Burn, Letecia

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Re: Burn, Letecia

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Adding a small but notable detail from today. Today was the first day throughout the entire trial that the defendant was not only dressed appropriately with hair well groomed, but also wore full make up and...she paid attention the entire time the defense was presenting. She's never done that before.

She was dressed nicely with combed hair for Harley Hunt, but no make up and didn't fully attend.

I don't know if she doesn't realize that she's on camera every day or what, but she sure showed up for the defense today.
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Re: Burn, Letecia

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ETA: I may have misrepresented the hot mic moment. I'm too lazy and burned out on it to go back and review it. Just saying. But Dr. Lewis definitely said what I reported on hot mic.
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Re: Burn, Letecia

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Jersey Girl wrote:
Wed May 03, 2023 1:26 am
ETA: I may have misrepresented the hot mic moment. I'm too lazy and burned out on it to go back and review it. Just saying. But Dr. Lewis definitely said what I reported on hot mic.
Pivot. It seems that the 'they' who lied to Dr. Lewis was actually the defense when they told her (trying to get this right) that the state wouldn't pay for the EEG and MRI (other test) when what actually happened...was the defense itself withdrew the request. :o

I have no blessed idea why that happened and I'm not planning to go chase it down either. So what she was saying was that the defense attorneys lied to her.
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Re: Burn, Letecia

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Day 19

I wasn't available to watch the trial today and I think I'm happy for that. I don't intend to watch the replay tomorrow because when I popped in tonight to just take a peek...it looked like a total mess of all day questioning of Dr. Lewis and watching her evaluation footage with the defendant that I couldn't here and from what I can tell the day turned into complete sht and I'm not up for subjecting myself to that any more than I listened to every phone call between Al Stauch and Stepbutcher.

Anyway...I have found me what appears to be a good summary in the comments section on Scott's channel so going to post that here for what it's worth with attribution to "shamemore01".

RI please explain the first part of the summary with regards to motion to dismiss. I think it's relevant to your previous comment re: reasonable doubt.

The comments regarding Dr. Lewis was something I noticed when I watched yesterday but didn't care about including in my comments here. It all gets to be too much sometimes, just like the calls I mentioned above.

14 minutes ago (edited)
Whew! What a day at the courthouse in El Paso County, CO.
Great broadcast quality once again on this channel to the extent it can be controlled. Video quality superb (as good or better than any other channel) and audio as good as it gets across YouTube channels. Audio quality during video clips and Dr. Lewis testimony today and in this trial is also as good as one can find on YouTube broadcasts, but because of courtroom configurations and technology, less than optimal at some points on all YouTube channels, which can be frustrating to attendees. Chat seemed friendly and well moderated.

As to the summary of trial, then...
Judge Werner appeared on time at 0900 hrs, as has been typical in this proceeding.
Judge Werner commenced proceedings by asking Counsel to approach for bench conference. Judge Werner ruled on a motion from Defense to dismiss the case for Prosecution's lack of establishing that charges may be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Defense motion was denied, and Court recessed for about 10 min waiting for Dr. Lewis.

Dr. Lewis (an M.D.) was finally called to the stand, greeted by Prosecution with "Good morning,how are you", to which she replied to have had food posioning since "last night", -- but "let's continue and see how things go". (She appeared to have fully recovered by lunch break at 11:43am, and displayed no outwardly visible signs of distress until such time.)

Subsequently, Dr. Lewis (SPOILER ALERT: who would turn out to be Defense's second and last witness)continued to seemingly frustrate/test the patience of the Court, the attorneys and likely the jury during continuation of cross examination --by offering circular and non-concise and even what could be interpreted by some as evasive answers. Dr. Lewis also appeared to sometimes produce evidence previously asked about by Prosecution that she had previously denied possessing, and also admitted to losing certain notes and documentation of her visits with Defendant.

Lengthy videos of interviews with the Doctor, Defendant, her attorney AND with her son in the interview room during the sanity evaluation were played. One of the most interesting lines of Prosecution questioning involved how appropriate it is for Defendant's attorney and the Dr. Lewis' grown son (who has no psychiatric or medical credntials, apparently) to be in the room during the sanity evaluation. At first when Prosecution replayed a video clip and asked Dr. Lewis if she recognized the second male (her son) in the interview room, she denied at first recognizing who that person was, and only admitted to his identity after pressed.

The afternoon was exhausting, consisting primarily of video clips of the sanity evaluation/interview by Dr. Lewis, were muffled and difficult to understand, it seems due to courtroom audio set up. This was consistent among all YouTube channels providing the broadcast.During these clips, Defendant is identified as speaking in some form of Russian gibberish and various other voices, seemingly prompted by doctor and attorney questions.
There were several redirect exam questions by Defense, and thenshortly after 5pm, it was time for Jury questions.

At this point, the Judge apparently had not turned the audio/mic back on, and so remote observers missed jury questions and responses from the doctor, the Defendant's decision whether or not to testify, and administrative matters that were discussed during this period. This was apparently a source of great frustration for remote observers across all remote broadcasting channels, according to chatroom dialogue.

It appears the Defendant's decision is to not take the stand in her own defense, and since the Courtroom is dark on Thursdays, we expect jury instructions and closing arguments on Friday, May 5, 2023. Judge Werned instructed attorneys to be present by 0830 hrs.

Tomorrow is no court. Friday...defense expected to rest. That is not official, but that's what word on the youtube streets says.

Grain of salt and godspeed trial followers!
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Re: Burn, Letecia

Post by Res Ipsa »

Jersey Girl,

The defense can always bring a motion to dismiss at the close of the prosecution’s case on the grounds that no reasonable juror could find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Because the prosecution has the burden to prove T is sane beyond a reasonable doubt, the defense brought the same kind of motion.

I wonder if the jury is allowed to consider the fact that T didn’t testify in its deliberations. If she had pleaded not guilty, the jury would have been instructed that it can draw any inferences. But, she’s already admitted to committing the murder, so I’m not sure how that works.
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Re: Burn, Letecia

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Reflections of a trial watcher...

You guys know I love to follow true crime trials. I've written about it enough on this board so you can't miss that interest that I have. I recall (and it could've been on this thread) Cam asked me what exactly my interest was and I shared at least a short list of reasons.

The main reasons that I chose to follow this case is because it involved a child and because in a sense, we lived it right here on the very ground. I wanted to honor Gannon and his family by watching it and lending support from afar. I wanted to know what happened in detail. I knew what happened when the case began and I knew where it finished. I wanted to learn about the things we never knew were going on during the investigation on as members of the general public. I wanted to know what was going on when we were told there was a missing and possibly abducted child, a kidnapper or killer on the loose, to search our properties for a hiding or deceased child, or even for the adult who presumably took him. This area was SO burdened by this case. It was a combination of deep concern, willingness to help in any way possible, and paranoia.

The forensics in this case filled in all the missing pieces.

I may have mentioned in this thread that when I have occasion to drive near or on Hwy 105, I have thought of Gannon being stashed there for the past three years. During my day trip today to Denver, I did just that. I crossed 105 and to the west I know that is where Gannon's body was concealed. I think one day I will go to the exact location and just offer up a prayer as my way of honoring him and closing the book for myself as well.

During a trial I always pray for the those involved in the case and that justice will be served. This time, I've prayed every single day for those things but also for every single person involved in any possible way in the case. Everyone. Even the defendant this time. Even though some of my comments here got snarky, I'm telling you that following this weighed me down every single day because it felt like just. too. much. to process.

I have never seen a case like this in all my life. I thought the O.J. case was bad. That the Casey Anthony case was bad. I thought Jodi Arias was bad. Chris Watts case and Patrick Frazee case...I thought those were bad. But NOTHING hit me like this one did. Partly because it involved a child. And partly because the defendant dragged her heels and jerked around the system (and in turn, the family and the community) for three full years with one thing after another and there didn't appear to be an end in sight. It felt like it was hanging over everyone's head with no resolution on the horizon. Until the actual trial finally began and the true things were even worse than I expected.

I have never seen a trial with such a plethora of evidences. All the aforementioned cases had their forensic evidences for sure. But I think because from the start she persistently jerked around so many people, switched vehicles, zigged and zagged with LE, lied to everyone in sight, and moved Gannon's body around the country, that may be why there is so much data and physical evidence in this case. by the way, you know how the jury gets to go over the evidence during deliberation? In this case, the totality of the evidence takes up a full jury deliberation room. There is something like 1500-2000K pieces of evidence. They have to store the evidence in one room while the jury deliberates in another room and when the jury needs to see evidence, they have to be escorted into that other room each time.

Have never seen a case so weighted in evidence, not one time, not ever. That's a good thing. But it's cumbersome to try to process it all in your head. Each day of trial watching, I felt like my head was spinning and couldn't quite get a grasp on what all happened in just one single day. I got what I was looking for and hopefully the verdict won't take long to come through, but I definitely feel like committing to following this trial was biting off more than I could reasonably chew without being so disturbed by it.

If, for some reason, there is a retrial. I'm not going to following it beyond commentary and updates I see online for my own interest. I don't need to hear every word or any more descriptions of her dark misdeeds. Do I think she is crazy? I think she's got traits of various personality disorders. Do I think she could possibly have DID? Anything is possible. It's a rare diagnosis and one that is difficult to get experts to agree upon because quite frankly, I don't think there are really experts for DID. Not even Dr. Lewis though she may have more experience with it than the other mental health professionals who testified. It's a tough diagnosis to nail down.

I'll see what I can see on Friday when the defense is expected to rest. Unless there is a retrial, justice will be served to one degree or another. Al and Landin will never feel that justice was served. They will grieve their loss and agonize over his passing for the rest of their lives. But inasmuch as this county is able to deliver it, justice will be served.

After that, all I want is for this "person" to burn. I want to know she's locked up in prison or the state hospital in Pueblo which is not a good place and currently critically understaffed leaving the door open to patient/staff abuse and I want her to exist there every stinking day of what's left of her miserable life and burn whenever she thinks about the life she had before she went raging on 11 year old Gannon Stauch and what she could have had on the outside and what she herself has lost. No family. No nice clothes. No driving a car. No getting on a plane. No getting hair and nails done. No nice house. No neighborhood. No career. No gatherings. No cruises. No hiking in the out of doors. No ability to move about and go shopping. No family pets. No freaking nothing. Just sit in her cell and...

Burn, Letecia. Burn.
Last edited by Jersey Girl on Thu May 04, 2023 2:25 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Burn, Letecia

Post by Jersey Girl »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 1:40 am
Jersey Girl,

The defense can always bring a motion to dismiss at the close of the prosecution’s case on the grounds that no reasonable juror could find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Because the prosecution has the burden to prove T is sane beyond a reasonable doubt, the defense brought the same kind of motion.

I wonder if the jury is allowed to consider the fact that T didn’t testify in its deliberations. If she had pleaded not guilty, the jury would have been instructed that it can draw any inferences. But, she’s already admitted to committing the murder, so I’m not sure how that works.
RI I need to think about what you said here about reasonable doubt. My brain is completely fried at the moment on this.

She's not testifying. That much is clear. I guess that what the jury is permitted to consider or not consider will be part of the jury instructions.
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Re: Burn, Letecia

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If T isn’t going to testify and we’ve heard from all the defense experts, I’d wager the defense rests Friday. After that, it depends on what the prosecution wants to do in terms of rebuttal.
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Re: Burn, Letecia

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Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 2:23 am
If T isn’t going to testify and we’ve heard from all the defense experts, I’d wager the defense rests Friday. After that, it depends on what the prosecution wants to do in terms of rebuttal.
That's what it looks like to me. I'm going by some of the comments I read. Towards the end of the stream, Judge Werner forgot to put the sound back on so everyone missed what was happening on Friday. Some of the comments were transferring information from Twitter...perhaps reporters?
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Re: Burn, Letecia

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Another summary in the comments from Scott's channel:
49 minutes ago
💙 My notes from a person who was in court today:
Jury Qs
about how do you know LS not malingering
Did Dr. any tests prove not maling answer NO
when your bellevue hospital opened #DID cases went up Q: have #s gone down since closed hosp? A Dr L: was unknown
my contact feels Jury didn't believe it-all baloney
re. Dr. L's son is hte guy in yellow collared polo shirt behind LS in gallery, but had a jacket dark blue was in the aisle in court and cops were on him
addt'l security called in because they talking too much and bored and forgot decorum and Judge was livid turn phones off and put away and not even take out and was a problem all day
when Judge talked about smoking all courtroom thought him Dr. L's son and looked at/for him
he came late she made it for 1:20start time good
son was not in courtroom when vid showed him in vid/interview (pros asked Dr. L why her son was in interview)
today was out of control in gallery so Judge was mad re. phones press only phones and computers
cannot record in courtroom though even press janae from court tv
audio was horrible in courtroom too LS more bad acting we didn't miss much more yadayada bs and russian was not even russian

Landen ran out of courtroom when LS explaining the stabbing and sounds that G was gasping for air Al stayed in courtroom and Landen started shaking and 5 people escourted her out was horrible
his autopsy photos again shown to get her alt to answer how she made hole in his skull
LS was saying he was making the sound the sound
someone in family told Dr. L that LS asked to be called Maria when a child. third hand hearsay
LS said wasn't sure if kitchen knife or some other knife (not boxcutters) LS said Gannon had the knife and she took from him (may be a lie though)

Jury reactions: overall poker face. 1 lady kept looking at the family. male juror was making faces "like really?"
Judge was done! end of day.left fast.
Did LS say hit G with gun? Dr. asked alter how she put a hole in his head LS said something in reply 4x but no one could understand/not heard/bad audio.

LA-Moderator for channel
ETA: I did hear Judge Werner on hot mic near the close of today asking someone to get another security guy to be positioned standing in the courtroom with a view of the door. Maybe that relates to Landin running out of the courtroom. How freaking horrible is this?
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