Impeachment hearings

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_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

I don't really care if the Bidens are investigated by a legitimate department of the federal government for any perceived wrongdoing. I have zero issues with it, especially since I don't like Biden very much as a Democrat nominee, and never really saw him as a viable candidate. The fact that Trumplestiltskin and his band of merry idiots thought him so threatening is hilarious.

- Doc
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _MissTish »

Markk wrote:
There are other reasons the aid was withheld other than the alleged personal reasons of Trump.

What were the other reasons?
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _moksha »

MissTish wrote:The attacks coming his way will be vicious.

The Sinclair Broadcast Group has already begun to run Romney attack pieces.
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _aussieguy55 »

Now that you Americans have made him King would you like him to do. Bow before him you fools. The King is naked with his lies and false statements about the economy and his denial about putting pressure on Ukraine. It took the boy from Utah to see how naked the king is in character and policy.
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _EAllusion »

Morley wrote:
He may be counting on being the leader in the moderate swing that a Republican Party reevaluation might require, post-Donald.

Besides, I think he'd still like to be president. If he could ever get the nomination again, he knows he would need to appeal to some on the left.

He's also going to need to appeal to people on the right. It's possible to imagine a future world in which Trump is discredited even among conservatives and being a courageous voice standing up to him is an advantage. The parallel would be in how our culture went from cancelling the Dixie Chicks for opposing the Iraq War to support of the Iraq War being a political albatross.

But while I can imagine that world, it seems much more likely that it'll just be bad for Republicans in at least the medium term to have shown disloyalty to Trump. Potentially political suicide.

Trump's major enemies are also developing a habit of getting investigated by federal law enforcement and having foreign despots aligned with Trump harass them.

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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _Morley »

EAllusion wrote:Make no mistake, Romney took a risk to do what is right.

I agree. I hope it works out for him.
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _subgenius »

EAllusion wrote:..
Make no mistake, Romney took a risk to do what is right.

good thing Mitt has no ties to Ukraine.
And once again, we see your imaginary witness of current events. Are their boys scaring girls in the quad today?
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _honorentheos »

Markk wrote:
honorentheos wrote:Markk the charges were dismissed against the President of Burisma prior to Biden delivering the demand the corrupt PG be removed. You know, because he wasn't doing his job like prosecuting the president of Burisma. Read your own damn sources at a minimum.

Why and who pushed to get them dismissed, keep reading? Why did a former Obama dept of justice lawyer push for the dismissal of a dirty corrupt Ukrainian businessman? Did a mention Obama and Biden gave these folks billions of our dollars? Even is half or part of all this is true it is well worth the investigation.

As far as the prosecutor, he was upset the charges were dismissed, and wanted to push further, and that is when Joe, on tape, admitted to a Quid pro quo. Again, his son with no experience recieved 83K a month for nothing, along with his buddy that had met with Joe in the white house at the time all this was going on. Do a google search on Zlochevsky, why was Hunter helping this guy Honor? He fled the country last time I looked, and was living in somewhere like Morocco, Spain.

Schweizer, Peter. Profiles in Corruption (p. 62). Harper. Kindle Edition.

There is a trail that is worthy of investigation, and it is a follow the money trail. Just the fact that the US under Joe, gave the Ukraine Billions, and his son, and people associated with Hunter and Joe, received millions with no experienc, or real practical reason, accept he had connection to the white house, is more than enough for concern.

The Biden's are as dirty as they come, and I can't believe (well I do) that you believe this is somehow worth ignoring. There is so much more on these folks, it is truly unreal how Washington is. ... fell-apart

This is an article from The Guardian from before this became a story in the US. If you read it, I think you'll get a better perspective on what actually happened. Then let's talk.
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _canpakes »

subgenius wrote:Are their boys scaring girls in ...

Their you go again. : )
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Re: Impeachment hearings

Post by _Icarus »

Trump becomes the first President in history to have a Senator from his party vote to have him removed?

Can this be true?
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