seconds. If you had not make the idiotic decision of continuing to read this paragraph, use that mind of yours to think what you could’ve done throughout your whole irreversible time. You could’ve finished your homework, play with your cat, eat your seal, or you could’ve discovered who made the fire hydrant, if you did not get the reference, you could’ve went and learned something and post it on reddit in the subreddit “Today I learned”, but you still have the urge to read this insanely long paragraph, pondering how I typed this without rest. Then you read this text and see that text over there. Why am I still reading this? How does this paragraph know what I’m thinking? What did I eat last April the 17th? Then you come to the conclusion that you know that this useless and insanely long paragraph would tell you. And you are right, but I did not write this and you have wasted now around 2 minutes. A full 2 minutes. Now, use that intelligence that you have, assuming that your IQ is above 60 and you are literate. Now that you have made it this far, you wonder if you learned anything, but no, you did not get the reference about the fire hydrant and refused to look it up, then you make the decision of reading this long essay with your irreversible time. Since you have made it this far on your long journey, you try have the urge to stop reading. But I bet you cannot finish this paragraph for which you are lazy and want to continue on with your life, but you keep on reading this long, wasteful, barren, and non-productive essay that will not benefit you in any way than making you lose your irreversible and precious time, but that is not even a benefit. Soon you realize that it has been now 3 minutes. A full 3 minutes, now you use your intelligence with an IQ above 70 and ponder about the things you could’ve done, the assignments you could’ve done, the dogs and cats you could’ve eaten. But you continue reading this now nearly 2 paged paragraph. Then you wonder how this is even a paragraph. How am did I make it this far? Do I get a certificate? Why am I reading this pointless and barren paragraph? How does this essay know what I’m thinking about? Then finally, you feel relaxed and accomplished because the essay said finally to make you hyped up that you accomplished reading a nearly 2 paged essay then the paragraph creates a plot twist; You’re no where near the ending. Your insides wince a little while you’re reading this endless paragraph. Wondering if this will ever end. Then you start getting nervous that it’s almost time for bed, then you wonder what you ate for breakfast on June the 9th. How does this paragraph know what you’re thinking about you think? Because when you’re reading a paragraph inside your head, the words are projected into your brain with the IQ above 90 and then the thought process go through your internal organs and through yours eyes and you wonder if this is actually true but it’s really not because all it is non-sense. Then you look at your watch, if you had one, and realize that it’s been a near 4 minutes. 4 minutes, if you expect this paragraph to say the old and customary saying after you’ve discovered how long it’s been, then you’re wrong. This time, the paragraph is going to criticize you why you’re still reading this essay with your irreversible and precious time. Why are you still reading this you ask? Because you are so headstrong and careless, yet you have the urge and motivation to continue reading this essay that it feels like an eternity. If you have made it this far, then it is mind boggling on what you could’ve done with your near 5 minutes. Imagine the things you could’ve eaten ; sushi, sharks, dogs, snakes, cats, fish, humans, dogs, dogs, and many more wonders of this world. Then when you are reading this, you realize that there is no long a wall of text, you realize that you think you’ve made it to the ending and I congratulate you on your epic journey across the wall of text. Yet you have not yet realized, that you wasted a full 5 minutes on this paragraph that feels endless yet it has been ceased.

- Doc
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