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Re: Whither Melania?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:13 am
by _moksha
If Trump loses, Beijing will cease funneling money to Trump.

Re: Whither Melania?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:00 pm
by _Bret Ripley
Jersey Girl wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:38 am
ajax18 wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:35 am
Given that most Democrats want to see Trump's supporters treated the way Nazis were treated in Germany after WWII,
You have GOT to be joking.
No kidding. In time, ajax will look back wistfully on the post-Trump years he spent in residence at the Happy Citizen Reeducation Center.

Re: Whither Melania?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:02 am
by _Jersey Girl
Bret Ripley wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:00 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:38 am

You have GOT to be joking.
No kidding. In time, ajax will look back wistfully on the post-Trump years he spent in residence at the Happy Citizen Reeducation Center.

All anyone wants, so far as I can tell, is to get back to living their lives without the constant torque and chaos that Trump has dished out on a DAILY basis for 4 years. Now let me just say this. If there were upheaval towards a goal of establishing new norms, I would see that as healthy. But that is NOT what we have gotten with Trump. What we have gotten is a steady diet of one fire after another--daily, DAILY--his talent doesn't lie in effecting positive change, all he knows how to do is set fires to cover up his own incompetence.

Here's the other thing. More than one seasoned politician has said that nothing quite prepared them for the weight of holding the office of President. Trump has shown me, at least, that he hasn't learned how to do the job and has never understood what the job was to begin with.

He went into the campaign to increase his brand. I have read too much and seen too much not to believe that was the case with him from the start. Then, he won. Once he got into the White House I believe that he realized how the job could benefit him, his family and ingratiate him to other business types and so he went about the business of doing just that. In other words, he used the office not to improve the lives of the American people, but out of a total sense of self interest.

Does anyone really think that an alleged billionaire whose entire adult life has been devoted to making money so much as gives a sh-it about anything else BUT that? Come on!

If anyone thinks for a single second that this guy is charitable, they need only look at his history which proves the exact opposite is true.

Sorry for the lengthy post. I'm a little wordy today. :-)

Re: Whither Melania?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:24 am
by _Jersey Girl
ajax18 wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:35 am

Given that most Democrats want to see Trump's supporters treated the way Nazis were treated in Germany after WWII, I'm sure many will want to distance themselves from him or flee the country as well. But it shouldn't surprise any of you that when Biden is elected, none of the problems with police brutality, movements to abolish the police, abolish ICE, abolish grades in public school (because in CA they've decided grades are racist). None of that is going away because contrary to popular belief, it really isn't because of Trump. Trump is the response to this politically correct BS.
Now you are just getting on my goddamn nerves so I'm going to respond to the above with this and you can sit there and take it like a man or not. You are without a doubt the whiniest self-pitying helpless person I've ever seen on this forum. You think you get the short end of the stick because...because Democrats, because welfare state, because illegal immigrants, because whatever the hell else to the point where you think the only solution is to build a wall around yourself to protect you and people like you from "the other".

Are you completely out of your mind? I see no evidence of your education in your posts. I see no evidence of your Christianity in your posts. I see no evidence of simple wisdom and know-how in your posts that most adults have developed via life experience and early upbringing by the time they reach a certain age.

You think division is the answer? Are you fu-cking kidding me? Let me take a small example from your own church because why should I, a lowly early childhood professional, bother to discuss sociology, human development or psych with you since whenever I make an attempt you just shut down.

Disaster relief. Does your church not participate in disaster relief? Why do your church members go into other states and countries to lend a hand? Because they have to? Because it's good publicity? Because the Lord directs you to do so? For what purpose does the Lord direct you to give of yourself?

Watch out, I'm gonna probably cuss and preach at the same time. Did the Lord Jesus not heal the sick? Did the Lord Jesus not go into the ghettos of the world to lift people up and encourage his followers to do the same? Did the Lord Jesus not feed the people? Did the Lord Jesus tell us to give no thought for ourselves but to bring the Gospel to the world (using whatever our talents are) and spread the Good news of redemption, forgiveness, and the Biblical fact that God sent his only Son into the world to SAVE it when we did nothing but sin our assess off, and did he fail to show love for the down trodden, the sick, the hungry, the NON BELIEVER or did he show love to all?

If the Lord Jesus can show love to all---then what the hell is wrong with you, Ajax, that you can't model yourself after his example and do your part by being his heart, his hands, his boots on the ground?

What is seriously wrong with you? Can you not synthesize all that you learned about God, about Christ, about the Holy Spirit, about human development, about psych, about soc, and come up with a life application and guiding principles that you try to live out in every aspect of your relationships and time on this earth?

What is all of this about to you? YOU? It's not about you, it's about your place in this world and doing what works for the health and well being of this world and not worry about what toys or jewelry or whatever other material sh-it you can buy for your family, but building up the society that you live in and doing what your God expects you to do, where everyone benefits including you and your family.

My god, I feel like I am talking to a teenager here.

I am NOT attacking you. I am pissed off and frustrated by a man who doesn't seem to see his part in the very situations that he complains about, who fails to see the big picture as they say. Pull your head out, pull out the lens and look at what is going on around you. Is the solution to wall yourself off from everyone else or CONSTRUCT a better community, with shared resources, and provide for a better life course trajectory where all have a shot to contribute?

Do you really think you can cut off a leg of society and the society will still be able to walk? You COMPLETELY fail to see the interdependent nature of this world. You want to create separate "nations", with all sorts of agreements/treaties whatever the hell--bureaucratic entanglements, you want to make a situation even more convoluted and complicated when the simple answer to most everything you bit-ch about is to....


A FOUR year old can see that and you can't?

All of this inner conflict that you deal with doesn't require an outward solution. It requires an INWARD solution on your part and a willingness to change.

You want people to stay out of your county and stay off your property. Let me tell you something, buddy, you wouldn't HAVE a county and you wouldn't HAVE property if they weren't GIVEN to you to start with and it's just a good thing for YOU that the Lord God Almighty didn't tell you THAT about His HEAVEN.


Re: Whither Melania?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:34 am
by _ajax18
You have GOT to be joking.
Read Robert Reich's truth and reconciliation commission or listen to Keith Obermann.

Re: Whither Melania?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:35 am
by _Jersey Girl
ajax18 wrote:
Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:34 am
You have GOT to be joking.
Read Robert Reich's truth and reconciliation commission or listen to Keith Obermann.
Read the Bible.

Re: Whither Melania?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:58 am
by _moksha
ajax18 wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:35 am
Given that most Democrats want to see Trump's supporters treated the way Nazis were treated in Germany after WWII,
You will be able to whistle Dixie and post like normal. Klan rallies and truck mud-pulls will still be held. :biggrin: